
Defines functions cache_epidata_call cache_info disable_cache clear_cache set_cache

Documented in cache_epidata_call cache_info clear_cache disable_cache set_cache

# IMPORTANT DEV NOTE: make sure to @include cache.R in the Roxygen docs of any
# function referencing this environment, so this file is loaded first
cache_environ <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
cache_environ$use_cache <- NULL
cache_environ$epidatr_cache <- NULL

#' Create or renew a cache for this session
#' @aliases set_cache
#' @description
#' By default, epidatr re-requests data from the API on every call of `fetch`.
#'   In case you find yourself repeatedly calling the same data, you can enable
#'   the cache using either this function for a given session, or environmental
#'   variables for a persistent cache.
#' The typical recommended workflow for using the cache is to set the
#'   environmental variables `EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=TRUE` and
#'   `EPIDATR_CACHE_DIRECTORY="/your/directory/here"`in your `.Renviron`, for
#'   example by calling `usethis::edit_r_environ()`.
#' See the parameters below for some more configurables if you're so inclined.
#' `set_cache` (re)defines the cache to use in a particular R session. This does
#'   not clear existing data at any previous location, but instead creates a
#'   handle to the new cache using [cachem](https://cachem.r-lib.org/index.html)
#'   that seamlessly handles caching for you.
#' Say your cache is normally stored in some default directory, but for the
#'   current session you want to save your results in
#'   `~/my/temporary/savedirectory`, then you would call `set_cache(dir =
#'   "~/my/temporary/savedirectory")`.
#' Or if you know the data from 2 days ago is wrong, you could call
#'   `set_cache(days = 1)` to clear older data whenever the cache is referenced.
#' In both cases, these changes would only last for a single session (though the
#'   deleted data would be gone permanently!).
#' An important feature of the caching in this package is that only calls which
#'   specify either `issues` before a certain date, or `as_of` before a certain
#'   date will actually cache. For example the call
#' ```
#' pub_covidcast(
#'   source = "jhu-csse",
#'   signals = "confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop",
#'   geo_type = "state",
#'   time_type = "day",
#'   geo_values = "ca,fl",
#'   time_values = epirange(20200601, 20230801)
#' )
#' ```
#' *won't* cache, since it is possible for the cache to be invalidated by new
#'   releases with no warning. On the other hand, the call
#' ```
#' pub_covidcast(
#'   source = "jhu-csse",
#'   signals = "confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop",
#'   geo_type = "state",
#'   time_type = "day",
#'   geo_values = "ca,fl",
#'   time_values = epirange(20200601, 20230801),
#'   as_of = "2023-08-01"
#' )
#' ```
#' *will* cache, since normal new versions of data can't invalidate it (since
#'   they would be `as_of` a later date). It is still possible that Delphi may
#'   patch such data, but the frequency is on the order of months rather than
#'   days. We are working on creating a public channel to communicate such
#'   updates. While specifying `issues` will usually cache, a call with
#'   `issues="*"` won't cache, since its subject to cache invalidation by normal
#'   versioning.
#' On the backend, the cache uses cachem, with filenames generated using an md5
#'   encoding of the call url. Each file corresponds to a unique epidata-API
#'   call.
#' @examples
#' set_cache(
