BayesFactor <- function(m1, m2, = 499, FUN = "postmode", method = c("laplace", "harmonic"), verbose = FALSE) {
if( !is( m1, "fevd" ) ) stop("BayesFactor: invalid m1 argument.")
if( !is( m2, "fevd" ) ) stop("BayesFactor: invalid m2 argument.")
method <- tolower(method)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(m1$method != "Bayesian") stop("BayesFactor: m1 did not use Bayesian estimation.")
if(m2$method != "Bayesian") stop("BayesFactor: m2 did not use Bayesian estimation.")
if(method == "laplace") {
theta1 <- postmode(m1, =, verbose = verbose)
theta2 <- postmode(m2, =, verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("Grabbing the data sets.\n")
y1 <- datagrabber(m1, = FALSE)
y2 <- datagrabber(m2, = FALSE)
data1 <- datagrabber(m1, response = FALSE)
data2 <- datagrabber(m2, response = FALSE)
des1 <-
des2 <-
np1 <- dim(m1$results)[2] - 1
np2 <- dim(m2$results)[2] - 1
H1 <- try(optimHess(theta1, oevd, gr = grlevd, o = m1, des = des1, x = y1, data = data1, u = m1$threshold,
npy = m1$npy, phi = m1$par.models$log.scale, blocks = m1$blocks), silent = TRUE)
if( is(H1, "try-error" ) ) {
warning("BayesFactor: unable to estimate the Hessian at the posterior mode for m1. Using the covariance of the MCMC sample instead.")
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
Sigma1 <- cov(m1$results[-(, -(np1 + 1)])
} else {
Sigma1 <- cov(m1$results[, -(np1 + 1)])
} # end of if else '' stmts.
} else {
Sigma1 <- try(solve(H1), silent = TRUE)
if( is(Sigma1, "try-error" ) ) {
warning("BayesFactor: unable to find the inverse Hessian at the posterior mode for m1. Using the covariance of the MCMC sample instead.")
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
Sigma1 <- cov(m1$results[-(, -(np1 + 1)])
} else {
Sigma1 <- cov(m1$results[, -(np1 + 1)])
} # end of if else '' stmts.
} # end of if finding the inverse failed for m1 stmts.
} # end of if else 'try error' for m1 stmts
H2 <- try(optimHess(theta2, oevd, gr = grlevd, o = m2, des = des2, x = y2, data = data2, u = m2$threshold,
npy = m2$npy, phi = m2$par.models$log.scale, blocks = m2$blocks), silent = TRUE)
if( is(H2, "try-error" ) ) {
warning("BayesFactor: unable to estimate the Hessian at the posterior mode for m2. Using the covariance of the MCMC sample instead.")
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
Sigma2 <- cov(m2$results[-(, -(np2 + 1)])
} else {
Sigma2 <- cov(m2$results[, -(np2 + 1)])
} # end of if else '' stmts.
} else {
Sigma2 <- try(solve(H2), silent = TRUE)
if( is(Sigma2, "try-error" ) ) {
warning("BayesFactor: unable to find the inverse Hessian at the posterior mode for m2. Using the covariance of the MCMC sample instead.")
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
Sigma2 <- cov(m2$results[-(, -(np2 + 1)])
} else {
Sigma2 <- cov(m2$results[, -(np2 + 1)])
} # end of if else '' stmts.
} # end of if finding the inverse failed for m1 stmts.
