
Defines functions Warrant Straddle TurboCertificate TurboStrangle .Delta .Vega .Rho .Theta DiscountCertificate newton implyVolatility DiscountPlusCertificate ReverseDiscountCertificate ReverseDiscountPlusCertificate DiscountCall DiscountPut BonusCertificate BonusProCertificate CappedBonusCertificate ReverseBonusCertificate CappedReverseBonusCertificate SprintCertificate OutperformanceCertificate CappedOutperformanceCertificate OutperformancePlusCertificate TwinWinCertificate EasyExpressCertificate EasyExpressCertificate2 ReverseConvertible ReverseConvertiblePlusPro ReverseOutperformanceCertificate AirbagCertificate AirbagPlusCertificate GarantieCertificate ReturnCertificate LeveragedBonusCertificate shortfall_risk .RLZ annualizeYield

Documented in AirbagCertificate BonusCertificate BonusProCertificate CappedBonusCertificate CappedReverseBonusCertificate DiscountCall DiscountCertificate DiscountPlusCertificate DiscountPut EasyExpressCertificate GarantieCertificate implyVolatility LeveragedBonusCertificate OutperformanceCertificate OutperformancePlusCertificate ReturnCertificate ReverseBonusCertificate ReverseConvertible ReverseConvertiblePlusPro ReverseDiscountCertificate ReverseDiscountPlusCertificate ReverseOutperformanceCertificate SprintCertificate Straddle TurboCertificate TwinWinCertificate Warrant

# Pricing of different certificate types : Bonus certificate, Outperformance etc.
# Stefan Wilhelm


# Pricing of a Warrant (Options)
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded option
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
Warrant<-function(type, S, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  if (Time == 0)
    if (type == "c")
      pmax(S-X, 0) * ratio
      pmax(X-S, 0) * ratio
    option <- GBSOption(TypeFlag=ifelse(type == "c","c","p"), S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- pmax(attr(option,"price"),0)
    price1 * ratio

# Pricing of a Straddle
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded option
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
Straddle<-function(S, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  if (Time == 0)
    (pmax(S-X, 0) + pmax(X-S, 0)) * ratio
    call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- pmax(attr(call,"price"),0)
    price2 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
    (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Pricing of TurboCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Barrier Options
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded option
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
TurboCertificate<-function(type, S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  if (Time == 0)
    if (type == "c")
      ifelse (S>=B , pmax(S-X, 0), 0) * ratio
      ifelse (S<=B , pmax(X-S, 0), 0) * ratio
    barrieroption = StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag=ifelse(type == "c","cdo","puo"), S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- pmax(attr(barrieroption,"price"),0)
    price1 * ratio

# Pricing of Strangle
# Duplication:
# (1) Long-Call mit Strike X2
# (2) Long-Put mit Strike X1
Strangle <- function (S, X1, X2, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio = 1) 
    if (Time == 0) {
        (pmax(S - X2, 0) + pmax(X1 - S, 0)) * ratio
    else {
        call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag = "c", S, X2, Time, r, b = r - 
            r_d, sigma)
        put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag = "p", S, X1, Time, r, b = r - 
            r_d, sigma)
        price1 <- pmax(attr(call, "price"), 0)
        price2 <- pmax(attr(put, "price"), 0)
        (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Pricing of TurboStrangle
# Duplication:
# (1) Down-And-Out-Call
# (2) Up-And-Out-Put
# @params S underlying price
# @params X.Call strike price of the embedded barrier call option
# @params B.Call barrier of the embedded barrier call option
# @params X.Put strike price of the embedded barrier put option
# @params B.Put barrier of the embedded barrier put option
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
TurboStrangle<-function(S, X.Call, B.Call, X.Put, B.Put, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  if (Time == 0)
    (ifelse (S>=B.Call , pmax(S-X.Call, 0), 0) + ifelse (S<=B.Put, pmax(X.Put-S, 0), 0)) * ratio
    turbo_call <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="cdo", S, X=X.Call, H=B.Call, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- pmax(attr(turbo_call,"price"),0)
    turbo_put <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="puo", S, X=X.Put, H=B.Put, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 = pmax(attr(turbo_put,"price"),0)
    (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Berechnung der Griechen

# Berechne das Delta für eine Preisfunktion über den Differenzenquotienten
.Delta<-function(FUN, S, dS=0.001, ...)
  p1<-FUN(S=S, ...)
  p2<-FUN(S=S+dS, ...)

