
#' Split by Random Sampling
#' \code{splitSample} builds a training and validation set by randomly sampling
#'  the subjects found within the \code{ExprsArray} object. Note that this method
#'  is not truly random. Instead, \code{splitSample} iterates through the random sampling
#'  process until it settles on a solution such that both the training and validation set
#'  contain at least one subject for each class label. If this method finds no solution
#'  after 10 iterations, the function will post an error. Set \code{percent.include = 100}
#'  to skip random sampling and return a \code{NULL} validation set. Additional arguments
#'  (e.g., \code{replace = TRUE}) passed along to \code{\link{sample}}.
#' @param object An \code{ExprsArray} object to split.
#' @param percent.include Specifies the percent of the total number
#'  of subjects to include in the training set.
#' @param ... For \code{splitSample}: additional arguments passed
#'  along to \code{\link{sample}}. For \code{splitStratify}: additional
#'  arguments passed along to \code{\link{cut}}.
#' @return Returns a list of two \code{ExprsArray} objects.
#' @export
splitSample <- function(object, percent.include = 67, ...){

  classCheck(object, "ExprsArray",
             "This function is applied to the results of ?exprso.")

  if(percent.include < 1 | percent.include > 100){
    stop("Uh oh! Use an inclusion percentage between 1-100!")

  # Return NULL validation set if percent.include = 100
  size <- round((ncol(object@exprs) * percent.include)/100, digits = 0)
  if(size == ncol(object@exprs)){

    warning("splitSample built an empty validation set...\n\n")
      "array.train" = object,
      "array.valid" = NULL)

  # Sample until training and validation sets have one of every class
  # Terminate after 10 iterations if no solution found
  all.in <- FALSE
  counter <- 1

    counter <- counter + 1
    if(counter > 10) stop("splitSample could not find a solution. Check the supplied parameters.")
    random.train <- sample(1:ncol(object@exprs), size = size, ...)
    random.valid <- setdiff(1:ncol(object@exprs), random.train)
    if(class(object) == "RegrsArray"){
      all.in <- TRUE
      if(all(unique(object$defineCase) %in% object$defineCase[random.train]) &
         all(unique(object$defineCase) %in% object$defineCase[random.valid])) all.in <- TRUE

    "array.train" = object[random.train, , drop = FALSE],
    "array.valid" = object[random.valid, , drop = FALSE])

#' Split by Stratified Sampling
#' \code{splitStratify} builds a training and validation set through a stratified
#'  random sampling process. This function utilizes the \code{strata} function from the
#'  sampling package as well as the \code{cut} function from the base package. The latter
#'  function provides a means by which to bin continuous data prior to stratified random
#'  sampling. We refer the user to the parameter descriptions to learn the specifics of
#'  how to apply binning, although the user might find it easier to instead bin
#'  annotations beforehand. When applied to an \code{ExprsMulti} object, this function
#'  stratifies subjects across all classes found in that dataset.
#' @inheritParams splitSample
#' @param colBy Specifies a vector of column names by which to stratify in
#'  addition to class labels annotation. If \code{colBy = NULL}, random
#'  sampling will occur across the class label annotation only.
#'  For \code{splitStratify} only.
#' @param bin A logical vector indicating whether to bin the respective
#'  \code{colBy} column using \code{cut} (e.g., \code{bin = c(FALSE, TRUE)}).
#'  For \code{splitStratify} only.
#' @param breaks A list. Each element of the list should correspond to a
#'  \code{breaks} argument passed to \code{cut} for the respective
#'  \code{colBy} column. Set an element to \code{NA} when not binning
#'  that \code{colBy}. For \code{splitStratify} only.
#' @return Returns a list of two \code{ExprsArray} objects.
#' @export
splitStratify <- function(object, percent.include = 67, colBy = NULL,
                          bin = rep(FALSE, length(colBy)),
                          breaks = rep(list(NA), length(colBy)),

  classCheck(object, c("ExprsBinary", "ExprsMulti"),
             "This feature selection method only works for classification tasks.")

  if(percent.include < 1 | percent.include > 100){
    stop("Uh oh! Use an inclusion percentage between 1-100!")


    # Perform pre-stratification binning
    vals <- lapply(seq_along(bin),

                     # For each colBy argument, bin when appropriate
                     if(bin[i]) return(cut(object@annot[, colBy[i]], breaks = breaks[[i]], ...))
                     if(!bin[i]) return(object@annot[, colBy[i]])

    # Add "defineCase" values to the vals bin list
    vals <- c(list(object@annot[, "defineCase"]), vals)

    # Name vals according to source
    names(vals) <- c("defineCase", colBy)

    # Build a sampling data.frame
    df <- data.frame(vals,
                     row.names = rownames(object@annot),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Order vals
    index <- do.call(order, vals)
    df <- df[index, ]

    # Remove any row with NAs
    index.NAs <- apply(df, 1, function(row) !NA %in% row)
    df <- df[index.NAs, ]

    # cat("\nPre-stratification table:\n")
    # print(table(df))

    # Manipulate order of apply(df) so that size vector matches strata expectations
    sizes <- apply(table(df[, c("defineCase", rev(colBy))]), MARGIN = -1, FUN = min)
    sizes <- round(sizes * percent.include/100)
    sizes <- rep(sizes, length(unique(object$defineCase)))

    # Provide error for anticipated stratum of size 0
    if(0 %in% sizes) stop("This function cannot create a stratum of size 0. Subset first!")

