#' @title Get Eurostat Data
#' @description
#' Download data sets from Eurostat \url{}
#' @param id
#' A unique identifier / code for the dataset of interest. If code is not
#' known [search_eurostat()] function can be used to search Eurostat table
#' of contents.
#' @param filters
#' A named list of filters. Names of list objects are Eurostat
#' variable codes and values are vectors of observation codes. If `NULL`
#' (default) the whole dataset is returned. See details for more information
#' on filters and limitations per query.
#' @param time_format
#' a string giving a type of the conversion of the time column from the
#' eurostat format. The default argument "`date`" converts to a [Date()] class
#' with the date being the first day of the period. A "`date_last`" argument
#' converts the dataset date to a [Date()] class object with the difference
#' that the exact date is the last date of the period. Period can be year,
#' semester (half year), quarter, month, or week (See [eurotime2date()] for
#' more information).
#' Argument "`num`" converts the date into a numeric (integer) meaning that
#' the first day of the year 2000 is close to 2000.01 and the last day of the
#' year is close to 2000.99 (see [eurotime2num()] for more information).
#' Using the argument "`raw`" preserves the dates as they were in the original
#' Eurostat data.
#' @param type
#' A type of variables, "`code`" (default), "`label`" or "`both`".
#' The parameter "`both`" will return a data_frame with named vectors,
#' labels as values and codes as names.
#' @param select_time
#' a character symbol for a time frequency or `NULL`,
#' which is used by default as most datasets have just one time
#' frequency. For datasets with multiple time
#' frequencies, select one or more of the desired frequencies with:
#' "Y" (or "A") = annual, "S" = semi-annual / semester, "Q" = quarterly,
#' "M" = monthly, "W" = weekly. For all frequencies in same data
#' frame `time_format = "raw"` should be used.
#' @param lang 2-letter language code, default is "`en`" (English), other
#' options are "`fr`" (French) and "`de`" (German). Used for labeling datasets.
#' @param cache
#' a logical whether to do caching. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param update_cache
#' a logical whether to update cache. Can be set also with
#' `options(eurostat_update = TRUE)`
#' @param cache_dir
#' a path to a cache directory. `NULL` (default) uses and creates
#' 'eurostat' directory in the temporary directory defined by base R
#' [tempdir()] function. The user can set the cache directory to an existing
#' directory by using this argument. The cache directory can also be set with
#' [set_eurostat_cache_dir()] function.
#' @param compress_file
#' a logical whether to compress the RDS-file in caching. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param stringsAsFactors
#' if `TRUE` (the default) variables are converted to factors in the original
#' Eurostat order. If `FALSE` they are returned as strings.
#' @param keepFlags
#' a logical whether the flags (e.g. "confidential",
#' "provisional") should be kept in a separate column or if they
#' can be removed. Default is `FALSE`. For flag values see:
#' <>.
#' Also possible non-real zero "0n" is indicated in flags column.
#' Flags are not available for eurostat API, so `keepFlags`
#' can not be used with a `filters`.
#' @param Use faster data.table functions? Default is FALSE.
#' On Windows requires that RTools is installed.
#' @inheritDotParams get_eurostat_json
#' @inherit eurostat-package references
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Eurostat: Copyright notice and free re-use of data
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Filtering datasets
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Citing Eurostat data
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Disclaimer: Availability of filtering functionalities
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Strategies for handling large datasets more efficiently
#' @author
#' Przemyslaw Biecek, Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu and Pyry Kantanen
#' @details
#' Datasets are downloaded from
#' [the Eurostat SDMX 2.1 API](
#' in TSV format or from The Eurostat
#' [API Statistics JSON API](
#' If only the table `id` is given, the whole table is downloaded from the
#' SDMX API. If any `filters` are given JSON API is used instead.
#' The bulk download facility is the fastest method to download whole datasets.
#' It is also often the only way as the JSON API has limitation of maximum
#' 50 sub-indicators at time and whole datasets usually exceeds that. Also,
#' it seems that multi frequency datasets can only be retrieved via
#' bulk download facility and the `select_time` is not available for
#' JSON API method.
#' If your connection is through a proxy, you may have to set proxy parameters
#' to use JSON API, see [get_eurostat_json()].
#' By default datasets are cached to reduce load on Eurostat services and
#' because some datasets can be quite large.
#' Cache files are stored in a temporary directory by default or in
#' a named directory (See [set_eurostat_cache_dir()]).