#'   cache_dir = tempdir(),
#'   days = 14,
#'   max_size = 512,
#'   logfile = "logs.txt"
#' )
#' @param cache_dir the directory in which the cache is stored. By default, this
#'   is `rappdirs::user_cache_dir("R", version = "epidatr")`. The path can be
#'   either relative or absolute. The environmental variable is
#' @param days the maximum length of time in days to keep any particular cached
#'   call. By default this is `1`. The environmental variable is
#' @param max_size the size of the entire cache, in MB, at which to start
#'   pruning entries. By default this is `1024`, or 1GB. The environmental
#'   variable is `EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_MB`.
#' @param logfile where cachem's log of transactions is stored, relative to the
#'   cache directory. By default, it is `"logfile.txt"`. The environmental
#'   variable is `EPIDATR_CACHE_LOGFILE`.
#' @param confirm whether to confirm directory creation. default is `TRUE`;
#'   should only be set in non-interactive scripts
#' @param startup indicates whether the function is being called on
#'   startup. Affects suppressability of the messages. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return [`NULL`] no return value, all effects are stored in the package
#'         environment
#' @seealso [`clear_cache`] to delete the old cache while making a new one,
#'   [`disable_cache`] to disable without deleting, and [`cache_info`]
#' @export
#' @import cachem
#' @import glue
#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo
set_cache <- function(cache_dir = NULL,
                      days = NULL,
                      max_size = NULL,
                      logfile = NULL,
                      confirm = TRUE,
                      startup = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(cache_dir)) {
    cache_dir <- Sys.getenv("EPIDATR_CACHE_DIR", unset = rappdirs::user_cache_dir("R", version = "epidatr"))
  } else if (is.null(cache_dir)) {
    # earlier version, so no tools
    cache_dir <- Sys.getenv("EPIDATR_CACHE_DIR")
    if (cache_dir == "") {
      cli::cli_abort("no valid EPIDATR_CACHE_DIR", class = "epidatr_cache_error")
  if (is.null(days)) {
    days <- Sys.getenv("EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_AGE_DAYS", unset = 1) %>% as.numeric()
  if (is.null(max_size)) {
    max_size <- Sys.getenv("EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_MB", unset = 1024) %>% as.numeric()
  if (is.null(logfile)) {
    logfile <- Sys.getenv("EPIDATR_CACHE_LOGFILE", unset = "logfile.txt")
  stopifnot(is.numeric(days), is.numeric(max_size))
  # make sure that that directory exists and drag the user into that process
  cache_exists <- file.exists(cache_dir)
  cache_usable <- file.access(cache_dir, mode = 6) == 0
  if (!(cache_exists)) {
    if (confirm) {
      user_input <- readline(glue::glue(
        "there is no directory at {cache_dir}; the cache will be turned off until a ",
        "viable directory has been set. Create one? (yes|no(default)) "
      repeat {
        valid_user_input <- ifelse(grepl("yes|no", user_input), sub(".*(yes|no).*", "\\1", user_input), NA)
        if (user_input == "") {
          valid_user_input <- ""
        if (!is.na(valid_user_input)) {
        user_input <- readline(glue::glue(" please answer either yes or no: "))
    } else {
      valid_user_input <- "yes"
    if (valid_user_input == "yes") {
      dir.create(cache_dir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
      cache_exists <- TRUE
      cache_usable <- file.access(cache_dir, mode = 6) == 0

