# Estimates stationary networks using non-negative matrix factorization
#' Sparse network estimation using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for data between change points
#' @description This function estimates sparse networks using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for data between change points.
#' @importFrom NMF nmf
#' @param Y An input multivariate time series in matrix format, with variables organized in columns and time points in rows. All entries in Y must be positive.
#' @param lambda A positive real number, which defines the clustering method and/or the cutoff value when estimating an adjacency matrix from the computed
#' consensus matrix. If lambda = a positive integer value, say 6, complete-linkage, hierarchical clustering is applied to the consensus matrix and the cutoff is at
#' 6 clusters. If lambda is a vector of positive integer values, say c(4, 5, 6), the same clustering method is applied for each value sequentially. If lambda
#' = a positive real number, say 0.5, entries in the consensus matrix with a value greater than or equal to 0.5 are labeled 1, while entries less than 0.5 are
#' labeled 0. Similarly, if lambda is a vector of positive real numbers, say c(0.1, 0.3, 0.8), the same thresholding method is applied for each value
#' sequentially.
#' @param nruns A positive integer with default value equal to 50. It is used to define the number of runs in the NMF function.
#' @param rank A character string or a positive integer, which defines the rank used in the optimization procedure to detect the change points.
#' If rank = "optimal", which is also the default value, then the optimal rank is used. If rank = a positive integer value, say 4, then a predetermined
#' rank is used.
#' @param algtype A character string, which defines the algorithm to be used in the NMF function. By default it is set to "brunet". See the "Algorithms" section of
#' \code{\link[NMF]{nmf}} for more information on the available algorithms.
#' @param changepoints A vector of positive integers with default value equal to \code{NULL}. It is used to specify whether change points exist in the input \eqn{Y}, and
#' thus whether \eqn{Y} should be split into multiple stationary segments and networks estimated separately for each segment. If change points, say c(100, 200) are specified,
#' \eqn{Y} is split at the 100th and 200th row to correspond to 3 stationary segments. Each stationary segment is then estimated sequentially, and
#' a list is returned where each component corresponds to a stationary segment.
#' @return A matrix (or more specifically, an adjacency matrix) denoting the network (or clustering) structure between components of \eqn{Y}. If lambda is a
#' vector, a list of adjacency matrices is returned, where each element of the list corresponds to an element in lambda.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Estimating the network for a multivariate data set, "sim2" with the settings:
#' ## nruns = 10 and lambda = 0.5 where the latter specifies the cutoff based method
#', lambda = 0.5, nruns = 4)
#' }
#' @author Martin Ondrus, \email{}, Ivor Cribben, \email{}
#' @references "Factorized Binary Search: a novel technique for change point detection in multivariate high-dimensional time series networks", Ondrus et al.
#' (2021), <arXiv:2103.06347>. = function(Y, lambda, nruns = 50, rank = "optimal", algtype = "brunet", changepoints = NULL) {
# Define the Y as a matrix
Y = as.matrix(Y)
# If rank has not been specified, then it must be found
if (rank == "optimal"){
n.rank = opt.rank(Y, nruns, algtype)
} else {
n.rank = rank
print(paste("User defined rank:", n.rank))
# Convert dataset to a list
changepoints = c(0, changepoints, nrow(Y))
Y.split = list()
for(i in 1:(length(changepoints) - 1)){
# Define the time indices for the current block
indices = (changepoints[i] + 1):changepoints[i + 1]
# Save the current block in the list
Y.split[[i]] = Y[indices, ]
# Save Y.split list as Y
Y = Y.split
} else if(is.null(changepoints)){
Y = list(Y)
# Loop through Y and estimate networks
output = list()
for(j in 1:length(Y)){
# Print progress
print(paste("Estimating stationary block", j))
# Run NMF on the Y
nmf.output = nmf(Y[[j]], method = algtype, rank = n.rank, nrun = nruns)
# Save the consensus matrix
cons.matrix = nmf.output@consensus
if (length(lambda) == 1){
# Branch out different calculations based on method type
if (lambda > 1){
# Run hclust and cut the tree at the prespecified n.rank
hc.out = hclust(dist(cons.matrix))
ct.out = cutree(hc.out, lambda)
# Convert ct.out into a matrix factor
matr.fact = matrix(nrow = lambda, ncol = nrow(cons.matrix))
for (i in 1:lambda){
matr.fact[i,] = ct.out == i
matr.fact = matr.fact*1
# Construct the adjacency matrix by multiplying the matr.fact and it's transpose
adj.matrix = t(matr.fact) %*% matr.fact
diag(adj.matrix) = 0
# Add labels back to the matrix using the consensus matrix labels
colnames(adj.matrix) = rownames(adj.matrix) = colnames(cons.matrix)
} else if (lambda <= 1 && lambda >=0){
# Any values above lambda assigned 1, equal to or less than lambda assigned 0
cons.matrix[cons.matrix > lambda] = 1
cons.matrix[cons.matrix <= lambda] = 0
# Save the final adjacency matrix
adj.matrix = cons.matrix
diag(adj.matrix) = 0
} else if (length(lambda) > 1){
# Branch out different calculations based on method type
if (all(lambda > 1)){
# Run hclust and cut the tree at the prespecified n.rank
hc.out = hclust(dist(cons.matrix))
# Loop through vector
adj.matrix = list()
for (i in 1:length(lambda)){
ct.out = cutree(hc.out, lambda[i])
# Convert ct.out into a matrix factor
matr.fact = matrix(nrow = lambda[i], ncol = nrow(cons.matrix))
for (j in 1:lambda[i]){
matr.fact[j,] = ct.out == j
matr.fact = matr.fact*1
# Construct the adjacency matrix by multiplying the matr.fact and it's transpose
curr.adj.matrix = t(matr.fact) %*% matr.fact
diag(curr.adj.matrix) = 0
# Add labels back to the matrix using the consensus matrix labels
colnames(curr.adj.matrix) = rownames(curr.adj.matrix) = colnames(cons.matrix)
# Add to the adj.matrix object
adj.matrix[[i]] = curr.adj.matrix
} else if (all(lambda <= 1 && lambda >= 0)){
adj.matrix = list()
for (i in 1:length(lambda)){
# Any values above lambda assigned 1, equal to or less than lambda assigned 0
curr.adj.matrix = cons.matrix
curr.adj.matrix[curr.adj.matrix > lambda[i]] = 1
curr.adj.matrix[curr.adj.matrix <= lambda[i]] = 0
# Save the final adjacency matrix
diag(curr.adj.matrix) = 0
# Add to the adj.matrix object
adj.matrix[[i]] = curr.adj.matrix
# Add the results to the output
if (length(Y) == 1){
output = adj.matrix
} else if (length(Y) > 1){
output[[j]] = adj.matrix
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