#' The cache can be emptied with [clean_eurostat_cache()].
#' The `id`, a code, for the dataset can be searched with
#' the [search_eurostat()] or from the Eurostat database
#' <>. The Eurostat
#' database gives codes in the Data Navigation Tree after every dataset
#' in parenthesis.
#' @return
#' a tibble.
#' One column for each dimension in the data, the time column for a time
#' dimension and the values column for numerical values. Eurostat data does
#' not include all missing values and a treatment of missing values depend
#' on source. In bulk download facility missing values are dropped if all
#' dimensions are missing on particular time. In JSON API missing values are
#' dropped only if all dimensions are missing on all times. The data from
#' bulk download facility can be completed for example with [tidyr::complete()].
#' @seealso
#' [search_eurostat()], [label_eurostat()]
#' @examplesIf check_access_to_data()
#' \dontrun{
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc", time_format = "num")
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc", update_cache = TRUE)
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc",
#' cache_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "r_cache")
#' )
#' options(eurostat_update = TRUE)
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' options(eurostat_update = FALSE)
#' set_eurostat_cache_dir(file.path(tempdir(), "r_cache2"))
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc")
#' k <- get_eurostat("nama_10_lp_ulc", cache = FALSE)
#' k <- get_eurostat("avia_gonc", select_time = "Y", cache = FALSE)
#' dd <- get_eurostat("nama_10_gdp",
#' filters = list(
#' geo = "FI",
#' na_item = "B1GQ",
#' unit = "CLV_I10"
#' )
#' )
#' # A dataset with multiple time series in one
#' dd2 <- get_eurostat("AVIA_GOR_ME",
#' select_time = c("A", "M", "Q"),
#' time_format = "date_last"
#' )
#' # An example of downloading whole dataset from JSON API
#' dd3 <- get_eurostat("AVIA_GOR_ME",
#' filters = list()
#' )
#' # Filtering a dataset from a local file
#' dd3_filter <- get_eurostat("AVIA_GOR_ME",
#' filters = list(
#' tra_meas = "FRM_BRD"
#' )
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON fromJSON
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom rlang !! sym
#' @export
get_eurostat <- function(id,
time_format = "date",
filters = NULL,
type = "code",
select_time = NULL,
lang = "en",
cache = TRUE,
update_cache = FALSE,
cache_dir = NULL,
compress_file = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
keepFlags = FALSE, = FALSE,
...) {
# Check if you have access to
# If dataset is cached, access to is not needed
# Therefore this is a warning, not a stop
if (!check_access_to_data()) {
# nocov start
warning("You have no access to
Please check your connection and/or review your proxy settings")
# nocov end
# For better code clarity, use only NULL in code
if (is.character(filters) && identical(tolower(filters), "none")) {
filters <- NULL
} else if (is.character(filters) && !identical(tolower(filters), "null")) {
message("Non-standard filters argument. Using argument 'filters = NULL'")
filters <- NULL
# Inform user with message if keepFlags == TRUE cannot be delivered
if (keepFlags && !is.null(filters)) {
message("The keepFlags argument of the get_eurostat function
can be used only without filters. No Flags returned.")
keepFlags <- FALSE
# Sanity check
type <- tolower(type)
time_format <- tolower(time_format)
lang <- check_lang(lang)
if (cache) {
# check option for update
update_cache <- update_cache | getOption("eurostat_update", FALSE)
# get cache directory
cache_dir <- eur_helper_cachedir(cache_dir)
cache_list <- file.path(
# cache file connection
cache_list_conn <- file(cache_list, "a")
# Sort filters alphabetically ####
# Subsetting with NULL turns list("") (List of 1) to list() (List of 0)
# This needs to be looked into, even if it's useful, it's unexpected
# if structure below prevents subsetting when names(filters) is NULL
if (!is.null(names(filters))) {
filters <- filters[sort(names(filters), decreasing = FALSE)]
# Sort items inside each individual filter to alphabetical order
for (i in seq_along(filters)) {
if (length(filters[i]) > 1) {
filters[i] <- sort(filters[i])
# Turn query into lists with predefined order
# Order is defined by the order of arguments in function documentation
query <- list(
id = id,
time_format = time_format,
filters = filters,
type = type,
select_time = select_time,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
keepFlags = keepFlags,
source = ifelse(is.null(filters), "bulk", "json"),
download_date = Sys.Date()
if (is.null(filters)) {
query_unfiltered <- list(
id = id,
time_format = time_format,
filters = NULL,
type = type,
select_time = select_time,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
keepFlags = keepFlags,
source = "bulk",
download_date = Sys.Date()
} else {
# This is to make it possible to filter local dataset
# The only way to return a whole dataset from JSON API is to use
# empty list with filters argument
query_unfiltered <- list(
id = id,
time_format = time_format,
filters = list(),
type = type,
select_time = select_time,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
keepFlags = keepFlags,
source = "json",
download_date = Sys.Date()
query_hash <- digest::digest(query, algo = "md5")
query_hash_unfiltered <- digest::digest(query_unfiltered, algo = "md5")
names(query) <- digest::digest(query, algo = "md5")
cache_list_current <- readLines(cache_list)
if (any(grepl(query_hash, cache_list_current))) {
# Check if the same query has already been made
message("Dataset query already saved in cache_list.json...")
