
context("Time Cluster Analysis")

TOL <- 0.0001
compare_dfs <- function(df1, df2, tol=TOL) {
  res <- matrix(nrow = nrow(df1), ncol = ncol(df1))
  for (i in 1:ncol(df1)) {
    col <- colnames(df1)[i]
    # Replace NAs with 0
    df1[is.na(df1)] <- 0
    df2[is.na(df2)] <- 0
    # check difference between elements
    if (is.numeric(df1[[col]])) {
      res[,i] <- df1[[col]] - df2[[col]]
      if (any(res[,i]>tol)) stop("Failed on column: ", col)
    } else {
      res[,i] <- df1[[col]] == df2[[col]]
      if (any(!res[,i])) stop("Failed on column: ", col)

data <- make_eyetrackingr_data(word_recognition, 
                               participant_column = "ParticipantName",
                               trial_column = "Trial",
                               time_column = "TimeFromTrialOnset",
                               trackloss_column = "TrackLoss",
                               aoi_columns = c('Animate','Inanimate'),
                               treat_non_aoi_looks_as_missing = TRUE

# subset to response window post word-onset
response_window <- subset_by_window(data, 
                                    window_start_time = 15500, 
                                    window_end_time = 21000, 
                                    rezero = FALSE)

# remove trials with > 25% of trackloss
response_window_clean <- clean_by_trackloss(data = response_window, trial_prop_thresh = .25)

# create Target condition column
response_window_clean$Target <- as.factor( ifelse(test = grepl('(Spoon|Bottle)', response_window_clean$Trial), 
                                                  yes = 'Inanimate', 
                                                  no  = 'Animate') )

# Cluster Analysis 1: Vocab LM
response_time_by_ppt <- make_time_sequence_data(response_window_clean, time_bin_size = 100, 
                                         aois = "Animate",
                                         predictor_columns = c("MCDI_Nouns","MCDI_Verbs", "Sex"),
                                         summarize_by = "ParticipantName")
tclust_data_lm <- make_time_cluster_data(data = response_time_by_ppt, predictor_column = "MCDI_Verbs", test = "lm", 
                       threshold = -2, formula = Prop ~  MCDI_Verbs + MCDI_Nouns)

test_that(desc = "The function make_time_cluster_data gives necessary eyetrackingR attributes with lm", code = {
  expect_true( all( c("time_cluster_data", "time_sequence_data", "data.frame") %in% class(tclust_data_lm)) )
  expect_false( is.null( attr(tclust_data_lm,"eyetrackingR") ) )
  expect_equal( ncol(attr(tclust_data_lm, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 5 )
  expect_equal( nrow(attr(tclust_data_lm, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 1 )

tclust_analysis_lm <- analyze_time_clusters(tclust_data_lm, within_subj = FALSE, samples = 10, 
                                            formula = Prop ~  MCDI_Verbs + MCDI_Nouns)
tclust_tb_anal <- tclust_analysis_lm$time_bin_summary
#dput(x = tclust_tb_anal, file = "tclust_tb_anal.txt")
tclust_tb_anal_check <- dget("tclust_tb_anal.txt")

test_that(desc = "The function analyze_time_clusters gives correct data with lm", code = {
  res <- compare_dfs(tclust_tb_anal_check, tclust_tb_anal)

test_that(desc = "The function analyze_time_clusters gives necessary eyetrackingR class with lm", code = {
  expect_true( all(class(tclust_analysis_lm) %in% c("cluster_analysis")) )
  expect_equal( length( attr(tclust_analysis_lm$time_bin_summary, "eyetrackingR")$negative_runs ), 1 )

# Cluster Analysis 2: LMER
response_time <- make_time_sequence_data(response_window_clean, time_bin_size = 100, 
                                                aois = "Animate",
                                                predictor_columns = c("Age","Target"))

tclust_data_lmer <- make_time_cluster_data(data = response_time,
                                           predictor_column = "Age", 
                                           test = "lmer", 
                                           threshold = 2, 
                                           formula = ArcSin ~ Target + Age + (1|ParticipantName) + (1|Trial) ) 
test_that(desc = "The function make_time_cluster_data gives necessary eyetrackingR attributes with lmer", code = {
  expect_true( all(c("time_cluster_data", "time_sequence_data", "data.frame") %in% class(tclust_data_lmer)) )
  expect_equal( nrow(tclust_data_lmer), 6710 )
  expect_false( is.null( attr(tclust_data_lmer,"eyetrackingR") ) )
  expect_equal( nrow(attr(tclust_data_lmer, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 2 )
  expect_equal( ncol(attr(tclust_data_lmer, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 5 )
tclust_anal_lmer <- analyze_time_clusters(tclust_data_lmer, within_subj = FALSE, samples = 5)

test_that(desc = "The function analyze_time_clusters yields a reasonable null distribution", code = {
  expect_true(max(diff(tclust_anal_lmer$null_distribution))!=0 | # not all the same OR
                all(tclust_anal_lmer$null_distribution==0) ) # all zero

# Cluster Analysis 2b: LMER Treatment-Coded

tclust_data_lmer <- make_time_cluster_data(data = response_time,
                                           predictor_column = "Target", 
                                           treatment_level = "Inanimate",
                                           test = "lmer", 
                                           threshold = 2, 
                                           formula = ArcSin ~ Target + Age + (1|ParticipantName) + (1|Trial) ) 
tclust_anal_lmer <- analyze_time_clusters(tclust_data_lmer, within_subj = TRUE, samples = 5, shuffle_by = 'Target')
test_that(desc = "The function analyze_time_clusters yields a reasonable null distribution (treatment coded)", code = {
  expect_true(max(diff(tclust_anal_lmer$null_distribution))!=0 |# not all the same
              all(tclust_anal_lmer$null_distribution==0) ) # all zero

# Cluster Analysis 3: t.test, var.equal, between
tclust_data_ttest <- make_time_cluster_data(data = response_time_by_ppt, predictor_column = "Sex", test = "t.test", 
                                         var.equal=TRUE, threshold = -1.5)
test_that(desc = "The function make_time_cluster_data gives necessary eyetrackingR attributes with t.test", code = {
  expect_true( all(c("time_cluster_data", "time_sequence_data", "data.frame") %in% class(tclust_data_ttest)) )
  expect_equal( nrow(tclust_data_ttest), 1485 )
  expect_false( is.null( attr(tclust_data_ttest,"eyetrackingR") ) )
  expect_equal( nrow(attr(tclust_data_ttest, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 3 )
  expect_equal( ncol(attr(tclust_data_ttest, "eyetrackingR")$clusters), 5 )

tclust_analysis_ttest <- analyze_time_clusters(tclust_data_ttest, within_subj = FALSE, samples = 10, var.equal=TRUE)
test_that(desc = "The function analyze_time_clusters gives necessary eyetrackingR class with lm", code = {
  expect_true( all(class(tclust_analysis_ttest) %in% c("cluster_analysis")) )
  expect_equal( length( attr(tclust_analysis_ttest$time_bin_summary, "eyetrackingR")$negative_runs ), 2 )

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eyetrackingR documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 5:08 p.m.