Man pages for erah
Automated Spectral Deconvolution, Alignment, and Metabolite Identification in GC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics

alignCompAlignment of compounds
alignListAlignment list
compInfoInformation of a Compound
createdtCreating Experiment Tables
createInstrumentalTableCreate Instrumental Table
createPhenoTableCreate Phenotype Table
dataListData list
deconvolveCompDeconvolution of compounds in samples
eRah_DB-classClass '"eRah_DB"'
export2CEFExport spectra to CEF
export2MSPExport spectra to MSP
findCompFind a compound
identifyCompIdentification of compounds
idListIdentification list
importGMDImport MSP files from GMD to R
importMSPImport MSP files to R
MetaboSet-classClass '"MetaboSet"'
mslibMassBank Spectral Library
newExpNew Experiment
plotAlignPlotting chromatographic profile with and without alignment
plotChrPlotting sample chromatogram
plotProfilePlotting chromatographic profile
plotSpectraPlotting Spectra
RawDataParameters-classClass '"RawDataParameters"'
recMissCompMissing compound recovery
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sampleInfoInformation of the samples
setAlParSet Alignment Parameters
setDecParSet Software Parameters
show-MetaboSet-methodShow MetaboSet object
showRTRICurveShow RT-RI curve
erah documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:01 a.m.