
Defines functions demean_fes clean_model_data

# library(estimatr)
# f <- function(w) {
#   dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y = rnorm(10))
#   lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, w = w)
# }
# f(NULL)
# f(1:10)

# Internal method to process data
#' @importFrom rlang f_rhs %||%
clean_model_data <- function(data, datargs, estimator = "") {

  # if data exists, evaluate it
  data <- if (quo_is_missing(data)) NULL else eval_tidy(data)

  if (getOption("estimatr.debug.clean_model_data", FALSE)) browser()

  mfargs <- Filter(Negate(quo_is_missing), datargs)

  m_formula <- eval_tidy(mfargs[["formula"]])
  m_formula_env <- environment(m_formula)

  stopifnot("`formula` argument must be a formula"=inherits(m_formula, "formula"))

  # From this point on we never use the environment of anything
  # in mfargs as we always evaluate in `data` explicitly
  # Therefore we can just change it to a list that can take
  # expressions without environments attached to them
  mfargs <- as.list(mfargs)

  args_ignored <- c("fixed_effects", "se_type")
  # For each ... that would go to model.fram .default, early eval,
  # save to formula env, and point to it
  # subset is also non-standard eval
  to_process <- setdiff(
      setdiff(names(formals(stats::model.frame.default)), "subset"),

  for (da in to_process) {
    name <- sprintf(".__%s%%%d__", da, sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1))
    m_formula_env[[name]] <- eval_tidy(mfargs[[da]], data = data)
    mfargs[[da]] <- sym(name)

  if ("fixed_effects" %in% names(mfargs)) {
    name <- sprintf(".__fixed_effects%%%d__", sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1))
    m_formula_env[[name]] <- sapply(
        data = data,
        na.action = NULL
      FUN = as.factor
    mfargs[["fixed_effects"]] <- sym(name)

  condition_pr <- NULL
  if ("condition_pr" %in% names(mfargs) &&
      length(eval(mfargs[["condition_pr"]], m_formula_env)) == 1) {
    condition_pr <- eval(mfargs[["condition_pr"]], m_formula_env)
    mfargs[["condition_pr"]] <- NULL

  mfargs[["formula"]] <- Formula::as.Formula(m_formula)

  # Get model frame
  mf <- eval_tidy(quo((stats::model.frame)(
    data = data,
    na.action = na.omit_detailed.data.frame,
    drop.unused.levels = TRUE

    na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
    why_omit <- attr(na.action, "why_omit")

    # Warn if missingness in ancillary variables
    missing_warning <- c(
      "Some observations have missingness in the %s variable(s) but not in ",
      "the outcome or covariates. These observations have been dropped."

    to_check_if_missing <- c(
      "cluster", "condition_pr", "block", "weights", "fixed_effects"

    for (x in to_check_if_missing) {
      if (!is.null(why_omit[[sprintf("(%s)", x)]])) {
        warning(sprintf(missing_warning, x))

  if (!is.null(attr(terms(mf), "Formula_without_dot"))) {
    formula <- attr(terms(mf), "Formula_without_dot")
  } else {
    formula <- eval_tidy(mfargs[["formula"]]) # unwrap quosure => a formula

  ret <- list(
    outcome = model.response(mf, type = "numeric"),
    design_matrix = model.matrix(terms(formula, rhs = 1), data = mf),
    formula = formula

  if (estimator == "iv") {
    if (length(formula)[2] != 2) {
        "Must specify a `formula` with both regressors and instruments. For ",
        "example, `formula = y ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + z2` where x1 and x2 are the ",
        "regressors and z1 and z2 are the instruments.\n\nSee ?iv_robust."
    ret[["instrument_matrix"]] <- model.matrix(terms(formula, rhs = 2), data = mf)
    ret[["terms_regressors"]] <- terms(formula, rhs = 1)
  } else if (estimator %in% c("ht", "dim")) {
    ret[["original_treatment"]] <- mf[, colnames(mf) == all.vars(terms(mf)[[3]])[1]]

  ret[["weights"]] <- model.extract(mf, "weights")
  if (any(ret[["weights"]] < 0)) {
    stop("`weights` must not be negative")

  ret[["cluster"]] <- model.extract(mf, "cluster")
  if (!(class(ret[["cluster"]]) %in% c("factor", "integer")) &&
      !is.null(ret[["cluster"]])) {
    ret[["cluster"]] <- as.factor(ret[["cluster"]])

  ret[["block"]] <- model.extract(mf, "block")

  ret[["condition_pr"]] <- if (is.numeric(condition_pr))
    rep(condition_pr, nrow(ret[["design_matrix"]]))
    model.extract(mf, "condition_pr")

  ret[["fixed_effects"]] <- model.extract(mf, "fixed_effects")
  # If there is NA in the blocks and only one block, returns vector not matrix
  # so coerce to matrix
  if (is.character(ret[["fixed_effects"]])) {
    ret[["fixed_effects"]] <- as.matrix(ret[["fixed_effects"]])

  if (any(ret[["condition_pr"]] <= 0 | ret[["condition_pr"]] > 1)) {
      "`condition_prs` must be a vector of positive values no greater than 1"

  ret[["terms"]] <- attr(mf, "terms")
  dcs <- attr(ret[["terms"]], "dataClasses")
  # Clobber auxiliary variables in dataClasses for margins
  drop_vars <- c("(fixed_effects)", "(condition_pr)", "(block)", "(cluster)")
  attr(ret[["terms"]], "dataClasses") <- dcs[setdiff(names(dcs), drop_vars)]
  ret[["xlevels"]] <- .getXlevels(ret[["terms"]], mf)
  if (is.character(ret[["fixed_effects"]])) {
    ret[["felevels"]] <- lapply(as.data.frame(ret[["fixed_effects"]]), unique)


demean_fes <- function(model_data) {
  fe.ints <- apply(model_data[["fixed_effects"]], 2, function(x) match(x, unique(x)))

  eps <- 1e-8
  weights <- model_data[["weights"]] %||% rep(1, nrow(model_data[["design_matrix"]]))
  has_int <- attr(model_data$terms, "intercept")

  demeaned <- list()

  # save names
  demeaned[["outcome"]] <- demeanMat2(as.matrix(model_data[["outcome"]]), fe.ints, weights, 0, eps)
  dimnames(demeaned[["outcome"]]) <- dimnames(model_data[["outcome"]])
  model_data[["outcome"]] <- demeaned[["outcome"]]

  demeaned[["design_matrix"]] <- demeanMat2(model_data[["design_matrix"]], fe.ints, weights, has_int, eps)
  new_names <- dimnames(model_data[["design_matrix"]])
  new_names[[2]] <- new_names[[2]][new_names[[2]] != "(Intercept)"]
  dimnames(demeaned[["design_matrix"]]) <- new_names
  model_data[["design_matrix"]] <- demeaned[["design_matrix"]]

  if (is.numeric(model_data[["instrument_matrix"]])) {
    demeaned[["instrument_matrix"]] <- demeanMat2(model_data[["instrument_matrix"]], fe.ints, weights, has_int, eps)
    model_data[["instrument_matrix"]] <- demeaned[["instrument_matrix"]]

  model_data[["fe_levels"]] <- apply(fe.ints, 2, max) - 1


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estimatr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:23 a.m.