# Berechne das Vega für eine Preisfunktion über den Differenzenquotienten
.Vega<-function(FUN, sigma, dv=0.001, ...)
  p1<-FUN(sigma=sigma, ...)
  p2<-FUN(sigma=sigma+dv, ...)

# Berechne das Rho für eine Preisfunktion über den Differenzenquotienten
.Rho<-function(FUN, r, dr=0.001, ...)
  p1<-FUN(r=r, ...)
  p2<-FUN(r=r+dr, ...)

# Berechne das Theta für eine Preisfunktion über den Differenzenquotienten
.Theta<-function(FUN, Time, dT=0.001, ...)
  p1<-FUN(Time=Time, ...)
  p2<-FUN(Time=Time+dT, ...)

# Pricing of DiscountCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Short Call
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded option (cap)
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
DiscountCertificate<-function(S, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  if (Time == 0)
    pmax(pmin(S,X),0) * ratio
    # 1. Zero-Strike Call
    zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
    # 2. European Short-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
    short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- attr(short_call,"price")
    (price1 - price2) * ratio

# Eindimensionales Newton-Verfahren mit Differenzenquotienten statt Ableitung
## Intervall wird hier fuer Demo nur zum Zeichnen verwendet
# @param f Funktion f(x)
# @param x Startwert
newton <- function(f, x, interval, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), doPlot=FALSE)
  a <- min(interval)
  b <- max(interval)
  if (doPlot)
    plot(f, a, b, lwd=2)
    abline(h=0, lty=2)
  n <- 0
  fx <- Inf
   fx <- f(x)
   # Differenzenquotient
   gx <- (fx-f(x-0.001))/0.001
   if (doPlot)
    abline(a=fx-x*gx, b=gx, col=3)  # Tangente
   x <- x - fx/gx
   n <- n+1
   if (x < 0) break
  list(root=x, f.root=fx, iter=n)

# imply volatility for given price function f and a given price "price" using one-dimensional Newton-Raphson
implyVolatility <- function(price, f, interval=c(0, 1), sigma=NULL, doPlot=FALSE, ...)
  if (is.null(sigma) || is.infinite(sigma)) sigma = 0.2
  newton(f=function(sigma){f(sigma=sigma, ...) - price}, x=sigma, interval=interval, doPlot=doPlot)

# Pricing of DiscountPlusCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Short Call
# (3) Down-And-Out-Put
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded option (cap)
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
# @params barrierActive
# @param barrierHit
DiscountPlusCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierActive=TRUE, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. European Short-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
  short_call     = GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price2 <- attr(short_call,"price")
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  if (barrierActive && !barrierHit)
    # 3. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
    down_out_put <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price3 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
	price3=ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
    price3 <- 0
  (price1 - price2 + price3) * ratio

# Pricing of ReverseDiscountCertificate (Reverse Discount)
# Duplication:
# (1) Short Position in Aktie
# (2) European Short-Put
# @param S   underlying price
# @param S0  Startkurs
# @param X   strike price of the embedded option (cap)
# @param Time time to maturity in years
# @param r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @param r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @param ratio
ReverseDiscountCertificate<-function(S, S0, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  # 1. Short-Position in Aktie
  #price1=2*S0 - S
  put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=2*S0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price1 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. European Short-Put with Strike X (=Cap)
  short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price2 <- attr(short_put,"price")
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 - price2) * ratio

