.required_packages_backend <- function(backend_type) {
backend_packages <- NULL
if (backend_type == "socket_server") {
backend_packages <- "callr"
.get_available_backend_types <- function() {
# All types of backend.
all_backend_types <- c("none", "socket_server")
.get_selected_backend_type <- function() {
# Get the type of backend server from the familiar global environment or the
# global environment. The latter happens for parallel processes.
if (exists("familiar_global_env")) {
if (exists("backend_type", where = familiar_global_env)) {
data_env <- familiar_global_env
} else if (exists("backend_type", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else if (exists("backend_type", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else {
".get_selected_backend_type: backend_type was not found in familiar_global_env or .GlobalEnv")
backend_type <- tryCatch(
get("backend_type", envir = data_env),
error = identity)
if (inherits(backend_type, "error")) {
backend_type = "none",
server_port = NULL)
backend_type <- "none"
.get_backend_server_port <- function() {
# Get the port for the backend server from the familiar global environment or
# the global environment. The latter happens for parallel processes.
if (exists("familiar_global_env")) {
if (exists("server_port", where = familiar_global_env)) {
data_env <- familiar_global_env
} else if (exists("server_port", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else if (exists("server_port", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else {
".get_backend_server_port: server_port was not found in familiar_global_env or .GlobalEnv")
return(get("server_port", envir = data_env))
.assign_backend_options_to_global <- function(backend_type, server_port) {
value = backend_type,
envir = familiar_global_env)
value = server_port,
envir = familiar_global_env)
.assign_data_to_backend <- function(data, backend_type = NULL, server_port = NULL) {
# Find the server port and backend_type variables if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
if (is.null(backend_type)) backend_type <- .get_selected_backend_type()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = backend_type),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (", backend_type, ")"))
if (backend_type %in% c("none")) {
# Put master_data in global environment
x = "master_data",
value = data,
envir = familiar_global_env)
} else if (backend_type %in% c("socket_server")) {
# Start the separate r session thread that will run the socket server.
start_socket_server_process(server_port = server_port)
# Obtain the handle.
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Assign the data to socket server process so that its available later.
function(data) {
x = "master_data",
value = data,
envir = familiar_global_env)
args = list("data" = data),
package = TRUE)
# Finally, activate the server subroutine.
.activate_socket_server_routine(server_port = server_port)
} else {
..error_reached_unreachable_code(".assign_data_to_backend: unknown backend encountered")
get_data_from_backend <- function(
backend_type = NULL,
server_port = NULL,
sample_identifiers = NULL,
column_names = NULL) {
# Find the server port and backend_type variables if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
if (is.null(backend_type)) backend_type <- .get_selected_backend_type()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = backend_type),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (", backend_type, ")"))
if (backend_type == "none") {
# Absence of backend.
x <- .get_data_from_backend(
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers,
column_names = column_names)
} else if (backend_type == "socket_server") {
# Socket server backend.
# Open connection to socket server.
con <- socket_client_open_connection(port = server_port)
# Execute .get_data_back_end on the server side, and obtain the data view.
x <- socket_client_do_call(
args = list(
"sample_identifiers" = sample_identifiers,
"column_names" = column_names))
} else {
"get_data_from_backend: encountered unknown type of backend: ", backend_type))
.get_data_from_backend <- function(sample_identifiers = NULL, column_names = NULL) {
# This is the support function that operates on the processes
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
# Identify the environment where the master_data object lives.
if (exists("familiar_global_env")) {
if (exists("master_data", where = familiar_global_env)) {
data_env <- familiar_global_env
} else if (exists("master_data", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else if (exists("master_data", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else {
".get_data_from_backend: master_data was not found in familiar_global_env or .GlobalEnv")
# Obtain and export views of the master data set to the calling function.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers) && is.null(column_names)) {
# Get entire dataset.
x <- data.table::copy(get("master_data", envir = data_env))
} else if (is.null(sample_identifiers) && !is.null(column_names)) {
# Get entire columns from the dataset.
x <- data.table::copy(get("master_data", envir = data_env)[, mget(column_names)])
} else if (!is.null(sample_identifiers) && is.null(column_names)) {
# Get entire rows from the dataset.
x <- data.table::copy(get("master_data", envir = data_env)[
sample_identifiers, on = .NATURAL])
} else {
# Get certain columns and rows from the dataset.
x <- data.table::copy(get("master_data", envir = data_env)[
sample_identifiers, mget(column_names), on = .NATURAL])
.assign_feature_info_to_backend <- function(
backend_type = NULL,
server_port = NULL) {
# Find the server port and backend_type variables if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
if (is.null(backend_type)) backend_type <- .get_selected_backend_type()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = backend_type),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (", backend_type, ")"))
# Put master_feature_info_list in the familiar global environment.
x = "master_feature_info_list",
value = feature_info_list,
envir = familiar_global_env)
