get_eurostat_geospatial: Download Geospatial Data from GISCO

View source: R/get_eurostat_geospatial.R

get_eurostat_geospatialR Documentation

Download Geospatial Data from GISCO


Downloads either a simple features (sf), SpatialPolygonDataFrame or a data_frame preprocessed using broom::tidy().


  output_class = "sf",
  resolution = "60",
  nuts_level = "all",
  year = "2016",
  cache = TRUE,
  update_cache = FALSE,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  crs = "4326",
  make_valid = FALSE



A string. Class of object returned, either sf simple features, df (data_frame) or spdf (SpatialPolygonDataFrame)


Resolution of the geospatial data. One of

  • "60" (1:60million),

  • "20" (1:20million)

  • "10" (1:10million)

  • "03" (1:3million) or

  • "01" (1:1million).


Level of NUTS classification of the geospatial data. One of "0", "1", "2", "3" or "all" (mimics the original behaviour)


NUTS release year. One of "2003", "2006", "2010", "2013", "2016" or "2021"


a logical whether to do caching. Default is TRUE. Affects only queries from the bulk download facility.


a logical whether to update cache. Can be set also with options(eurostat_update = TRUE)


a path to a cache directory. The directory have to exist. The NULL (default) uses and creates 'eurostat' directory in the temporary directory from tempdir(). Directory can also be set with option eurostat_cache_dir.


projection of the map: 4-digit EPSG code. One of:

  • "4326" - WGS84

  • "3035" - ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA

  • "3857" - Pseudo-Mercator


logical; ensure that valid (multi-)polygon features are returned if output_class="sf", see Details. Current default FALSE, will be changed in the future.


The data source URL is The source provides feature collections as line strings (GeoJSON format), not as (multi-)polygons which, in some cases, yields invalid self-intersecting (multi-)polygon geometries (for some years/resolutions). This can cause problems, e.g., when using these geometries as input argument to sf::st_interpolate_aw(). make_valid = TRUE makes sure that only valid (multi-)polygons are returned, example included below.

The objects downloaded from GISCO should contain all or some of the following variable columns:

  • id: JSON id code, the same as NUTS_ID. See NUTS_ID below for further clarification.

  • LEVL_CODE: NUTS level code: 0 (national level), 1 (major socio-economic regions), 2 (basic regions for the application of regional policies) or 3 (small regions).

  • NUTS_ID: NUTS ID code, consisting of country code and numbers (1 for NUTS 1, 2 for NUTS 2 and 3 for NUTS 3)

  • CNTR_CODE: Country code: two-letter ISO code (ISO 3166 alpha-2), except in the case of Greece (EL).

  • NAME_LATN: NUTS name in local language, transliterated to Latin script

  • NUTS_NAME: NUTS name in local language, in local script.

  • MOUNT_TYPE: Mountain typology for NUTS 3 regions.

    • 1: "where more than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic mountain areas"

    • 2: "in which more than 50 % of the regional population lives in topographic mountain areas"

    • 3: "where more than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic mountain areas and where more than 50 % of the regional population lives in these mountain areas"

    • 4: non-mountain region / other region

    • 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 and non-EU countries)

  • URBN_TYPE: Urban-rural typology for NUTS 3 regions.

    • 1: predominantly urban region

    • 2: intermediate region

    • 3: predominantly rural region

    • 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 regions)

  • COAST_TYPE: Coastal typology for NUTS 3 regions.

    • 1: coastal (on coast)

    • 2: coastal (>= 50% of population living within 50km of the coastline)

    • 3: non-coastal region

    • 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 regions)

  • FID: Same as NUTS_ID.

  • geometry: geospatial information.

  • geo: Same as NUTS_ID, added for for easier joins with dplyr. However, it is recommended to use other identical fields for this purpose.


a sf, data_frame or SpatialPolygonDataFrame.


Markus Kainu


Data source: Eurostat

© EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries

Data downloaded from:


The following copyright notice is provided for end user convenience. Please check up-to-date copyright information from the eurostat website: GISCO: Geographical information and maps - Administrative units/statistical units

"In addition to the general copyright and licence policy applicable to the whole Eurostat website, the following specific provisions apply to the datasets you are downloading. The download and usage of these data is subject to the acceptance of the following clauses:

  1. The Commission agrees to grant the non-exclusive and not transferable right to use and process the Eurostat/GISCO geographical data downloaded from this page (the "data").

  2. The permission to use the data is granted on condition that:

    1. the data will not be used for commercial purposes;

    2. the source will be acknowledged. A copyright notice, as specified below, will have to be visible on any printed or electronic publication using the data downloaded from this page.

Copyright notice

When data downloaded from this page is used in any printed or electronic publication, in addition to any other provisions applicable to the whole Eurostat website, data source will have to be acknowledged in the legend of the map and in the introductory page of the publication with the following copyright notice:

EN: © EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries

FR: © EuroGeographics pour les limites administratives

DE: © EuroGeographics bezüglich der Verwaltungsgrenzen

For publications in languages other than English, French or German, the translation of the copyright notice in the language of the publication shall be used.

If you intend to use the data commercially, please contact EuroGeographics for information regarding their licence agreements."

See Also

Other geospatial: eurostat_geodata_60_2016


sf <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  output_class = "sf",
  resolution = "60",
  nuts_level = "all"
df <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  output_class = "df",
  resolution = "20",
  nuts_level = "0"

## Not run: 
spdf <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  output_class = "spdf",
  resolution = "10",
  nuts_level = "3"

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Minimal example to demonstrate reason/effect of 'make_valid = TRUE'
# Spatial data set; rectangle spanning the entire globe with a constant value of 1L.
# Requires the R package sf.
d <- c(-180, -90, -180, 90, 180, 90, 180, -90, -180, -90)
poly <- st_polygon(list(matrix(d, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
data <- st_sf(data.frame(geom = st_sfc(poly), data = 1L),
  crs = st_crs(4326)

# Causing an error: Self-intersection of some points of the geometry
NUTS2_A <- get_eurostat_geospatial("sf", 60,
  nuts_level = 2, year = 2013,
  crs = 4326, make_valid = FALSE
res <- tryCatch(st_interpolate_aw(data, NUTS2_A, extensive = FALSE),
  error = function(e) e

# Resolving the problem using
# make_valid = TRUE. 'extensive = FALSE' returns
# average over each area, thus resulting in a
# constant value of 1 for each geometry in NUTS2_B.
NUTS2_B <- get_eurostat_geospatial("sf", 60,
  nuts_level = 2, year = 2013,
  crs = 4326, make_valid = TRUE
res <- st_interpolate_aw(data, NUTS2_B, extensive = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

eurostat documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:39 p.m.