# Pricing of ReverseDiscountPlusCertificate (Reverse Protect Discount Plus Pro)
# Duplication:
# (1) Short Position in Aktie
# (2) European Short-Put
# (3) Up-And-Out-Call with Strike X and Barrier B
# @param S underlying price
# @param S0 Startkurs
# @param X strike price of the embedded option (cap)
# @param B barrier
# @param Time time to maturity in years
# @param r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @param r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @param ratio
# @param barrierActive
ReverseDiscountPlusCertificate<-function(S, S0, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierActive=TRUE)
  # 1. Short-Position in Aktie
  #price1=2*S0 - S
  put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=2*S0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price1 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. European Short-Put with Strike X (=Cap)
  short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price2 <- attr(short_put,"price")
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  if (barrierActive)
    # 3. Up-And-Out-Call with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
    up_out_call <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="cuo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price3 <- pmax(attr(up_out_call,"price"),0)
    price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
    price3 <- 0
  (price1 - price2 + price3) * ratio

# Pricing of DiscountCall
# Duplication:
# (1) Long-Call
# (2) Short-Call
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded long Call option (strike)
# @params Cap strike price of the embedded Short Call option (Cap)
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
DiscountCall<-function(S, X, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  # 1. European Long-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
  if (Time == 0)
    price1 <- pmax(S-X,0)
    long_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- attr(long_call,"price")
    price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. European Short-Call with Strike Cap (=Cap)
  if (Time == 0)
    price2 <- pmax(S-Cap,0)
    short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- attr(short_call,"price")
    price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 - price2) * ratio

# Pricing of DiscountPut
# Duplication:
# (1) Long-Put mit Strike = Cap
# (2) Short-Put mit Strike = X (X < Cap)
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price of the embedded long Put option (strike)
# @params Cap strike price of the embedded Short Put option (Cap)
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params ratio
DiscountPut<-function(S, X, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  # 1. European Long-Put with Strike =Cap
  if (Time == 0)
    price1 = pmax(Cap-S,0)
    long_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- pmax(attr(long_put,"price"),0)
  # 2. European Short-Put with Strike =X
  if (Time == 0)
    price2 <- pmax(X-S,0)
    short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- pmax(attr(short_put,"price",0))
  (price1 - price2) * ratio

# Pricing of BonusCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Down-And-Out-Put
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price (bonus level)
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
BonusCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  # 2. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  if (barrierHit)
    price2 <- 0
    down_out_put <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
	  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  #price2 = ifelse(barrierHit, 0, pmax(attr(StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma),"price"),0)
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Bonus-Pro-Zertifikat: Barriere ist erst ab Zeitpunkt t1<=Time aktiv.
# Modellierung durch eine Partial-Time-Barrier-Option (PTSingleAssetBarrierOption) Typ "pdoB2"
# Literatur: 
# - Haug (2007), S.160 ff.
# - Heynen & Kat (1994)
# @param TypeFlag
# There are two types of "B" options: 
# "B1" is defined such that only a barrier hit or crossed causes the option to be knocked out, and a 
# "B2" is defined such that a down-and-out-put is knocked out as soon as the underlying price is below the barrier.
# TypeFlag = "poB1" : 
# The barrier of the down-and-out-put is only monitored in [time1, Time] with 0 <= time1 <= Time (partial-time monitoring) 
# instead of [0, Time]. Ceteris paribus, this means a reduced risk of knock-out.
# For time1 = 0 (full-time monitoring), the value of a Bonus Pro equals the value of a standard Bonus certificate.
# For time1 = Time (no barrier to be monitored), the value of the type "poB1" Bonus Pro duplicates a Protective Put strategy (except for the dividend payments).
# TypeFlag = "pdoB2":
# @param time1 start time of barrier monitoring
BonusProCertificate <- function(TypeFlag=c("poB1","pdoB2"), S, X, B, Time, time1=0, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  TypeFlag = match.arg(TypeFlag)
  if (time1 == 0) {
    p <- BonusCertificate(S=S, X=X, B=B, Time=Time, r=r, r_d=r_d, sigma=sigma, ratio=ratio, barrierHit=barrierHit)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  # 2. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  price2 <- ifelse (barrierHit | (time1 == 0 & S <= B), 0,  pmax(PTSingleAssetBarrierOption(TypeFlag, S, X, H=B, time1=time1, Time2=Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)@price,0))
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Pricing of Capped Bonus Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Down-And-Out-Put
# (3) Short Call
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price (bonus level)
# @params B barrier
# @params Cap cap
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params ratio
CappedBonusCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  # 2. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  price2 <- ifelse (barrierHit | (S < B), 0, pmax(StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)@price, 0))
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. European Short-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
  short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price3 <- attr(short_call,"price")
  price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
  (price1 + price2 - price3) * ratio