} else if (!any(grepl(query_hash, cache_list_current))) {
# If query was not made, append cache_list with new json query
if (length(cache_list_current) == 0) {
# close previous connection with mode "a"
cache_list_conn <- file(cache_list, "w")
json_query <- jsonlite::toJSON(
pretty = TRUE,
null = "null"
writeLines(text = json_query,
con = cache_list_conn,
sep = "\n")
} else if (length(cache_list_current) != 0) {
# read previously saved queries and save them
cache_list_history <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cache_list)
# close previous connection with mode "a"
# open a new connection with mode "w" that wipes the file
cache_list_conn <- file(cache_list, "w")
cache_list_history_and_query <- c(cache_list_history, query)
json_query <- jsonlite::toJSON(
pretty = TRUE,
null = "null"
text = paste0(json_query),
con = cache_list_conn,
sep = "\n"
# If query_hash and query_hash_unfiltered are not identical
# it means that it makes sense to see if a superset of the data exists
data_superset_exists <- FALSE
# Re-read cache_list file if there were any changes
cache_list_current <- readLines(cache_list)
if (!identical(query_hash, query_hash_unfiltered) &&
any(grepl(query_hash_unfiltered, cache_list_current))) {
message("Dataset query not in cache_list.json but the whole dataset is")
data_superset_exists <- TRUE
# cache filename
cache_file <- file.path(
# bulk cache filename
cache_file_bulk <- file.path(
# Download always files from server if any of the following is TRUE
# cache = FALSE
# -> no caching, always downloading
# update_cache = TRUE
# -> want to update a cache -> redownload
# suitable cache_file AND cache_file_bulk do not exist
# -> no cache files -> no reading from cache -> download
if (!cache || update_cache ||
(!file.exists(cache_file) && !file.exists(cache_file_bulk))) {
if (is.list(filters)) {
# If filters value is some type of a list
# -> Download from Eurostat Web Service (replaces "JSON API")
y <- get_eurostat_json(
y$time <- convert_time_col(factor(y$time), time_format = time_format)
} else if (is.null(filters)) {
# If filters value is NULL
# -> Download from SDMX 2.1 REST API (replaces old "Bulk download")
y <- try(get_eurostat_raw(id, =, silent = TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(y)) {
stop(paste("get_eurostat_raw fails with the id", id))
# If download from SDMX 2.1 REST API is successful
# -> tidy the dataset with tidy_eurostat function
y <- tidy_eurostat(
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
keepFlags = keepFlags, =
if (identical(type, "code")) {
# do nothing
# y <- y
} else if (identical(type, "label")) {
y <- label_eurostat(y, lang)
} else if (identical(type, "both")) {
stop(paste("type = \"both\" can be only used with JSON API.",
"Set filters argument"))
} else {
stop("Invalid type.")
} else if (file.exists(cache_file_bulk) && data_superset_exists) {
# Somewhat redundant as data_superset_exists checks cache_list.json
# which lists files downloaded and saved to cache but maybe in some
# situations the cached file could go missing? Not very likely though
message(paste("Reading cache file", cache_file_bulk, "and filtering it"))
y <- readRDS(cache_file_bulk)
for (i in seq_along(filters)) {
y <- dplyr::filter(y,
!!rlang::sym(names(filters)[i]) == filters[i])
# y <- y_raw
} else if (file.exists(cache_file)) {
cf <- path.expand(cache_file)
message(paste("Reading cache file", cf))
y <- readRDS(cache_file)
message(paste("Table ", id, " read from cache file: ", cf))
# if update_cache = TRUE or cache file does not yet exist
# -> save cache file to cache directory
if (cache && (update_cache || !file.exists(cache_file))) {
saveRDS(y, file = cache_file, compress = compress_file)
message("Table ", id, " cached at ", path.expand(cache_file))
#' @title Get all datasets in a folder
#' @description
#' Loops over all files in a Eurostat database folder, downloads the data and
#' assigns the datasets to environment.
