# Helper function to find the optimal rank of a data set
#' Finds the optimal rank for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)
#' @description This function finds the optimal rank for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).
#' @importFrom NMF nmf
#' @param Y An input multivariate time series in matrix format, with variables organized in columns and time points in rows. All entries in Y must be positive.
#' @param nruns A positive integer with default value equal to 50. It is used to define the number of runs in the NMF function.
#' @param algtype A character string, which defines the algorithm to be used in the NMF function. By default it is set to "brunet". See the "Algorithms" section of
#' \code{\link[NMF]{nmf}} for more information on the available algorithms.
#' @return A positive integer representing the optimal rank.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Finding the optimal rank for an input data set "sim2" with nruns = 4
#' set.seed(123)
#' opt.rank(sim2, nruns = 4)
#' # [1] "Finding optimal rank"
#' # [1] "Optimal rank: 2"
#' # [1] 2
#' }
#' @author Martin Ondrus, \email{}, Ivor Cribben, \email{}
#' @references "Factorized Binary Search: a novel technique for change point detection in multivariate high-dimensional time series networks", Ondrus et al.
#' (2021), <arXiv:2103.06347>.
opt.rank = function(Y, nruns = 50, algtype = "brunet"){
print("Finding optimal rank")
Y = as.matrix(Y)
# Create a permuted data set which will be compared with the original Y
perm.subj = sample(as.vector(Y))
perm.subj = matrix(perm.subj, ncol = ncol(Y))
# Calculate the losses for original and permuted Y for first two rank values
results.df = c()
for (k in 1:2){
# Fit NMF to the original and permuted Y
orig.loss = nmf(Y, rank = k, nrun = nruns, method = algtype)@residuals
perm.loss = nmf(perm.subj, rank = k, nrun = nruns, method = algtype)@residuals
# Add these results to the results dataframe
results.df = rbind(results.df, data.frame(k, orig.loss, perm.loss))
# Find the change in the original loss and permuted loss
results.df[2,4] = results.df[2,2] - results.df[1,2]
results.df[2,5] = results.df[2,3] - results.df[1,3]
# Adjust the column names in the results dataframe
colnames(results.df)[c(1,4,5)] = c("rank", "orig.change", "perm.change")
# Loop which continues increasing rank while the decrease in loss for the original data is greater than the permuted
k = 2
while (results.df[k,4] < results.df[k,5]){
# Add to the iterator
k = k + 1
# Fit NMF to the original and permuted data
orig.loss = nmf(Y, rank = k, nrun = nruns, method = algtype)@residuals
perm.loss = nmf(perm.subj, rank = k, nrun = nruns, method = algtype)@residuals
# Find the change in loss for original and permuted Y
orig.change = orig.loss - results.df[k-1,2]
perm.change = perm.loss - results.df[k-1,3]
# Add these results to the results dataframe
results.df = rbind(results.df, c(k, orig.loss, perm.loss, orig.change, perm.change))
# Print the results and return the optimal rank
print(paste("Optimal rank:", k))
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