# Pricing of Reverse Bonus Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Short Position in Aktie bezogen auf S0
# (2) Long Up-And-Out-Call mit Strike X und Barrier B
# @params S underlying price
# @params S0 underlying start price
# @params X strike price (bonus level)
# @params B barrier
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
ReverseBonusCertificate<-function(S, S0, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Short-Position in Aktie : entspricht einem Long-Put mit Strike 2*S0
  ##price1= pmax(2*S0*exp(-T*(r-r_d)) - S,0)
  put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=2*S0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price1 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
  if (barrierHit)
    price2 = 0
    # 2. Up-And-Out-Call with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
    up_out_call <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="cuo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- pmax(attr(up_out_call,"price"),0)
    price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Pricing of Capped Reverse Bonus Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Short Position in Aktie bezogen auf S0
# (2) Long Up-And-Out-Call mit Strike X und Barrier B
# (3) Short Put mit Strike=Cap
# @params S underlying price
# @params S0 underlying start price
# @params X strike price (bonus level)
# @params B barrier
# @params Cap cap
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params ratio
CappedReverseBonusCertificate<-function(S, S0, X, B, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Short-Position in Aktie : entspricht einem Long-Put mit Strike 2*S0
  ##price1= pmax(2*S0*exp(-T*(r-r_d)) - S,0)
  put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=2*S0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price1 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. Up-And-Out-Call with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options)
  if (barrierHit)
    price2 <- 0  
    up_out_call <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="cuo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- pmax(attr(up_out_call,"price"),0)
    price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. European-Short-Put with Strike X (=Cap)
  if (Time == 0)
    price3 <- pmax(-1 * (S-Cap), 0)
    short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price3 <- pmax(attr(short_put,"price"),0)
  (price1 + price2 - price3) * ratio

# Pricing of SprintCertificate (Double Chance)
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) 1*Long-Call mit Strike  = X mit Partizipationsrate p
# (3) 2*Short-Call mit Strike = Cap mit Partizipationsrate p
# @params S   underlying price
# @params X   strike price
# @params Cap cap
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params participation participation e.g. 1.1 = 110 %
# @params ratio
SprintCertificate<-function(S, X, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  # 2. Long-Call with Strike X and ratio = (participation - 1)
  long_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(long_call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. 2 * Short-Call with Strike Cap and ratio = (participation - 1)
  short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price3 <- attr(short_call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
  (price1 + price2 - 2 * price3)*ratio

# Pricing of OutperformanceCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Call
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params participation participation e.g. 1.1 = 110 %
# @params ratio
OutperformanceCertificate<-function(S, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. Call with Strike X and ratio = (participation - 1)
  call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 + price2)*ratio

# Pricing of Capped OutperformanceCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) 1 Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) 1 Call mit Strike X
# (3) 2 Short Call mit Strike Cap
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price
# @params cap cap
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params participation participation e.g. 1.1 = 110 %
# @params ratio
CappedOutperformanceCertificate<-function(S, X, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. Call with Strike X and ratio = (participation - 1)
  call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. European Short-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
  short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price3 <- attr(short_call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
  (price1 + price2 - 2*price3) * ratio

