
#' The \code{exprso} Package
#' @description
#' Welcome to the \code{exprso} package!
#' The \code{exprso} function imports data into the learning environment.
#' See \code{\link{mod}} to process the data.
#' See \code{\link{split}} to split off a test set.
#' See \code{\link{fs}} to select features.
#' See \code{\link{build}} to build models.
#' See \code{\link{pl}} to build models high-throughput.
#' See \code{\link{pipe}} to process pipelines.
#' See \code{\link{buildEnsemble}} to build ensembles.
#' See \code{\link{exprso-predict}} to deploy models.
#' See \code{\link{conjoin}} to merge objects.
#' @param x A matrix of feature data for all samples. Rows should
#'  contain samples and columns should contain features.
#' @param y A vector of outcomes for all samples. If
#'  \code{class(y) == "character"} or \code{class(y) == "factor"},
#'  \code{exprso} prepares data for binary or multi-class classification.
#'  Else, \code{exprso} prepares data for regression. If \code{y} is a
#'  matrix, the program uses the column in \code{label}.
#' @param label A numeric scalar or character string. The column to
#'  use as the label if \code{y} is a matrix.
#' @param switch A logical scalar. Toggles which class label is
#'  called Control in binary classification.
#' @return An \code{ExprsArray} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(exprso)
#' data(iris)
#' array <- exprso(iris[,1:4], iris[,5])
#' arrays <- splitSample(array, percent.include = 67)
#' array.train <- fsANOVA(arrays[[1]], top = 0)
#' array.train <- fsPrcomp(array.train, top = 3)
#' mach <- buildSVM(array.train, top = 5, kernel = "linear", cost = 1)
#' predict(mach, arrays[[2]])
#' }
#' @export
exprso <- function(x, y, label = 1, switch = FALSE){

  if(length(label) > 1) stop("More than one label specified.")
  array <-
        exprs = t(as.data.frame(x)), annot = as.data.frame(y),
        preFilter = NULL, reductionModel = NULL

  # Prepare ExprsArray object using x and y input
  colnames(array@exprs) <- paste0("x", 1:ncol(array@exprs))
  rownames(array@exprs) <- make.names(rownames(array@exprs), unique = TRUE)
  rownames(array@annot) <- colnames(array@exprs)
  labels <- array@annot[,label]

  # Set sub-class to guide fs and build modules
  if(length(labels) != nrow(x)) stop("Incorrect number of outcomes.")
  if(class(labels) == "logical") stop("Boolean outcomes not supported.")
  if(class(labels) == "character" | class(labels) == "factor"){
    if(length(unique(labels)) == 2){
      print("Preparing data for binary classification.")
      class(array) <- "ExprsBinary"
      print("Converting binary labels to CONTROL / CASE.")
      control <- unique(labels)[as.numeric(switch) + 1]
      print(paste("CONTROL:", control, "(override with 'switch')"))
      array@annot$defineCase <- ifelse(labels == control, "Control", "Case")
      print("Preparing data for multi-class classification.")
      class(array) <- "ExprsMulti"
      array@annot$defineCase <- factor(labels)
    print("Preparing data for regression.")
    class(array) <- "RegrsArray"
    array@annot$defineCase <- labels

  # Remove features with any NA values
    print("Removing features with NA values.")
    noNAs <- apply(array@exprs, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    array@exprs <- array@exprs[noNAs, ]


#' @name mod
#' @rdname mod
#' @title Process Data
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these data process modules:
#' - \code{\link{modHistory}}
#' - \code{\link{modSubset}}
#' - \code{\link{modFilter}}
#' - \code{\link{modTransform}}
#' - \code{\link{modSample}}
#' - \code{\link{modPermute}}
#' - \code{\link{modInclude}}
#' - \code{\link{modNormalize}}
#' - \code{\link{modTMM}}
#' - \code{\link{modAcomp}}
#' - \code{\link{modCLR}}
#' - \code{\link{modRatios}}
#' - \code{\link{modScale}}
#' - \code{\link{modSkew}}

