#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
# Cluster parameter object -----------------------------------------------------
contains = "featureInfoParameters",
slots = list(
"type" = "character",
"method" = "ANY",
"weight" = "numeric",
"invert" = "logical",
"cluster_name" = "character",
"cluster_size" = "integer",
"cluster_features" = "character",
"required_features" = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
"type" = NA_character_,
"method" = NULL,
"weight" = 1.0,
"invert" = FALSE,
"cluster_name" = NA_character_,
"cluster_size" = NA_integer_,
"cluster_features" = NA_character_,
"required_features" = NULL))
# Representation object --------------------------------------------------------
slots = list(
"name" = "character",
"weight" = "numeric",
"invert" = "logical",
"cluster_name" = "character",
"cluster_size" = "integer",
"cluster_features" = "character",
"required_features" = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
"weight" = NA_real_,
"invert" = NA,
"cluster_name" = NA_character_,
"cluster_size" = NA_integer_,
"cluster_features" = NA_character_,
"required_features" = NULL))
create_cluster_parameter_skeleton <- function(
feature_names = NULL,
cluster_linkage = NULL,
cluster_cut_method = NULL,
cluster_similarity_threshold = NULL,
cluster_similarity_metric = NULL,
cluster_representation_method = NULL,
.override_existing = FALSE) {
# Creates a skeleton for the provided cluster method.
# Determine feature names from the feature info list, if provided.
if (is.null(feature_names)) feature_names <- names(feature_info_list)
# Select only features that appear in the feature info list.
feature_names <- intersect(
# Skip step if no feature info objects are updated.
if (is_empty(feature_names)) return(feature_info_list)
# Check that method is applicable.
x = cluster_method,
var_name = "cluster_method",
values = .get_available_cluster_methods())
# Update familiar info objects with a feature clustering skeleton.
updated_feature_info <- fam_lapply(
X = feature_info_list[feature_names],
FUN = .create_cluster_parameter_skeleton,
method = cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = cluster_similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = cluster_similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = cluster_representation_method,
.override_existing = .override_existing)
# Provide names for the updated feature info objects.
names(updated_feature_info) <- feature_names
# Replace list elements.
feature_info_list[feature_names] <- updated_feature_info
.create_cluster_parameter_skeleton <- function(
.override_existing = FALSE) {
# Check if clustering data was already completed, and does not require being
# determined anew.
if (feature_info_complete(feature_info@cluster_parameters) &&
!.override_existing) return(feature_info)
# Create cluster parameter object.
object <- methods::new(
method = method)
# Set feature name
object@name <- feature_info@name
# Set feature type
object@type <- feature_info@feature_type
# Update the familiar version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
# Check that the feature was not removed and is not set as a signature.
if (!is_available(feature_info) || is_in_signature(feature_info)) method <- "none"
# Create the cluster method object.
object@method <- create_cluster_method_object(
cluster_method = method,
data_type = "cluster",
# Update imputation_parameters slot.
feature_info@cluster_parameters <- object
add_cluster_info <- function(
cl = NULL,
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = FALSE) {
# Find feature columns.
feature_names <- get_feature_columns(x = data)
# Sanity check.
if (!(setequal(feature_names, get_available_features(feature_info_list = feature_info_list)))) {
"add_cluster_info: features in data and the feature info list are expected ",
"to be the same, but were not."))
# Skeletons should be present. Now we need to identify which features can be
# grouped by their method slot. This is done by iterating, and identifying
# which features form groups. Though this may seem to a bit convoluted, we do
# this to allow for proper processing of features that may have different
# parameters assigned on purpose, e.g. signature features or externally
# provided features.
# Eliminate features that are already complete.
feature_names <- feature_names[!sapply(
function(x) (feature_info_complete(x@cluster_parameters)))]
# Skip any further processing if all parameter information has already been
# completed.
if (length(feature_names) == 0) return(feature_info_list)
# Set unassigned features.
unassigned_features <- feature_names
# Iterate to eliminate any groups that would be smaller than 2.
while (TRUE) {
# Break once all features have been assigned.
if (length(unassigned_features) == 0) break
# Get the cluster method object of the first feature that still needs to be
# sorted.
cluster_method_object <- feature_info_list[[unassigned_features[1L]]]@cluster_parameters@method
# Find other unsorted features that have the same method.
same_method_features <- unassigned_features[sapply(
function(x, y) {
return(identical(x@cluster_parameters@method, y))
y = cluster_method_object)]