# Pricing of OutperformancePlusCertificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Call
# (3) Down-And-Out-Put
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params participation participation e.g. 1.1 = 110 %
# @params ratio
OutperformancePlusCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call = GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. Call with Strike X and ratio = (participation - 1)
  call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options)
  if (barrierHit)
	  price3 <- 0  
    down_out_put <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price3 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
    price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
  (price1 + price2 + price3)*ratio

# Pricing of Twin-Win Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Long Zero-Strike-Call in Aktie
# (2) Long Call mit Strike X und BV=(1 - Participation Rate)
# (3) 2xDown-And-Out-Put mit Strike X und Barrier B
# @params S underlying price
# @params X strike price (bonus level)
# @params B barrier
# @params Cap cap
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a.
# @params participation
# @params ratio
TwinWinCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation = 1, ratio=1)
  # 1. Zero-Strike Call
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)  
  # 2. Call with Strike X and ratio = (participation - 1)
  call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(call,"price") * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 2. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  down_out_put     = StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price3 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
  price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
  (price1 + price2 + 2 * price3) * ratio

# Pricing of Easy-Express-Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Rückzahlungsbetrag S0 (z.B. 120 EUR)
# (2) Cash-or-Nothing (short-put) mit Strike = B und Auszahlung von (S0-B) : Ist das Underlying am Bewertungstag unter der Barriere, verliert man erstmal noch den Bonus.
# (3) Short-Put mit Strike = B
# @params S underlying price
# @params S0 Rückzahlungsbetrag bzw. Höchstbetrag (z.B. 120 EUR)
# @params B barrier (B <= S0)
# @params Time time to maturity in years
# @params r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params ratio
EasyExpressCertificate<-function(S, S0, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  # 1. Short Cash-or-Nothing-Put mit Strike X=B und Auszahlung (S0-B)
  con_short_put<-CashOrNothingOption("p", S, X=B, (S0-B), Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  # 2. Plain-Vanilla-Short-Put mit Strike B
  plain_short_put<- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=B, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  (S0 * exp(-r*Time) - price1 - price2) * ratio

# Alternative Duplikation von Andy:
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call Long
# (2) Cash-or-Nothing Call Long mit Strike B und Auszahlung (S0-B)
# (3) Short-Call mit Strike = B
EasyExpressCertificate2<-function(S, S0, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1)
  # 1. Zero-Strike-Call Long
  zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)  
  # 2. Cash-Or-Nothing Call Long
  con_long_call <- CashOrNothingOption("c", S, X=B, (S0-B), Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- pmax(attr(con_long_call,"price"),0)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)  
  # 3. Short-Call mit Strike = B
  plain_short_call<- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=B, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price3 <- pmax(attr(plain_short_call,"price"),0)
  price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)    
  (price1 + price2 - price3) * ratio

# Berechnung eines Reverse Convertibles
# @param S 
# @param Cap 
# @param Time
# @param r
# @param r_d   
# @param sigma   
# @param nominal 
# @param coupon
ReverseConvertible<-function(S, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, nominal, coupon)
  # Anleihenkomponente diskontiert
  price1 <- nominal*(1+coupon*Time)/(1+r)^Time
  # Bezugsverhältnis
  ratio <- nominal/Cap
  # Short Put
  short_put<- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- attr(short_put,"price")
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 - price2*ratio)/nominal*100

# Berechnung eines Reverse Convertibles Plus Pro (RC+PRO)
# @param S 
# @param Cap 
# @param B Barrier 
# @param Time
# @param r
# @param r_d   
# @param sigma   
# @param nominal 
# @param coupon
ReverseConvertiblePlusPro<-function(S, Cap, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, nominal, coupon, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Anleihenkomponente diskontiert
  price1 <- nominal*(1+coupon*Time)/(1+r)^Time
  # Bezugsverhältnis
  ratio <- nominal/Cap
  # 2. Short Put
  short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price2 <- pmax(attr(short_put,"price"),0)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  # 3. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  if (!barrierHit)
    down_out_put     = StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X=Cap, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price3 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
    price3 <- ifelse(is.na(price3), 0, price3)
    price3 <- 0
  (price1 - price2*ratio + price3*ratio)/nominal*100

