
Defines functions dev.reset besttemplate get.slide.size selrows gg_color_hue clip captureplot data.frame2 tidy2 xtable2 preview

#' @importFrom grDevices recordPlot dev.cur hcl dev.list dev.off
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @import xml2

# function to preview HTML in RStudio viewer or web browser
preview = function(x){
  htmlFile = tempfile(fileext=".html")
  cat(x, file=htmlFile)
  viewer = getOption("viewer")
  if ((!is.null(viewer)) && is.function(viewer))

# helper function to show p values right aligned with digitspvals sign digits and 
# degrees of freedom columns as right aligned integers
xtable2 = function(x, ndigits = 2, ndigitspvals = 2, trim.pval = 1E-16, ...) {
  sm = xtable(x)
  ncol = ncol(sm)
  digs = rep(ndigits, ncol + 1)
  disp = rep("f", ncol + 1)
  whch = grep("\\QPr(\\E|\\Qp-value\\E|\\Qp value\\E|\\Qpadj\\E|^p$|^padj$|p[.]value", colnames(sm))
  if (length(whch) != 0) {
    for(j in whch){ # Format the pvalues in scientific format
      sm[,j] <- sapply(sm[,j],function(val){
        val <- ifelse(val < trim.pval, 
                      paste0("< ", formatC(trim.pval, format = "e", digits = 0)), 
                      formatC(val, format = "e", digits = ndigitspvals))
  # whch = grep("^Df$|^df$", colnames(sm))
  # if (length(whch) != 0){
  #   digs[whch + 1] = 0
  #   disp[whch + 1] = "d"
  # }
  # digs[c(1,which(!sapply(sm,is.numeric))+1)] <- NA
  # disp[c(1,which(!sapply(sm,is.numeric))+1)] <- "s"
  # for(i in 2:length(digs)){
  #   if(disp[i]=="f") sm[,i-1] <- round(sm[,i-1], digits = digs[i])
  # }
  xtable(sm, digits = digs, display = disp,...)

tidy2 <- function(x, ndigits = 2, ndigitspvals = 2, trim.pval = T, ...) {
  x <- tidy(x)
  ncol = ncol(x)
  digs = rep(ndigits, ncol)
  whch = grep("\\QPr(\\E|\\Qp-value\\E|\\Qp value\\E|\\Qpadj\\E|^p$|^padj$|p[.]value", colnames(x))
  if (length(whch) != 0) { digs[whch] = "pval" }
  whch = grep("^Df$|^df$", colnames(x))
  if (length(whch) != 0){ digs[whch] = 0 }
  digs[!sapply(x,is.numeric)] <- NA
  for(i in 1:length(digs)){
    if(is.numeric(digs[i])) x[,i] <- round(x[,i], digits = digs[i])
      x[,i] <- sapply(x[,i],function(val){
        ifelse(val < 10^-ndigitspvals & trim.pval,
               paste0("<", 10^-ndigitspvals),
               formatC(val, format = "f", digits = ndigitspvals))

data.frame2<- function(x, ndigits = 2, ndigitspvals = 2, trim.pval = T,...) {
  x <- data.frame(x, check.names = F)
  ncol = ncol(x)
  digs = rep(ndigits, ncol)
  whch = grep("\\QPr(\\E|\\Qp-value\\E|\\Qp value\\E|\\Qpadj\\E|^p$|^padj$", colnames(x))
  if (length(whch) != 0) { digs[whch] = "pval" }
  whch = grep("^Df$|^df$", colnames(x))
  if (length(whch) != 0){ digs[whch] = 0 }
  for(i in 1:length(digs)){
    if(is.numeric(digs[i])) x[,i-1] <- round(x[,i-1], digits = digs[i])
      x[,i-1] <- sapply(x[,i-1],function(val){
        ifelse(val < 10^-ndigitspvals & trim.pval,
               paste0("<", 10^-ndigitspvals),
               formatC(val, format = "f", digits = ndigitspvals))

# function to capture currently active plot

captureplot = function() {
  current.device = dev.cur()
  nm = names(current.device)[1L]
  if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from")
  if (dev.cur() == 1) 
    stop("no active graphics device found")
  p = invisible(recordPlot())

# function to clip a value between an allowed range; x can be a single value, a vector or a matrix

clip = function(x, a, b) {(a + (x-a > 0)*(x-a) - (x-b > 0)*(x-b))} 

# function that returns default ggplot colours for n groups

gg_color_hue <- function(n,l=65,c=100) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length=n+1)
  hcl(h=hues, l=l, c=c)[1:n]

# select rows from a dataframe mydata based on a list of selection conditions given 
# in a named list "selection"
# e.g. 
# mydata=data.frame(group1=c(rep("MALE",6),rep("FEMALE",6)),group2=c(rep("TREATED",3),rep("UNTREATED",3)))
# selection=list(group1="MALE",group2="TREATED")
# selrows(mydata,selection)
# 1 2 3
selrows=function(mydata,selection) {
  for (i in 1:length(nms)) { sel[,i]=(mydata[,nms[[i]]]==selection[nms[[i]]][[1]]) }

# Function to extract the slide size of a presentation from an XML (for PPT)
# This is needed when using officer package
get.slide.size <- function(doc, units="in"){
  doc.xml <- doc$presentation$get()
  nodes.xml<- xml_children(doc.xml)
  ind <- which(grepl(sapply(nodes.xml, as.character), pattern = "sldSz"))
  slide.size <- as.numeric(xml_attrs(nodes.xml[[ind]])[1:2])
  fac <- ifelse(units == "cm", 360000, 360000 * 2.54 ) # fac = number of pixels per inch or cm
  slide.size <- slide.size/fac
  names(slide.size) <- c("width", "height")

# for a given graph width, height, page orientation and type
# returns the best suited template
# TO DO: maybe still add additional parameter "pageaspectr" to support A4, 16:9 or 4:3
besttemplate = function(w,h,margins = c(top=1,right=1,bottom=1,left=1),orient="auto",type="PPT") {
  # size of A5 to A1 landscape PPT/DOC templates
  if (type=="PPT" ) { 
    landscA = lapply(landscA,function(x){
  if (type=="DOC") landscA=lapply(landscA,function(x) x-1)[1:3] # allow for 1 inch margins+DOC only supports A5, A4 and A3
  portrA=lapply(landscA,rev) # size of A5 to A1 landscape PPT/DOC templates
  if (orient=="auto") orient=ifelse(w>=h,"landscape","portrait")
  bestpagesize=suppressWarnings(ifelse( orient=="landscape", 
                                        sizes[max( min(which(w<=unlist(lapply(landscA,head,n=1)))), 
                                                                        min(which(h<=unlist(lapply(landscA,tail,n=1)))) )],
                                        sizes[max( min(which(w<=unlist(lapply(portrA,head,n=1)))),
                                                   min(which(h<=unlist(lapply(portrA,tail,n=1)))) )] ))
  if (is.na(bestpagesize)) bestpagesize=min(sizes)

# Function that shuts down the newly opened devices to match a previous setup
# if dev.old is NULL, all devices are clsed
dev.reset <- function(dev.init = NULL) {
  i <- dev.list()[!dev.list() %in% dev.init]
  for (ii in i ) dev.off(ii)

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export documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 5:13 p.m.