
Defines functions smart_upload etl_load.default etl_load

Documented in etl_load etl_load.default smart_upload

#' @rdname etl_create
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cars <- etl("mtcars")
#' # Do it step-by-step
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_extract() %>%
#'   etl_transform() %>%
#'   etl_load()
#' # Note the somewhat imprecise data types for the columns. These are the default.
#' tbl(cars, "mtcars")
#' # But you can also specify your own schema if you want
#' schema <- system.file("sql", "init.sqlite", package = "etl")
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_init(schema) %>%
#'   etl_load()

etl_load <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("etl_load")

#' @rdname etl_create
#' @export

etl_load.default <- function(obj, ...) {
  smart_upload(obj, ...)

#' Upload a list of files to the DB
#' @param obj An \code{\link{etl}} object
#' @param src a list of CSV files to upload. If \code{NULL}, will return all
#' CSVs in the load directory
#' @param tablenames a list the same length as \code{src} of tablenames in the
#' database corresponding to each of the files in \code{src}. If \code{NULL},
#' will default to the same name as \code{src}, without paths or file extensions.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[DBI]{dbWriteTable}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require(RMySQL)) {
#'   # must have pre-existing database "fec"
#'   # if not, try
#'   system("mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS fec;'")
#'   db <- src_mysql_cnf(dbname = "mtcars")
#' }
#' }
smart_upload <- function(obj, src = NULL, tablenames = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(src)) {
    src <- list.files(attr(obj, "load_dir"), pattern = "\\.csv", full.names = TRUE)
  if (is.null(tablenames)) {
    tablenames <- basename(src) %>%
      gsub("\\.csv", "", x = .)
  if (length(src) != length(tablenames)) {
    warning("src and tablenames must be of the same length")
  message(paste("Loading", length(src), "file(s) into the database..."))

  # write the tables directly to the DB
  mapply(DBI::dbWriteTable, name = tablenames, value = src,
         MoreArgs = list(conn = obj$con, append = TRUE, ... = ...))


#' Initialize a database using a defined schema
#' @param script either a vector of SQL commands to be executed, or
#' a file path as a character vector containing an SQL initialization script.
#' If \code{NULL} (the default), then the appropriate built-in
#' schema will be fetched by \code{\link{find_schema}}, if it exists. Note
#' that the flavor of SQL in this file must match the type of the source. That is,
#' if your object is of type \code{\link[dplyr]{src_mysql}}, then make sure that
#' the schema you specify here is written in MySQL (and not PostgreSQL). Please
#' note that SQL syntax is not, in general, completely portable. Use with caution, as this may
#' clobber any existing data you have in an existing database.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cars <- etl("mtcars")
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_init()
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_init(script = sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mtcars_alt (id INTEGER);"))
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_init(schema_name = "init")
#' init_script <- find_schema(cars, schema_name = "init")
#' cars %>%
#'   etl_init(script = init_script, echo = TRUE)
#' src_tbls(cars)

etl_init <- function(obj, script = NULL, schema_name = "init",
                     pkg = attr(obj, "pkg"),
                     ext = NULL, ...) UseMethod("etl_init")

#' @rdname etl_init
#' @export
etl_init.default <- function(obj, script = NULL, schema_name = "init",
                             pkg = attr(obj, "pkg"), ext = NULL, ...) {
  obj <- verify_con(obj)

  if (is.character(script)) {
    schema <- script
  } else {
    schema <- find_schema(obj, schema_name, pkg, ext)
    if (is.null(schema)) {
  if (methods::is(obj$con, "DBIConnection")) {
    dbRunScript(obj$con, schema, ...)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid connection to database.")

#' @rdname etl_init
#' @details If the table definitions are at all non-trivial,
#' you may wish to include a pre-defined table schema. This function
#' will retrieve it.
#' @param obj An \code{\link{etl}} object
#' @param schema_name The name of the schema. Default is \code{init}.
#' @param pkg The package defining the schema. Should be set in \code{\link{etl}}.
#' @param ext The file extension used for the SQL schema file. If NULL (the default) it
#' be inferred from the \code{src_*} class of \code{con}. For example, if \code{con}
#' has class \code{\link[RSQLite]{SQLite}} then \code{ext} will be \code{sqlite}.
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cars <- etl("mtcars")
#' find_schema(cars)
#' find_schema(cars, "init", "etl")
#' find_schema(cars, "my_crazy_schema", "etl")
find_schema <- function(obj, schema_name = "init",
                        pkg = attr(obj, "pkg"), ext = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(ext)) {
    ext <- db_type(obj)
  sql <- file.path("sql", paste0(schema_name, ".", ext))
  file <- system.file(sql, package = pkg, mustWork = FALSE)
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    message("Could not find schema initialization script")

Try the etl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

etl documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 1:08 a.m.