#' @details
#' The datasets are assigned into .EurostatEnv by default, using dataset codes
#' as object names. The datasets are downloaded from SDMX API as TSV files,
#' meaning that they are returned without filtering. No filters can be
#' provided using this function.
#' Please do not attempt to download too many datasets or the whole database
#' at once. The number of datasets that can be downloaded at once is hardcoded
#' to 20. The function also asks the user for confirmation if the number of
#' datasets in a folder is more than 10. This is by design to discourage
#' straining Eurostat API.
#' @param code Folder code from Eurostat Table of Contents.
#' @param env Name of the environment where downloaded datasets are assigned.
#' Default is .EurostatEnv. If NULL, datasets are returned as a list object.
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Data source: Eurostat Table of Contents
#' @inheritSection eurostat-package Data source: Eurostat SDMX 2.1 Dissemination API
#' @author Pyry Kantanen
#' @inherit set_eurostat_toc seealso
#' @importFrom stringr str_glue
#' @importFrom utils menu
#' @export
get_eurostat_folder <- function(code, env = .EurostatEnv) {
# Limit after which the function prompts the user whether they really want
# to proceed
soft_limit <- 10
# Limit that cannot be crossed with this function
hard_limit <- 20
toc <- get_eurostat_toc()
if (toc[["type"]][which(toc[["code"]] == code)] != "folder") {
warning("The code you provided is not a folder.")
children <- toc_list_children(code)
# Filter out potential subfolders
children <- children[which(children$type %in% c("dataset", "table")), ]
if (nrow(children) == 0) {
warning("The folder code you provided did not have any items.")
if (nrow(children) > hard_limit) {
"The number of datasets in folder ({nrow(children)}) is too large. ",
"Please use some other method for retrieving datasets."
if (nrow(children) > soft_limit) {
title_msg <- stringr::str_glue(
"The number of items in the folder is more than {soft_limit}. ",
"Do you wish to proceed?")
switch(menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = title_msg) + 1,
cat("Nothing done\n"),
message("Proceeding to download datasets in folder..."),
if (!is.null(env)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(children))) {
dataset <- get_eurostat(children$code[i], cache = TRUE)
assign(children$code[i], dataset, envir = env)
"Dataset {i} / {nrow(children)} assigned to environment\n\n")
} else {
list_of_datasets <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(children))) {
dataset <- get_eurostat(children$code[i], cache = TRUE)
list_of_datasets[[i]] <- dataset
# names(list_of_datasets[i]) <- children$code[i]
"Dataset {i} / {nrow(children)} assigned to a list\n\n")
names(list_of_datasets) <- children[["code"]]
#' @title Get Eurostat data interactive
#' @description
#' A simple interactive helper function to go through the steps of downloading
#' and/or finding suitable eurostat datasets.
#' @details
#' This function is intended to enable easy exploration of different eurostat
#' package functionalities and functions. In order to not drown the end user
#' in endless menus this function does not allow for setting
#' all possible [get_eurostat()] function arguments. It is possible to set
#' `time_format`, `type`, `lang`, `stringsAsFactors`, `keepFlags`, and
#' `` in the interactive menus.
#' In some datasets setting these parameters may result in a
#' "Error in label_eurostat" error, for example:
#' "labels for XXXXXX includes duplicated labels in the Eurostat dictionary".
#' In these cases, and with other more complex queries, please
#' use [get_eurostat()] function directly.
#' @param code
#' A unique identifier / code for the dataset of interest. If code is not
#' known [search_eurostat()] function can be used to search Eurostat table
#' of contents.