# Perform 2 checks:
# 1, Check that at least 2 features are present. Otherwise no sensible
# clusters may be formed.
# 2, Check that there are at least 5 instances present. We cannot form
# clusters when similarity is difficult to assess.
if (length(same_method_features) < 2 || get_n_samples(data, id_depth = "repetition") < 5L) {
feature_info_list[same_method_features] <- create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = "none")
# Update the number of features that have not been assigned.
unassigned_features <- setdiff(unassigned_features, same_method_features)
# Set unassigned features and the initial grouping list
unassigned_features <- feature_names
# Iterate to create feature groups and add feature information.
while (TRUE) {
# Break once all features have been assigned.
if (length(unassigned_features) == 0) break()
# Get the cluster method object of the first feature that still needs to be
# sorted.
cluster_method_object <- feature_info_list[[unassigned_features[1L]]]@cluster_parameters@method
# Find other unsorted features that have the same method.
same_method_features <- unassigned_features[sapply(
function(x, y) {
return(identical(x@cluster_parameters@method, y))
y = cluster_method_object)]
# Message that computations are starting.
if (cluster_method_object@method != "none") {
"Computing similarity between ", length(same_method_features), " features ",
"using the ", cluster_method_object@similarity_metric, " metric ",
"for clustering using the ", cluster_method_object@method, " method."),
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Compute similarity.
cluster_method_object <- set_similarity_table(
object = cluster_method_object,
data = filter_features(
data = data,
available_features = same_method_features),
feature_info_list = feature_info_list[same_method_features],
cl = cl,
verbose = verbose)
# Create clustering objects. These are used to update the
# feature_info_lists.
clustering_objects <- unname(create_clusters(object = cluster_method_object))
# Update feature info lists.
updated_feature_info <- fam_lapply(
cl = cl,
X = clustering_objects,
FUN = .add_cluster_info,
cluster_method_object = cluster_method_object,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
progress_bar = FALSE)
# Flatten lists with feature info.
updated_feature_info <- unlist(
recursive = FALSE)
# Replace list elements without reordering.
feature_info_list[same_method_features] <- updated_feature_info[same_method_features]
# Remove features from the list of unassigned features.
unassigned_features <- setdiff(unassigned_features, same_method_features)
.add_cluster_info <- function(
data) {
# Limit feature info list and data to the features in the cluster
data <- filter_features(
data = data,
available_features = clustering_object@cluster_features)
# Find representation.
representation_objects <- add_feature_info_parameters(
object = clustering_object,
data = data,
feature_info = feature_info_list[clustering_object@cluster_features],
cluster_method_object = cluster_method_object)
# Update cluster_parameters attribute in the feature info objects.
updated_feature_info <- fam_mapply(
FUN = ..add_cluster_info,
feature_info = feature_info_list[clustering_object@cluster_features],
representation_object = representation_objects[clustering_object@cluster_features])
# Update names.
names(updated_feature_info) <- sapply(updated_feature_info, function(x) (x@name))
..add_cluster_info <- function(
representation_object) {
# Use the representation object to update the featureInfoParametersCluster
# object in cluster_parameters.
object <- add_feature_info_parameters(
object = feature_info@cluster_parameters,
data = representation_object)
# Attach updated information object.
feature_info@cluster_parameters <- object
# add_feature_info_parameters (cluster info, representation object) ------------
object = "featureInfoParametersCluster",
data = "clusterRepresentationObject"),
function(object, data, ...) {
# Sanity check: check that names are correct.
if (object@name != data@name) {
"add_feature_info_parameters,featureInfoParametersCluster,clusterRepresentationObject: ",
"the cluster information object and representation object were not specified for ",
"the same feature: ", object@name, " (info) and ", data@name, " (representation)"))
# Copy contents
object@weight <- data@weight
object@invert <- data@invert
object@cluster_name <- data@cluster_name
object@cluster_size <- data@cluster_size
object@cluster_features <- data@cluster_features
object@required_features <- data@required_features
# Set complete.
object@complete <- TRUE
# apply_feature_info_parameters (cluster info, dataObject) ---------------------
object = "featureInfoParametersCluster",
data = "dataObject"),
function(object, data, ...) {
# Determine if the current feature is required, and skip if not.
if (!object@name %in% object@required_features) return(NULL)
# Determine if weight is not 0.0, and skip if it is.
weight <- object@weight
if (weight == 0.0) return(NULL)