  if (!cache_usable) {
      "The directory at {cache_dir} is not accessible; check permissions and/or use a different ",
      "directory for the cache (see the `set_cache` documentation)."
  } else if (cache_exists) {
    cache_environ$epidatr_cache <- cachem::cache_disk(
      dir = cache_dir,
      max_size = max_size * 1024^2,
      max_age = days * 24 * 60 * 60,
      logfile = file.path(cache_dir, logfile)

    "!" = "epidatr cache is being used (set env var EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=FALSE if not intended).",
    "i" = "The cache directory is {cache_dir}.",
    "i" = "The cache will be cleared after {days} day{ifelse(days>1,'s','')}
           and will be pruned if it exceeds {max_size} MB.",
    "i" = "The log of cache transactions is stored at {file.path(cache_dir, logfile)}."
  ), class = if (startup) "packageStartupMessage" else NULL)

#' Manually reset the cache, deleting all currently saved data and starting afresh
#' @description
#' Deletes the current cache and resets a new cache. Deletes local data! If you
#'   are using a session unique cache, you will have to pass the arguments you
#'   used for `set_cache` earlier, otherwise the system-wide `.Renviron`-based
#'   defaults will be used.
#' @param disable instead of setting a new cache, disable caching entirely;
#'   defaults to `FALSE`
#' @inheritDotParams set_cache
#' @return [`NULL`] no return value, all effects are stored in the package
#'         environment
#' @seealso [`set_cache`] to start a new cache (and general caching info),
#'   [`disable_cache`] to only disable without deleting, and [`cache_info`]
#' @export
#' @import cachem
clear_cache <- function(..., disable = FALSE) {
  if (any(!is.na(cache_environ$epidatr_cache))) {
  if (disable) {
    cache_environ$epidatr_cache <- NULL
  } else {

#' Turn off the caching for this session
#' @description
#' Disable caching until you call `set_cache` or restart R. The files defining
#'   the cache are untouched. If you are looking to disable the caching more
#'   permanently, set `EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=FALSE` as environmental variable in
#'   your `.Renviron`.
#' @return [`NULL`] no return value, all effects are stored in the package
#'         environment
#' @export
#' @seealso [`set_cache`] to start a new cache (and general caching info),
#'   [`clear_cache`] to delete the cache and set a new one, and [`cache_info`]
#' @import cachem
disable_cache <- function() {
  cache_environ$epidatr_cache <- NULL

#' Describe current cache
#' @description
#' Print out the information about the cache (as would be returned by cachem's
#' `info()` method).
#' @return [`list`] containing the info result as created by cachem
#' @seealso [`set_cache`] to start a new cache (and general caching info),
#'   [`clear_cache`] to delete the cache and set a new one, and [`disable_cache`] to
#'   disable without deleting
#' @export
cache_info <- function() {
  if (is.null(cache_environ$epidatr_cache)) {
    return("there is no cache")
  } else {

#' Dispatch caching
#' @description
#' The guts of caching, its interposed between fetch and the specific fetch
#' methods. Internal method only.
#' @param epidata_call the `epidata_call` object
#' @param fetch_args the args list for fetch as generated by [`fetch_args_list()`]
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom openssl md5
cache_epidata_call <- function(epidata_call, fetch_args = fetch_args_list()) {
  is_cachable <- check_is_cachable(epidata_call, fetch_args)
  if (is_cachable) {
    target <- request_url(epidata_call)
    hashed <- md5(target)
    cached <- cache_environ$epidatr_cache$get(hashed)
    as_of_recent <- check_is_recent(epidata_call$params$as_of, 7)
    issues_recent <- check_is_recent(epidata_call$params$issues, 7)
    if (as_of_recent || issues_recent) {
          "Using cached results with `as_of` within the past week (or the future!).
          This will likely result in an invalid cache. Consider",
          "i" = "disabling the cache for this session with `disable_cache` or
          permanently with environmental variable `EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=FALSE`",
          "i" = "setting `EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_AGE_DAYS={Sys.getenv('EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_AGE_DAYS
          ', unset = 1)}` to e.g. `3/24` (3 hours)."
        .frequency = "regularly",
        .frequency_id = "cache timing issues",
        class = "cache_recent_data"
    if (!is.key_missing(cached)) {
          "Loading from the cache at {cache_environ$epidatr_cache$info()$dir};
          see {cache_environ$epidatr_cache$info()$logfile} for more details."
        .frequency = "regularly",
        .frequency_id = "using the cache",
        class = "cache_access"
  # need to actually get the data, since its either not in the cache or we're not caching
  runtime <- system.time(if (epidata_call$only_supports_classic) {
    fetched <- fetch_classic(epidata_call, fetch_args)
  } else {
    fetched <- fetch_tbl(epidata_call, fetch_args)
  # add it to the cache if appropriate
  if (is_cachable) {
    cache_environ$epidatr_cache$set(hashed, list(fetched, Sys.time(), runtime))

Try the epidatr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

epidatr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:15 a.m.