    # Perform stratification with remaining non-NA colBy values (e.g., those introduced by binning)
    s <- sampling::strata(df, stratanames = colnames(df), size = sizes, method = "srswor")
    if(!identical(rownames(s), rownames(df)[s$ID_unit])) stop("Uh oh! DEBUG ERROR: 001")

    # cat("\nWeighted stratification results:\n")
    # print(table(s[, colnames(df)]))


    # Build a sampling data.frame
    df <- data.frame("defineCase" = object@annot$defineCase,
                     row.names = rownames(object@annot),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # cat("\nPre-stratification table:\n")
    # print(table(df))

    # Compute strata sizes
    sizes <- min(table(df))
    sizes <- round(sizes * percent.include/100)
    sizes <- rep(sizes, length(unique(object$defineCase)))

    # Provide error for anticipated stratum of size 0
    if(0 %in% sizes) stop("This function cannot create a stratum of size 0. Subset first!")

    # Stratify
    s <- sampling::strata(df, stratanames = colnames(df), size = sizes, method = "srswor")
    rownames(s) <- rownames(df)[s$ID_unit]

    # cat("\nWeighted stratification results:\n")
    # print(table(s[, colnames(df)]))

    "array.train" = object[rownames(s), , drop = FALSE],
    "array.valid" = object[setdiff(rownames(object@annot), rownames(s)), , drop = FALSE])

#' Split by Balanced Sampling
#' \code{splitBalance} is a wrapper that calls \code{splitStratify}
#'  twice. In the first call, \code{splitStratify} is used to create a
#'  balanced training set from the total data. In the second call,
#'  \code{splitStratify} is used to create a balanced validation set
#'  from the leftover data. This function ensures that there are always
#'  an equal number of samples from each class in the split.
#' @inheritParams splitSample
#' @param ... Arguments passed to both \code{splitStratify} calls.
#' @return Returns a list of two \code{ExprsArray} objects.
#' @export
splitBalanced <- function(object, percent.include = 67, ...){

  sets1 <- splitStratify(object, percent.include = percent.include, ...)
  sets2 <- splitStratify(sets1[[2]], percent.include = 100, ...)

    "array.train" = sets1$array.train,
    "array.valid" = sets2$array.train

#' Sample by Boosting
#' \code{splitBoost} builds a training and validation set by randomly up-sampling
#'  (with replacement) the smaller of two classes. This results in an equal
#'  representation of each class in the training set. For example, given 30 cases and
#'  3 controls, a 2/3 split would place 20 cases and 20 controls in the training set.
#'  Of these 20 controls, only 2 are unique. The test set is not boosted. In this
#'  example, the test set would contain 10 cases and 1 control.
#' @param object An \code{ExprsArray} object to split.
#' @param percent.include Specifies the percent of the total number
#'  of subjects to include in the training set (i.e., based on the larger group).
#'  Subjects from the smaller group are up-sampled to match this number.
#' @export
splitBoost <- function(object, percent.include = 67){

  classCheck(object, c("ExprsBinary"),
             "This feature selection method only works for binary classification tasks.")

  controls <- splitStratify(object[object@annot$defineCase == "Control",])
  cases <- splitStratify(object[object@annot$defineCase == "Case",])

  if(nsamps(trainingSet(controls)) > nsamps(trainingSet(cases))){
    bigger <- trainingSet(controls)
    smaller <- trainingSet(cases)
    smaller <- trainingSet(controls)
    bigger <- trainingSet(cases)

  boost <- sample(sample.int(nsamps(smaller), replace = TRUE, size = nsamps(bigger)))

    "array.train" = conjoin(smaller[boost,], bigger),
    "array.valid" = conjoin(testSet(controls), testSet(cases)))

#' Split by User-defined Group
#' \code{splitBy} builds a training set and validation set by placing
#'  all samples that have the \code{include} annotation in the specified
#'  \code{colBy} column in the training set. The remaining samples get
#'  placed in the validation set. This \code{split} is not random.
#' @inheritParams splitSample
#' @param colBy A character string. Specifies the column used to split the data.
#' @param include A character vector. Specifies which annotations in \code{colBy}
#'  to include in the training set.
#' @return Returns a list of two \code{ExprsArray} objects.
#' @export
splitBy <- function(object, colBy, include){

  classCheck(object, c("ExprsBinary", "ExprsMulti"),
             "This feature selection method only works for classification tasks.")

  array.train <- subset(object, subset = object[, colBy] %in% include)
  array.valid <- subset(object, subset = ! object[, colBy] %in% include)

    "array.train" = array.train,
    "array.valid" = array.valid)

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exprso documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:11 p.m.