# Pricing of Reverse-Outperformance-Certificate
# Duplication:
# (1) Short Position in Aktie
# (2) European Short-Put
# @param S   underlying price
# @param S0 Startkurs
# @param X   strike price of the embedded option (cap)
# @param Time time to maturity in years
# @param r interest rate p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @param r_d continuous dividend yield p.a. as 0.02 = 2%
# @params sigma volatility p.a. as 0.18 = 18%
# @params participation Partizipationsrate
# @param ratio
ReverseOutperformanceCertificate<-function(S, S0, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation=1, ratio=1)
  # 1. Short-Position in Aktie
  put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X=2*S0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
  price1 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. European Long-Put with Strike X und ratio = (participation-1)
  long_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price2 <- pmax(attr(long_put,"price"),0) * (participation-1)
  price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Berechnung eines "Airbag-Zertifikats" : Keine Pfadabhängigkeit.
# @param S underlying price
# @param X Strike price
# @param B = Absicherungslevel 
# @param Time
# @param r
# @param r_d   
# @param sigma   
# @param participation 
# @param ratio
AirbagCertificate<-function(S, X, B, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1)
  # 1. Cash-Position auf Garantielevel X
  price1 <- X * exp(-r * Time) 
  if (Time==0)
    price2 <- pmax(S-X,0)
    price3 <- pmax(B-S,0) * X/B
    # 2. Long Call mit Partizipationsrate für Kurse über Partizipationslevel
    long_call     <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
    price2=attr(long_call,"price") * participation
    # 3. Short Put mit Strike B und BV X/B
    short_put     <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, B, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
    price3 <- attr(short_put,"price") * X/B
  (price1 + price2 - price3) * ratio

# Berechnung eines "AirbagPlus-Zertifikats" : Keine Pfadabhängigkeit.
# Societe Generale:
# Ein Airbag Plus-Zertifikat 
# stellt eine Kombination eines Bonus- und eines Airbag-Zertifikates dar. 
# Der Kapitalschutz bleibt selbst dann aktiv, 
# wenn der Index während der Laufzeit die Bonus-Barriere unterschreitet, bei Laufzeitende aber über dieser notiert. Berührt oder unterschreitet der Basiswert während der Laufzeit nie die Barriere, so generiert das Zertifikat die gleichen Auszahlungen wie ein Bonus-Zertifikat. 
# Ein zu Emission festgelegter Cap begrenzt den möglichen Ertrag des Zertifikats.
# Duplikation:
# 1. Cash-Position auf Garantielevel
# 2. Long Call mit Partizipationsrate für Kurse über Partizipationslevel
# 3. Short Put mit Strike B und BV X/B
# 4. Down-And-Out-Put mit Strike B und unterer Barriere B2
# @param S underlying price
# @param X Strike price
# @param B = Absicherungslevel 
# @param Time
# @param r
# @param r_d   
# @param sigma   
# @param participation 
# @param ratio
# @param barrierHit
AirbagPlusCertificate <- function(S, X, B, B2, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Cash-Position auf Garantielevel
  price1 <- X * exp(-r * Time)
  if (Time==0)
	# 2. Long Call mit Partizipationsrate für Kurse über Partizipationslevel
	price2 <- pmax(S-X,0)
	# 3. Short Put mit Strike B und BV X/B
	price3 <- pmax(B-S,0) * X/B
	# 4. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X und Barrier B2
	price4  <- ifelse(B2 <= S & S <= X,  X-S,  0) * X/B
    # 2. Long Call mit Partizipationsrate für Kurse über Partizipationslevel
    long_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
    price2 <- attr(long_call,"price") * participation
    # 3. Short Put mit Strike B und BV X/B
    short_put <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="p", S, B, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
    price3 <- attr(short_put,"price") * X/B
    # 4. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X und Barrier B2
	  if (!barrierHit)
      put <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X=X, H=B2, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
      price4 <- pmax(attr(put,"price"),0)
	  price4 <- 0
  (price1 + price2 - price3 + price4) * ratio