#' @seealso [get_eurostat()]
#' @importFrom stringr str_glue
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
get_eurostat_interactive <- function(code = NULL) {
# Interactive function, not feasible to test
# nocov start
lang_selection <- switch(
menu(c("English", "French", "German"), title = "Select language") + 1,
if (is.null(code)) {
search_term <- readline(prompt = "Enter search term for data: ")
results <- search_eurostat(pattern = search_term, lang = lang_selection)
code_and_title <- paste0("[", results$code, "] ", results$title)
if (nrow(results) > 0) {
choice <- menu(choices = code_and_title, title = "Which dataset would you like to download?")
if (choice == 0) {
# message("Nothing done\n")
} else {
stop(paste("No data found with given search term:", search_term))
code <- results$code[choice]
download_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Yes", "No"),
title = "Download the dataset?") + 1,
# Set manual_selection to FALSE here to make it possible to print code
# for downloading dataset later
manual_selection <- FALSE
if (download_selection) {
manual_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Default", "Manually selected"),
title = "Would you like to use default download arguments or set them manually?") + 1,
if (manual_selection) {
time_format_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Convert to date, first day of the period (2000-04-01) (default)",
"Convert to date, last day of the period (2000-06-30)",
"Convert to numeric (2000.25)",
"Use raw data (2000-Q2)")) + 1,
type_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Return categorical variables as short codes (default)",
"Return categorical variables in labeled (long) format"),
title = "Note: The option 'both' is supported only when using the JSON API.") + 1,
stringsAsFactors_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Return categorical data as characters (default)",
"Convert categorical data into factors"),
title = "Converting text data into factors may help reduce time used in data processing, reduce RAM usage and cache file size") + 1,
keepFlags_selection <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Do not return flags, just remove them (default)",
"Return flags in separate column")) + 1,
) <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Do not use data.table functions (default",
"Use data.table functions"),
title = "Using data.table functions may help reduce time used in data processing and reduce RAM usage. It is advisable especially when dealing with large datasets.") + 1,
eurostat_data <- tryCatch({
get_eurostat(id = code,
time_format = time_format_selection,
type = type_selection,
lang = lang_selection,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors_selection,
keepFlags = keepFlags_selection, =
}, error=function(error_message) {
message("\nEncountered the following error message while attempting to modify the downloaded data:\n")
message("\nUsing default options for downloading data...\n")
# Use scoping assignment here to influence code print below
time_format_selection <<- "date"
type_selection <<- "code"
lang_selection <<- lang_selection
stringsAsFactors_selection <<- FALSE
keepFlags_selection <<- FALSE <<- FALSE
get_eurostat(id = code,
time_format = time_format_selection,
type = type_selection,
lang = lang_selection,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors_selection,
keepFlags = keepFlags_selection, =
} else if (!manual_selection) {
eurostat_data <- get_eurostat(id = code)
tempfile_for_sinking <- tempfile()
# eurostat_data <- get_eurostat(id = code)
print_citation <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Yes", "No"),
title = "Print dataset citation?") + 1,
if (print_citation) {
citation <- get_bibentry(code, lang = lang_selection)
capture.output(cat("##### DATASET CITATION:\n\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(print(citation), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(cat("\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
print_code <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Yes", "No"),
title = "Print code for downloading dataset?") + 1,
if (print_code == TRUE && manual_selection == TRUE) {
capture.output(cat("##### DOWNLOAD PARAMETERS:\n\n"))
capture.output(print(stringr::str_glue(paste0("get_eurostat(id = '{code}', time_format = '{time_format_selection}', ",
"type = '{type_selection}', lang = '{lang_selection}', ",
"stringsAsFactors = {stringsAsFactors_selection}, ",
"keepFlags = {keepFlags_selection}, ",
" = {})"))), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
} else if (print_code == TRUE && manual_selection == FALSE) {
capture.output(cat("##### DOWNLOAD PARAMETERS:\n\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(print(stringr::str_glue("get_eurostat(id = '{code}')")), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(cat("\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
if (exists("eurostat_data")) {
print_code <- switch(
menu(choices = c("Yes", "No"),
title = "Print dataset fixity checksum?") + 1,
if (print_code) {
capture.output(cat("##### FIXITY CHECKSUM:\n\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(print(stringr::str_glue("Fixity checksum (md5) for dataset {code}: {eurostat:::fixity_checksum(eurostat_data, algorithm = 'md5')}")), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
capture.output(cat("\n"), file = tempfile_for_sinking, append = TRUE)
if (exists("eurostat_data")) {
cat(readLines(tempfile_for_sinking), sep = "\n")
} else {
cat(readLines(tempfile_for_sinking), sep = "\n")
# nocov end
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