get_eurostat_json: Get Data from Eurostat API in JSON

View source: R/get_eurostat_json.R

get_eurostat_jsonR Documentation

Get Data from Eurostat API in JSON


Retrieve data from Eurostat API in JSON format.


  filters = NULL,
  type = "code",
  lang = "EN",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,



A code name for the dataset of interested. See the table of contents of eurostat datasets for more details.


A named list of filters. Names of list objects are Eurostat variable codes and values are vectors of observation codes. If NULL (default) the whole dataset is returned. See details for more on filters and limitations per query.


A type of variables, "code" (default), "label" or "both". The parameter "both" will return a data_frame with named vectors, labels as values and codes as names.


A language used for metadata. Default is EN, other options are FR and DE.


if FALSE (the default) the variables are returned as characters. If TRUE the variables are converted to factors in original Eurostat order.


Arguments passed on to httr::GET


the url of the page to retrieve


Additional configuration settings such as http authentication (authenticate()), additional headers (add_headers()), cookies (set_cookies()) etc. See config() for full details and list of helpers.


The handle to use with this request. If not supplied, will be retrieved and reused from the handle_pool() based on the scheme, hostname and port of the url. By default httr requests to the same scheme/host/port combo. This substantially reduces connection time, and ensures that cookies are maintained over multiple requests to the same host. See handle_pool() for more details.


Data to retrieve from The Eurostat Web Services can be specified with filters. Normally, it is better to use JSON query through get_eurostat(), than to use get_eurostat_json() directly.

Queries are limited to 50 sub-indicators at a time. A time can be filtered with fixed "time" filter or with "sinceTimePeriod" and "lastTimePeriod" filters. A sinceTimePeriod = 2000 returns observations from 2000 to a last available. A lastTimePeriod = 10 returns a 10 last observations.

To use a proxy to connect, a httr::use_proxy() can be passed to httr::GET(). For example get_eurostat_json(id, filters, config = httr::use_proxy(url, port, username, password)).


A dataset as an object of data.frame class.


Przemyslaw Biecek, Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari Markus Kainu and Pyry Kantanen


See citation("eurostat"):

# Kindly cite the eurostat R package as follows:
#   (C) Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu, Przemyslaw Biecek.
#   Retrieval and analysis of Eurostat open data with the eurostat
#   package. R Journal 9(1):385-392, 2017. doi: 10.32614/RJ-2017-019
#   Package URL: Article URL:
# A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#   @Article{,
#     title = {Retrieval and Analysis of Eurostat Open Data with the eurostat Package},
#     author = {Leo Lahti and Janne Huovari and Markus Kainu and Przemyslaw Biecek},
#     journal = {The R Journal},
#     volume = {9},
#     number = {1},
#     pages = {385--392},
#     year = {2017},
#     doi = {10.32614/RJ-2017-019},
#     url = {},
#   }

See Also


Eurostat Data Browser online help: API Statistics - data query:

Eurostat Data Browser online help: migrating from JSON web service to API Statistics:


## Not run: 
# Generally speaking these queries would be done through get_eurostat
tmp <- get_eurostat_json("nama_10_gdp")
yy <- get_eurostat_json("nama_10_gdp", filters = list(
  geo = c("FI", "SE", "EU28"),
  time = c(2015:2023),
  lang = "FR",
  na_item = "B1GQ",
  unit = "CLV_I10"

# TIME_PERIOD filter works also with the new JSON API
yy2 <- get_eurostat_json("nama_10_gdp", filters = list(
   geo = c("FI", "SE", "EU28"),
   TIME_PERIOD = c(2015:2023),
   lang = "FR",
   na_item = "B1GQ",
   unit = "CLV_I10"
# An example from get_eurostat
dd <- get_eurostat("nama_10_gdp",
  filters = list(
  geo = "FI",
  na_item = "B1GQ",
  unit = "CLV_I10"

## End(Not run)

eurostat documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:39 p.m.