# Berechnung eines "Garantie-Zertifikats" : Garantierte Rückzahlung von einem Betrag.
# Die Anleihe wird am Faelligkeitstag mindestens zu 100% des Nennbetrages zurueckgezahlt (Kapitalgarantie). 
# Uebersteigt der durchschnittliche Schlusskurs der Aktie am Ausuebungstag den Basispreis, 
# so partizipiert der Anleger zusaetzlich on Hoehe der Partizipation an einer positiven Entwicklung der zugrundeliegenden Aktie 
# und erhaelt einen Zusatzbetrag. 
# Dabei wird der durchschnittliche Schlusskurs auf der Basis von der Deutschen Boerse AG im Xetra-Handelssystem offiziell festgestellte 
# Schlusskurse der Aktie an den Bewertungstagen 
# ( 04.04.2006, 04.07.2006, 04.10.2006, 04.01.2007, 04.04.2007, 04.07.2007, 04.10.2007, 04.01.2008, 04.04.2008, 04.07.2008, 06.10.2008, 05.01.2009) berechnet, 
# Der Zusatzbetrag wird wie folgt berechnet : Zusatzbetrag = Partizipation * durchschnittlicher Schlusskurs - Basispreis / Basispreis * Nennbetrag.
# @param S underlying price
# @param X strike price
# @param B = Absicherungslevel 
# @param Time
# @param r
# @param r_d   
# @param sigma   
# @param nominal 
# @param coupon
GarantieCertificate<-function(S, X, Time, r, r_d, sigma, participation, ratio=1, nominal)
  # 1. Cash-Position auf Garantielevel
  price1 <- nominal * exp(-r * Time)
  # 2. Long Call mit Partizipationsrate für Kurse über Basispreis
  if (Time == 0)
    price2 <- pmax(S-X,0) * participation
    long_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma)
    price2 <- attr(long_call,"price") * participation
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Zertifikat zahlt mehrere Boni (Bewertungstage), wenn das Underlying bis zum Bewertungstag nicht unter die Schwelle gerutscht ist.
# --> Summe von Binary-Barrier-Optionen.
# Am Ende der Laufzeit verhält sich das Zertifikat wie ein Discountzertifikat mit Cap.
# Returnzertifikate (z.B. DE000CB6VKC2) zahlen einen festen Bonus (in EUR), solange der Basiswert während der Laufzeit die Kursschwelle nicht berührt oder unterschreitet. 
# Nach oben ist das Zertifikat gecappt. Wesentlicher Unterschied zu einem Capped-Bonuszertifikat ist daher, dass der Anleger auch von Kursrückgängen betroffen ist.
# Bei Capped-Bonuszertifikaten wird ein festes Bonusniveau K bezahlt, egal wo die Aktie S steht (sofern B<=S<=X). Damit ist der Aufschlag auf die Aktie unterschiedlich hoch, 
# je nachdem, wo die Aktie innerhalb des Bonusbereiches steht. 
# Hier bei diesem Zertifikat wird ein fester Aufschlag von 11 EUR bezahlt (wenn S>=B während der Laufzeit), plus dem Wert der Aktie von 50, 60 oder 70 EUR.
# Returnzertifikate sind damit nur dann besser als das Direktinvestment, wenn der Basiswert die Kursschwelle nicht berührt und nicht mehr als die Bonuszahlung steigt. 
# Einen absoluten Gewinn erziehlt der Anleger nur, wenn das Underlying nicht fällt. Returnzertifikate zielen damit ganz klar auf Seitwärtsmärkte ab.
# Duplikation
# (1) Zero-Strike-Call
# (2) Short Call mit Cap
# (3) BinaryBarrierOption mit Auszahlung Bonus, Down-and-Out-Cash-or-Nothing
ReturnCertificate<-function(S, Bonus, S0, B, Cap, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio = 1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  if (Time == 0)
    if (barrierHit == TRUE)
      price <- pmin(S,Cap)
      price <- pmin(S,Cap) + ifelse(S>B, Bonus[length(Bonus)], 0)
    # 1. Zero-Strike Call
    zero_strike_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price1 <- attr(zero_strike_call,"price")
    # 2. European Short-Call with Strike X (=Cap)
    short_call <- GBSOption(TypeFlag="c", S, X=Cap, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- attr(short_call,"price")
    # 3. Bonuszahlungen als Binary-Barrier-Optionen
    price3 <- 0
    for (i in 1:length(Time))
      # 3. BinaryBarrierOption mit Auszahlung Bonus : down-and-out-cash-or-nothing
      if (length(Bonus)>1)
        payment <- Bonus[i]
        payment <- Bonus
      binary_cash_or_nothing <- BinaryBarrierOption(TypeFlag = "9", S = S, X = B-0.0001, H = B, K = payment, Time = Time[i], r = r, b = r-r_d, sigma = sigma)
      price3 <- price3 + attr(binary_cash_or_nothing,"price")
    price <- (price1 - price2 + price3)

