get_eurostat_interactive: Get Eurostat data interactive

View source: R/get_eurostat.R

get_eurostat_interactiveR Documentation

Get Eurostat data interactive


A simple interactive helper function to go through the steps of downloading and/or finding suitable eurostat datasets.


get_eurostat_interactive(code = NULL)



A unique identifier / code for the dataset of interest. If code is not known search_eurostat() function can be used to search Eurostat table of contents.


This function is intended to enable easy exploration of different eurostat package functionalities and functions. In order to not drown the end user in endless menus this function does not allow for setting all possible get_eurostat() function arguments. It is possible to set time_format, type, lang, stringsAsFactors, keepFlags, and in the interactive menus.

In some datasets setting these parameters may result in a "Error in label_eurostat" error, for example: "labels for XXXXXX includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary". In these cases, and with other more complex queries, please use get_eurostat() function directly.

See Also


eurostat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:27 a.m.