#' @name split
#' @rdname split
#' @title Split Data
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these split modules:
#' - \code{\link{splitSample}}
#' - \code{\link{splitStratify}}
#' - \code{\link{splitBalanced}}
#' - \code{\link{splitBoost}}
#' - \code{\link{splitBy}}

#' @name fs
#' @rdname fs
#' @title Select Features
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these feature selection modules:
#' - \code{\link{fsSample}}
#' - \code{\link{fsNULL}}
#' - \code{\link{fsANOVA}}
#' - \code{\link{fsInclude}}
#' - \code{\link{fsStats}}
#' - \code{\link{fsCor}}
#' - \code{\link{fsPrcomp}}
#' - \code{\link{fsPCA}}
#' - \code{\link{fsRDA}}
#' - \code{\link{fsEbayes}}
#' - \code{\link{fsEdger}}
#' - \code{\link{fsMrmre}}
#' - \code{\link{fsRankProd}}
#' - \code{\link{fsBalance}}
#' @details
#' Considering the high-dimensionality of many datasets, it is prudent and
#'  often necessary to prioritize which features to include during model
#'  construction. This package provides functions for some of the most frequently
#'  used feature selection methods. Each function works as a self-contained wrapper
#'  that (1) pre-processes the \code{ExprsArray} input, (2) performs the feature
#'  selection, and (3) returns an \code{ExprsArray} output with an updated feature
#'  selection history. These histories get passed along at every step of the way
#'  until they eventually get used to pre-process an unlabeled dataset during
#'  model deployment (i.e., prediction).
#' The argument \code{top} specifies either the names or the number of features
#'  to supply TO the feature selection method, not what the user intends to
#'  retrieve FROM the feature selection method. When calling the first feature
#'  selection method (or the first build method, if skipping feature selection),
#'  a numeric \code{top} argument will select a "top ranked" feature set according
#'  to their default order in the \code{ExprsArray} input.

#' @name build
#' @rdname build
#' @title Build Models
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these build modules:
#' - \code{\link{buildNB}}
#' - \code{\link{buildLDA}}
#' - \code{\link{buildSVM}}
#' - \code{\link{buildLM}}
#' - \code{\link{buildGLM}}
#' - \code{\link{buildLR}}
#' - \code{\link{buildLASSO}}
#' - \code{\link{buildANN}}
#' - \code{\link{buildDT}}
#' - \code{\link{buildRF}}
#' - \code{\link{buildFRB}}
#' - \code{\link{buildDNN}}
#' @details
#' In the case of multi-class classification, each \code{build} module can
#'  harness the \code{\link{doMulti}} function to perform "1 vs. all" classifier
#'  construction. In the setting of four class labels, a single \code{build} call
#'  will return four classifiers that work in concert to make a single prediction
#'  of an unlabelled subject. For building multiple classifiers across a vast
#'  parameter space in a high-throughput manner, see \code{\link{pl}}.
#' Like \code{\link{fs}} methods, \code{build} methods have a \code{top} argument
#'  which allows the user to specify which features to feed INTO the model
#'  build. This effectively provides the user with one last opportunity to subset
#'  the feature space based on prior feature selection or dimension reduction.
#'  For all build methods, \code{@@preFilter} and \code{@@reductionModel} will
#'  get passed along to the resultant \code{ExprsModel} object, again ensuring
#'  that any test or validation sets will undergo the same feature selection and
#'  dimension reduction in the appropriate steps when deploying the model.
#'  Set \code{top = 0} to pass all features through a \code{build} method.

#' @name pl
#' @rdname pl
#' @title Deploy Pipeline
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these automated pipeline modules:
#' - \code{\link{plCV}}
#' - \code{\link{plGrid}}
#' - \code{\link{plGridMulti}}
#' - \code{\link{plMonteCarlo}}
#' - \code{\link{plNested}}

#' @name pipe
#' @rdname pipe
#' @title Process Pipelines
#' @description
#' The \code{exprso} package includes these pipeline process modules:
#' - \code{\link{pipeSubset}}
#' - \code{\link{pipeFilter}}
#' - \code{\link{pipeUnboot}}

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exprso documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:11 p.m.