
Defines functions timeupdate.etasclass

Documented in timeupdate.etasclass

#' @title timeupdate.etasclass
#' @alias timeupdate.etasclass
#' Title time update for etasclass objects
#' @description New in version 2.2. A time updating of an etasclass objects: a very experimental version that can be used only on etasclass objects obtained from etasflp versions 2.2 or newer. 
#' @details It is a beta version. 
#' A new ETAS model is fitted to a previous object of class etasclass with a new catalog which must be a catalog which extends the previous one on a wider time window, that is a catalog with new observations.  
#' As a default a new quick execution is made, with one quick iteration for parameter updating and an iteration for background density estimation.
#' @param object an etasclass object  obtained from \code{etasFLP} versions 2.2 or newer that will be updated for a new time window with new events.
#' @param params.estimation logical. if \code{TRUE} parameters will be  estimated again even if quickly, with few optimizations steps. Elsewhere ETAS estimates of input object will be mantained
#' @param ... optional arguments that will override the corresponding arguments in \code{object}, possibly including a new catalog input or a new \code{tmax}
#' @return a new \code{etasclass} object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{update.etasclass}}
#' @examples
timeupdate.etasclass <-
    function(object,params.estimation=FALSE, ...)   {
      if (!inherits(object,"etasclass"))stop("argument must be an etasclass object")
        arg.input       <-strsplit(arg.list,",")[[1]]
        call1           <-deparse(match.call(),width.cutoff=500)
        arg.dots        <-strsplit(call1,",",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]     
        name.obj        <-strsplit(arg.dots[1],split="(",fixed=TRUE )[[1]][2]
        nn              <-strsplit(name.obj,"=")[[1]]
        name.obj        <-trimws(nn)[length(nn)]
        name.obj        <-substr(name.obj,1,nchar(name.obj)-1)
        n               <-length(arg.dots)
        arg.dots[n]     <-substr(arg.dots[n],1,nchar(arg.dots[n])-1)
        arg.dots        <-trimws(arg.dots[-1])
            expr.par    <-arg.dots[1]
            eval(parse(text=expr.par))        ##############
            arg.dots    <-arg.dots[-1]
                n       <-n-1
            n            <-n-1
            name.dots    <-trimws(matrix(unlist(strsplit(arg.dots,"=")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))[,1]
            name.input   <-trimws(matrix(unlist(strsplit(arg.input,"=")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))[,1]
            ind          <-numeric(0)
            for (i in 1:n)    ind<-c(ind,which(name.input==name.dots[i]))
            arg.input[ind] <-arg.dots
        if(params.estimation) params.warn=" with quick reestimation of ETAS parameters " else params.warn=" without  reestimation of ETAS parameters " 
        arg.input    <-c(arg.input,paste("description= 'Time updating of ",name.obj," of date ",as.character(Sys.time()),params.warn," '"))
        e1           <-paste(arg.input,collapse=",")
        if (params.estimation){
            expr1        <-paste(e1,",params.ind=object$params.ind)",sep="")
            expr1        <-paste(e1,",params.ind=c(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))",sep="")
        expr1        <-paste("updated.object=etasclass",expr1,sep="(")
        eval(parse(text=expr1))        ##############
        if(!params.estimation) updated.object$sqm[1:7]=object$sqm[1:7]

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etasFLP documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:06 p.m.