# Invert weights
if (object@invert) weight <- -1.0 * weight
# Only apply weights to numeric features.
if (object@type == "numeric") {
return(data@data[[object@name]] * weight)
} else {
.create_clustering_table <- function(
selected_features = NULL,
show_weights = FALSE) {
# Select only requested features.
if (!is.null(selected_features)) {
feature_info_list <- feature_info_list[selected_features]
cluster_table <- lapply(
function(x, show_weights) {
# If cluster parameters are not set, skip.
if (is.null(x@cluster_parameters)) return(NULL)
if (show_weights) {
"cluster_name" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_name,
"feature_name" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_features,
"feature_required" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_features %in% x@cluster_parameters@required_features,
"weight" = x@cluster_parameters@weight))
} else {
"cluster_name" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_name,
"feature_name" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_features,
"feature_required" = x@cluster_parameters@cluster_features %in% x@cluster_parameters@required_features))
show_weights = show_weights)
# Remove duplicate entries.
cluster_table <- unique(data.table::rbindlist(
use.names = TRUE))
features_before_clustering <- function(
cluster_table = NULL,
feature_info_list = NULL,
representative_only = FALSE) {
# Convert input features to original features
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
cluster_name <- feature_required <- NULL
# Create a cluster table if it is not provided
if (is.null(cluster_table) && is.null(feature_info_list)) {
"features_before_clustering: if no cluster_table is provided, ",
"feature_info_list cannot be empty."))
} else if (is.null(cluster_table)) {
cluster_table <- .create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
selected_features = features)
# Find original features.
if (representative_only) {
original_features <- unique(
cluster_table[cluster_name %in% features & feature_required == TRUE]$feature_name)
} else {
original_features <- unique(
cluster_table[cluster_name %in% features]$feature_name)
# Return original features.
features_after_clustering <- function(
cluster_table = NULL,
feature_info_list = NULL) {
# Convert input features to features after clustering
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
feature_name <- NULL
# Check if features are set.
if (is_empty(features)) return(NULL)
# Create a cluster table if it is not provided
if (is.null(cluster_table) && is.null(feature_info_list)) {
"features_after_clustering: if no cluster_table is provided, ",
"feature_info_list may be empty."))
} else if (is.null(cluster_table)) {
cluster_table <- .create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
selected_features = features)
# Find and return feature names after clustering.
return(unique(cluster_table[feature_name %in% features]$cluster_name))
set_clustered_data <- function(
feature_info_list) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
feature_required <- NULL
# Only use required data.
cluster_table <- cluster_table[feature_required == TRUE]
# For singular clusters or clusters represented by a single feature, simply
# return the data in the respective column.
if (nrow(cluster_table) == 1) return(data@data[[cluster_table$feature_name]])
# Add weighted. Instantiate with 0s.
feature_values <- numeric(nrow(data@data))
# Iterate over features.
for (current_feature in cluster_table$feature_name) {
feature_values <- feature_values + apply_feature_info_parameters(
object = feature_info_list[[current_feature]]@cluster_parameters,
data = data)
.get_available_cluster_methods <- function() {
return(c("none", "pam", "agnes", "diana", "hclust"))
.get_available_linkage_methods <- function(cluster_method) {
if (cluster_method %in% c("agnes", "diana", "hclust")) {
return(c("average", "single", "complete", "weighted", "ward"))
} else {
.get_available_cluster_cut_methods <- function(cluster_method) {
# Note that "none" is used to prevent clustering. It's not a valid choice per
# se.
if (cluster_method == "none") {
cut_methods <- "none"
} else if (cluster_method == "pam") {
cut_methods <- c("none", "silhouette")
} else if (cluster_method %in% c("agnes", "diana")) {
cut_methods <- c("none", "fixed_cut", "silhouette")
} else if (cluster_method %in% c("hclust")) {
cut_methods <- c("none", "fixed_cut", "silhouette", "dynamic_cut")
} else {
".get_available_cluster_cut_methods: encountered unknown cluster method: ",
.get_available_cluster_representation_methods <- function(cluster_method) {
# Note that "none" is used to prevent forming cluster representations. It's
# not a valid choice per se.
if (cluster_method == "none") {
representation_methods <- "none"
} else if (cluster_method == "pam") {
representation_methods <- c("none", "medioid")
} else if (cluster_method %in% c("agnes", "diana", "hclust")) {
representation_methods <- c("none", "medioid", "best_predictor", "mean")
} else {
".get_available_cluster_representation_methods: ",
"encountered unknown cluster representation method: ",
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