} # end of if else 'try error' for m1 stmts
K1 <- try(chol(Sigma1), silent = TRUE)
if( is(K1, "try-error" ) ) det1 <- det(Sigma1)
else det1 <- exp(2 * sum(log(diag(K1)), na.rm = TRUE))
K2 <- try(chol(Sigma2), silent = TRUE)
if( is(K2, "try-error" ) ) det2 <- det(Sigma2)
else det2 <- exp(2 * sum(log(diag(K2)), na.rm = TRUE))
ll1 <- oevd(p = theta1, o = m1, des = des1, x = y1, data = data1, u = m1$threshold,
span = m1$span, npy = m1$npy, phi = m1$par.models$log.scale, blocks = m1$blocks)
ll2 <- oevd(p = theta2, o = m2, des = des2, x = y2, data = data2, u = m2$threshold,
span = m2$span, npy = m2$npy, phi = m2$par.models$log.scale, blocks = m2$blocks)
p1 <-$priorFun, c(list(theta = theta1), m1$priorParams))
p2 <-$priorFun, c(list(theta = theta2), m2$priorParams))
pr1 <- (2 * pi)^(np1 / 2) * sqrt(det1) * ll1 * p1
pr2 <- (2 * pi)^(np2 / 2) * sqrt(det2) * ll2 * p2
} else {
# if(verbose) cat("Grabbing the MCMC samples.\n")
# par1 <- findAllMCMCpars(x = m1, =
# par2 <- findAllMCMCpars(x = m2, =
# if(verbose) cat("Calculating the likelihoods.\n")
# l1 <- apply(par1, 1, lfun, x = m1, data = y1)
# l2 <- apply(par2, 1, lfun, x = m2, data = y2)
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
l1 <- m1$[-(, "loglik"]
l2 <- m2$[-(, "loglik"]
} else {
l1 <- m1$[, "loglik"]
l2 <- m2$[, "loglik"]
pr1 <- 1 / mean(1 / l1, na.rm = TRUE)
pr2 <- 1 / mean(1 / l2, na.rm = TRUE)
} # end of if else 'method' stmts.
dname <- c(deparse(substitute(m1)), " ", deparse(substitute(m2)))
names(dname) <- c("model 1", "model 2")
STATISTIC <- pr1 / pr2
names(STATISTIC) <- "Bayes Factor (B12)"
structure(list(statistic = STATISTIC, method = method, = dname), class = "htest")
} # end of 'BayesFactor' function.
postmode <- function(x, = 499, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
} # end of 'postmode' function.
postmode.fevd <- function(x, = 499, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
if(x$method != "Bayesian") stop("postmode.fevd: invalid estimation method.")
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) {
if(verbose) cat("Removing first ",, " parameter vectors from the MCMC sample.\n")
theta <- x$results[-(,]
pdim <- dim(theta)
N <- pdim[2]
m <- pdim[1]
theta <- theta[,-N]
thnames <- colnames(theta)
if(is.element("log.scale", thnames)) {
theta[ , thnames == "log.scale" ] <- exp(theta[, thnames == "log.scale" ])
thnames[ thnames == "log.scale" ] <- "scale"
colnames(theta) <- thnames
# if(verbose) cat("Obtaining all of the parameter values for each data point.\n")
# par <- findAllMCMCpars(x = x, =
# if(verbose) cat("Grabbing the response data.\n")
# y <- datagrabber(x, = FALSE)
# if(verbose) cat("Finding the log-prior density for each iteration of the chain.\n")
# priorD <- apply(theta, 1, function(p)$priorFun, c(list(theta = p), x$priorParams)))
# if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
# x2 <- x
# if(verbose) cat("Finding log-likelihood for each iteration of the chain.\n")
# res <- apply(par, 1, function(p) return(levd(x = y, threshold = p[4], location = p[1],
# scale = p[2], shape = p[3], type = x2$type, negative = FALSE,
# span = x2$span, npy = x2$npy)))
# res <- res + priorD
# } else {
# # Function to calculate the prior and likelihood
# # for each iteration of the MCMC sample.
# hfun <- function(id, p, x, data, ind, priorD, vb) {
# if(vb && (id %% 100 == 0)) cat(id, " ")
# id2 <- ind == id
# llik <- levd(x = data, threshold = p[id2,"threshold"], location = p[id2, "location"],
# scale = p[id2, "scale"], shape = p[id2, "shape"], type = x$type,
# negative = FALSE, span = x$span, npy = x$npy)
# res <- priorD[id] + llik
# return(res)
# } # end of internal 'hfun' function.
# if(verbose) cat("Finding h = log(likelihood * prior) for each iteration of the chain.\n")
# res <- apply(matrix(1:m, ncol = 1), 2, p = par, x = x, data = y, ind = rep(1:x$n, each = dim(theta)[1]), priorD = priorD, vb = verbose)
# if(verbose) cat("\nFinding the paramters equal to the maximum value of h.\n")
# } # end of if else model is fixed or varies with covariates stmt.
if(! && !is.null( && > 0) res <- x$[-(,"loglik"] + x$[-(,"prior"]
else res <- x$[,"loglik"] + x$[,"prior"]
ind <- res == max(res, na.rm = TRUE)
if(sum(ind) > 1) out <- colMeans(theta[ind, ], na.rm = TRUE)
else if(sum(ind) == 1) out <- theta[ind, ]
else {
warning("postmode.fevd: sorry, something went terribly wrong. Returning NULL.")
