Man pages for eurostat
Tools for Eurostat Open Data

add_nuts_levelAdd the statistical aggregation level to data frame
check_access_to_dataCheck access to
clean_eurostat_cacheClean Eurostat Cache
convert_time_colTime Column Conversions for data from new dissemination API
cut_to_classesCuts the Values Column into Classes and Polishes the Labels
dic_orderOrder of Variable Levels from Eurostat Dictionary.
eu_countriesCountries and Country Codes
eurostat-defunctDefunct functions in eurostat
eurostat_geodata_60_2016Geospatial data of Europe from GISCO in 1:60 million scale...
eurostat-packageR Tools for Eurostat open data
eurotime2dateDate Conversion from New Eurostat Time Format
eurotime2numConversion of Eurostat Time Format to Numeric
fixity_checksumCalculate a fixity checksum for an object
get_bibentryCreate A Data Bibliography
get_eurostatGet Eurostat Data
get_eurostat_dicDownload Eurostat Dictionary
get_eurostat_folderGet all datasets in a folder
get_eurostat_geospatialDownload Geospatial Data from GISCO
get_eurostat_interactiveGet Eurostat data interactive
get_eurostat_jsonGet Data from Eurostat API in JSON
get_eurostat_rawDownload Data from Eurostat Dissemination API
get_eurostat_tocDownload Table of Contents of Eurostat Data Sets
harmonize_country_codeHarmonize Country Code
harmonize_geo_codeHarmonize NUTS region codes that changed with the 'NUTS2016'...
label_eurostatGet Eurostat Codes for data downloaded from new dissemination...
list_eurostat_cache_itemsOutput cache information as data.frame
recode_to_nuts_2013Recode geo labels and rename regions from NUTS2016 to...
recode_to_nuts_2016Recode geo labels and rename regions from NUTS2013 to...
reexportsRecode Region Codes From Source To Target NUTS Typology
search_eurostatGrep Datasets Titles from Eurostat
set_eurostat_cache_dirSet Eurostat Cache
set_eurostat_tocSet Eurostat TOC
tgs00026Auxiliary Data
tidy_eurostatTransform Data into Row-Column-Value Format
toc_count_childrenCount number of children
toc_count_whitespaceCount white space at the start of the title
toc_determine_hierarchyDetermine level in hierarchy
toc_list_childrenList children
eurostat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:27 a.m.