# Beispiel: RLZ(c("16.06.2008","16.06.2009","16.06.2010"))

# Leveraged Bonus vgl. DESG03DY=SGED
LeveragedBonusCertificate<-function(S, X, B, B2, Time, r, r_d, sigma, ratio=1, barrierHit=FALSE)
  # 1. Hebelprodukt Call (cdo)
  down_out_call <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="cdo", S, X=B2, H=B2, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
  price1 <- pmax(attr(down_out_call,"price"),0)
  price1 <- ifelse(is.na(price1), 0, price1)
  # 2. Down-And-Out-Put with Strike X and Barrier B (Cash Rebate K = 0 for standard barrier options) 
  if (barrierHit)
    price2 = 0
    down_out_put  <- StandardBarrierOption(TypeFlag="pdo", S, X, H=B, K=0, Time, r, b=r-r_d, sigma) 
    price2 <- pmax(attr(down_out_put,"price"),0)
    price2 <- ifelse(is.na(price2), 0, price2)    
  (price1 + price2) * ratio

# Hilfsfunktionen

# Totalverlustwahrscheinlichkeit für Plain-Vanilla-Optionen : Risiko, am Ende der Laufzeit aus dem Geld zu sein. Formal : P(S_T <= X)
# @param type : "c" = call, "p" = put
# @param S underlying price
# @param X strike price
# @param T time to maturity 
# @param r riskfree rate
# @param r_d dividend yield
# @param sigma volatility
shortfall_risk<-function(type="c", S, X, T, r, r_d, sigma)
	p = pnorm((log(X/S) - (mu - sigma^2/2)*T) / sqrt(sigma^2 * T), mean=0, sd=1);
	if (type == "c") # P(S_T <= X)
	else # P(S_T >= X)

# Hilfsfunktion zum Berechnen der Restlaufzeit in Jahren (RLZ) für eine Reihe von Daten
# Beispiel: RLZ(c("16.06.2008","16.06.2009","16.06.2010"))
# @param Vektor mit Datumsangabe
# @param Datumsformat, Standard ist "%d.%m.%Y"
.RLZ<-function(dates, dateformat="%d.%m.%Y", start=NA)
	# Referenzdatum t0 ist aktuelles Datum
	t0 = ifelse(!is.na(start) & start != "", as.Date(start, format=dateformat), Sys.Date())
	# Restlaufzeiten in Jahren
	rlz = as.numeric(difftime(as.Date(dates ,format=dateformat), as.Date("1970-01-01") + t0), units="days")/365

annualizeYield<-function(yield, T)
	ifelse (T<=1, (yield/T), ((1+yield)^(1/T)-1))

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