out <- NULL
} # end of 'postmode.fevd' function.
findAllMCMCpars <- function(x, = 499, qcov = NULL, ...) {
np <- dim(x$results)[2] - 1
if( > 0) p <- x$results[-(, 1:np]
else p <- x$results[, 1:np]
pnames <- colnames(p)
ni <- dim(p)[1]
if(is.fixedfevd(x)) {
if(!is.element("location", pnames)) loc <- rep(0, ni)
else loc <- p[, "location"]
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) scale <- exp(p[,"log.scale"])
else scale <- p[,"scale"]
if(!is.element("shape", pnames)) shape <- rep(0, ni)
else shape <- p[, "shape"]
if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- rep(0, ni)
else u <- x$threshold
if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u, ni)
} else {
if(!is.null(qcov)) {
nq <- dim(qcov)[1]
# Set up location matrix
if(is.element("location", pnames)) {
loc <- matrix(p[, "location"], ni, nq)
nloc <- 1
} else if(is.element("mu", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nloc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "mu")
loc <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) loc[,i] <- rowSums(p[, 1:nloc, drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, 1:nloc], ni, nloc, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
loc <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
nloc <- 0
} # end of setting up location matrix stmts.
# Set up scale matrix.
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(exp(p[, "log.scale"]), ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("scale", pnames)) {
nsc <- 1
scale <- matrix(p[, "scale"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("sig", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "sig")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
} else if(is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) {
nsc <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 3) == "phi")
scale <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) scale[,i] <- rowSums(p[, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + 1):(nloc + nsc)], ni, nsc, byrow = TRUE))
scale <- exp(scale)
# Set up shape matrix
if(is.element("shape", pnames)) {
nsh <- 1
shape <- matrix(p[, "shape"], ni, nq)
} else if(is.element("xi", substring(pnames, 1, 2))) {
nsh <- sum(substring(pnames, 1, 2) == "xi")
shape <- matrix(NA, ni, nq)
for(i in 1:nq) rowSums(p[, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh), drop = FALSE] * matrix(qcov[i, (nloc + nsc + 1):(nloc + nsc + nsh)],
ni, nsh, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
nsh <- 0
shape <- matrix(0, ni, nq)
u <- matrix(qcov[, "threshold"], ni, nq, byrow = TRUE)
out <- cbind(c(loc), c(scale), c(shape), c(u))
} else {
designs <-
X.loc <- designs$X.loc
if(!is.null(X.loc)) nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
else nloc <- 0 <- designs$
nsc <- ncol( <- designs$
if(!is.null( nsh <- ncol(
else nsh <- 0
# loc <- scale <- shape <- res <- matrix(NA, x$n, ni)
if(is.null(X.loc)) loc <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
if(is.null( shape <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
if(is.null(x$threshold)) u <- matrix(0, x$n, ni)
else u <- matrix(x$threshold, x$n, ni)
parfinder <- function(z, y) {
return(rowSums(t(z * t(y)), na.rm = TRUE))
} # end of internal 'parfinder' function.
if(is.null(X.loc)) loc <- matrix(0, ni, x$n)
else loc <- apply(p[, 1:nloc, drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y = X.loc)
scale <- apply(p[, (nloc+1):(nloc+nsc), drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y =
if(is.element("log.scale", pnames) || is.element("phi", substring(pnames, 1, 3))) scale <- exp(scale)
if(is.null( shape <- matrix(0, ni, x$n)
else shape <- apply(p[, (nloc+nsc+1):np, drop = FALSE], 1, parfinder, y =
} # end of if else 'qcov' stmts.
} # end of if else fixed model stmts.
# out <- list(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape, threshold = u)
out <- cbind(c(loc), c(scale), c(shape), c(u))
colnames(out) <- c("location", "scale", "shape", "threshold")
} # end of 'findAllMCMCpars' function.
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