tidy_eurostat: Transform Data into Row-Column-Value Format

View source: R/tidy_eurostat.R

tidy_eurostatR Documentation

Transform Data into Row-Column-Value Format


Transform raw Eurostat data table downloaded from the API into a tidy row-column-value format (RCV).


  time_format = "date",
  select_time = NULL,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  keepFlags = FALSE,
  use.data.table = FALSE



a data_frame from get_eurostat_raw().


a string giving a type of the conversion of the time column from the eurostat format. The default argument "date" converts to a Date() class with the date being the first day of the period. A "date_last" argument converts the dataset date to a Date() class object with the difference that the exact date is the last date of the period. Period can be year, semester (half year), quarter, month, or week (See eurotime2date() for more information). Argument "num" converts the date into a numeric (integer) meaning that the first day of the year 2000 is close to 2000.01 and the last day of the year is close to 2000.99 (see eurotime2num() for more information). Using the argument "raw" preserves the dates as they were in the original Eurostat data.


a character symbol for a time frequency or NULL, which is used by default as most datasets have just one time frequency. For datasets with multiple time frequencies, select one or more of the desired frequencies with: "Y" (or "A") = annual, "S" = semi-annual / semester, "Q" = quarterly, "M" = monthly, "W" = weekly. For all frequencies in same data frame time_format = "raw" should be used.


if TRUE (the default) variables are converted to factors in the original Eurostat order. If FALSE they are returned as strings.


a logical whether the flags (e.g. "confidential", "provisional") should be kept in a separate column or if they can be removed. Default is FALSE. For flag values see: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database/information. Also possible non-real zero "0n" is indicated in flags column. Flags are not available for eurostat API, so keepFlags can not be used with a filters.


Use faster data.table functions? Default is FALSE. On Windows requires that RTools is installed.


tibble in the melted format with the last column 'values'.


Przemyslaw Biecek, Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari and Pyry Kantanen


See citation("eurostat"):

Kindly cite the eurostat R package as follows:

  Lahti L., Huovari J., Kainu M., and Biecek P. (2017). Retrieval and
  analysis of Eurostat open data with the eurostat package. The R
  Journal 9(1), pp. 385-392. doi: 10.32614/RJ-2017-019

  Lahti, L., Huovari J., Kainu M., Biecek P., Hernangomez D., Antal D.,
  and Kantanen P. (2023). eurostat: Tools for Eurostat Open Data
  [Computer software]. R package version 4.0.0.

To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set

When citing data downloaded from Eurostat, see section "Citing Eurostat data" in get_eurostat() documentation.

See Also

get_eurostat(), convert_time_col(), eurotime2date()


## Not run: 
# Example of a dataset with multiple time series
  time_format = "date_last",
  cache = F

## End(Not run)

eurostat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:27 a.m.