
Defines functions plot.fairness_object

Documented in plot.fairness_object

#' Plot fairness object
#' @description Plot fairness check enables to look how big differences are between base subgroup (privileged) and unprivileged ones.
#' If bar plot reaches red zone it means that for this subgroup fairness goal is not satisfied. Multiple subgroups and models can be plotted.
#' Red and green zone boundary can be moved through epsilon parameter, that needs to be passed through \code{fairness_check}.
#' @param x \code{fairness_object} object
#' @param ... other plot parameters
#' @param fairness_metrics character, vector of metrics. Subset of fairness metrics to be used.
#'  The full set is defined as c("ACC", "TPR", "PPV", "FPR", "STP").
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return \code{ggplot2} object
#' @rdname plot_fairness_object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("german")
#' y_numeric <- as.numeric(german$Risk) - 1
#' lm_model <- glm(Risk ~ .,
#'   data = german,
#'   family = binomial(link = "logit")
#' )
#' explainer_lm <- DALEX::explain(lm_model, data = german[, -1], y = y_numeric)
#' fobject <- fairness_check(explainer_lm,
#'   protected = german$Sex,
#'   privileged = "male"
#' )
#' plot(fobject)
#' \donttest{
#' rf_model <- ranger::ranger(Risk ~ .,
#'   data = german,
#'   probability = TRUE,
#'   max.depth = 3,
#'   num.trees = 100,
#'   seed = 1
#' )
#' explainer_rf <- DALEX::explain(rf_model,
#'   data = german[, -1],
#'   y = y_numeric
#' )
#' fobject <- fairness_check(explainer_rf, fobject)
#' plot(fobject)
#' # custom print
#' plot(fobject, fairness_metrics = c("ACC", "TPR"))
#' }
plot.fairness_object <- function(x, ..., fairness_metrics = c("ACC", "TPR", "PPV", "FPR", "STP")) {
  n_exp <- length(x$explainers)
  data <- x$fairness_check_data
  metrics <- unique(data$metric)
  n_met <- length(metrics)
  epsilon <- x$epsilon

  filtered <- filter_fairness_check_metrics(data, metric, fairness_metrics)

  data <- filtered$data
  metrics <- filtered$metrics

  if (any(is.na(data$score))) {
      "Omiting NA for models: ",
      paste(unique(data[is.na(data$score), "model"]),
        collapse = ", "
      "\nInformation about passed metrics may be inaccurate due to NA present, it is advisable to check metric_scores plot.\n"

  #### first the visible values and breaks ####

  upper_bound <- max(na.omit(data$score), 1 / epsilon - 1) + 0.05
  if (upper_bound < 1.3) upper_bound <- 1.3

  lower_bound <- min(na.omit(data$score), epsilon) - 0.05
  if (lower_bound > 0.75) lower_bound <- 0.75

  green <- "#c7f5bf"
  red <- "#f05a71"

  ticks <- get_nice_ticks(lower_bound, upper_bound)

  breaks <- seq(ticks$min, ticks$max, ticks$spacing)

  if (!1 %in% breaks) breaks <- c(breaks, 1)

  breaks <- breaks[breaks >= lower_bound & breaks <= upper_bound]

  #### now the 'backend' values for plots ####

  # bars should start at 0
  data$score <- data$score - 1

  upper_bound <- max(na.omit(data$score), 1 / epsilon - 1) * 1.05
  if (upper_bound < 0.3) upper_bound <- 0.3

  lower_bound <- min(na.omit(data$score), epsilon - 1) * 1.1
  if (lower_bound > -0.25) lower_bound <- -0.25

  #### plotting ####

  subgroup <- score <- model <- metric <- NULL
  plt <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = subgroup, y = score, fill = model)) +

    # middle (green)
      xmin  = -Inf,
      xmax  = Inf,
      ymin  =  epsilon - 1,
      ymax  =  1 / epsilon - 1,
      fill  = green,
      alpha = 0.1
    ) +
    # left (red)
      xmin  = -Inf,
      xmax  = Inf,
      ymin  =  -Inf,
      ymax  =  epsilon - 1,
      fill  = red,
      alpha = 0.1
    ) +

    # right (red)
      xmin  = -Inf,
      xmax  = Inf,
      ymin  =  1 / epsilon - 1,
      ymax  =  Inf,
      fill  = red,
      alpha = 0.1
    ) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
    coord_flip() +
    facet_wrap(vars(metric), ncol = 1) +
      limits = c(lower_bound, upper_bound),
      breaks = breaks - 1,
      labels = breaks,
      expand = c(0, 0),
      minor_breaks = NULL
    ) +
    DALEX::theme_drwhy_vertical() +
    theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = colors_fairmodels(n_exp)) +
    ggtitle("Fairness check", subtitle = paste("Created with", paste(
      collapse = ", "

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fairmodels documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 1:05 a.m.