if (backend_type %in% c("socket_server")) {
# Stop the socket_server subroutine so that we can add or update the list of
# feature information.
.shutdown_active_socket_server_routine(server_port = server_port)
# Obtain the handle.
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Assign the list of feature information to the socket server process so
# that its accessible later.
socket_server_process$run(function(feature_info_list) {
# Assign locally.
x = "master_feature_info_list",
value = feature_info_list,
envir = familiar_global_env)
args = list("feature_info_list" = feature_info_list),
package = TRUE)
# Reactivate the server subroutine.
.activate_socket_server_routine(server_port = server_port)
} else if (backend_type != "none") {
".assign_feature_info_to_backend: unknown backend encountered")
get_feature_info_from_backend <- function(
backend_type = NULL,
server_port = NULL,
data_id = NULL,
run_id = NULL) {
# Find the server port and backend_type variables if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
if (is.null(backend_type)) backend_type <- .get_selected_backend_type()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = backend_type),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (", backend_type, ")"))
if (backend_type == "none") {
# Absence of backend.
x <- .get_feature_info_from_backend(data_id = data_id, run_id = run_id)
} else if (backend_type == "socket_server") {
# Socket server backend.
# Open connection to socket server.
con <- socket_client_open_connection(port = server_port)
# Execute .get_feature_info_from_backend on the server side, and obtain the
# requested list of feature information.
x <- socket_client_do_call(
FUN = .get_feature_info_from_backend,
args = list(
"data_id" = data_id,
"run_id" = run_id))
} else {
"get_feature_info_from_backend: encountered unknown type of backend: ", backend_type))
.get_feature_info_from_backend <- function(data_id = NULL, run_id = NULL) {
# This function is executed locally in the thread where
# master_feature_info_list resides.
# Identify the environment where the master_feature_info_list object lives.
if (exists("familiar_global_env")) {
if (exists("master_feature_info_list", where = familiar_global_env)) {
data_env <- familiar_global_env
} else if (exists("master_feature_info_list", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else if (exists("master_feature_info_list", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
data_env <- .GlobalEnv
} else {
".get_feature_info_from_backend: master_feature_info_list was not found ",
"in familiar_global_env or .GlobalEnv."))
# Now read the requested element.
if (is.null(data_id) && is.null(run_id)) {
# Retrieve the generic feature information.
x <- get("master_feature_info_list", envir = data_env)[["generic"]]
} else if (is.waive(data_id) && is.waive(run_id)) {
# Retrieve all feature information, i.e. the complete list.
x <- get("master_feature_info_list", envir = data_env)
} else if (!is.null(data_id) && !is.null(run_id)) {
# Retrieve run-specific feature information.
x <- get("master_feature_info_list", envir = data_env)[[
.get_feature_info_list_name(data_id = data_id, run_id = run_id)]]
} else {
# data_id and run_id are either both provided, or both NULL.
".get_feature_info_from_backend: one of data_id and run_id is NULL ",
"instead of both NULL or both not NULL."))
# The feature info list should not be empty.
if (is.null(x)) {
".get_feature_info_from_backend: the requested feature information is empty. ",
"data_id = ", data_id,
"; run_id = ", run_id))
get_os <- function() {
# Gets the operating system name
system_info <-
os_name <- system_info["sysname"]
if (os_name == "Darwin") {
os_name <- "mac_os"
start_socket_server_process <- function(server_port = NULL) {
# Find the server port if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = "socket_server"),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (socket_server)"))
# Check if the process is already running.
if (!.is_socket_server_process_started()) {
# Start the socket_server process in a separate persistent thread using
# the callr package.
socket_server_process <- callr::r_session$new()
# Assign initial data to the
function(server_port) {
# Load the familiar package locally.
# Assign the socket server port to the familiar global environment.
x = "server_port",
value = server_port,
envir = familiar_global_env)
args = list("server_port" = server_port),
package = TRUE)
# Export socket_server_process to the familiar global environment.
envir = familiar_global_env)
.get_socket_server_process_handle <- function() {
# Return the R6 callr::r_session object that serves as the handle for the
# socket server process thread. This object is normally stored in the familiar
# global environment.
if (!exists("socket_server_process", where = familiar_global_env)) {
".get_socket_server_process_handle: socket_server_process ",
"does not exist in familiar_global_env")))
return(get("socket_server_process", envir = familiar_global_env))
.is_socket_server_process_started <- function() {
# Check if the process exists
if (!exists("socket_server_process", where = familiar_global_env)) return(FALSE)
# Get handle
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Check if the process is alive
is_alive <- socket_server_process$is_alive()
.activate_socket_server_routine <- function(server_port = NULL) {
# Get handle
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Check whether the socket server process is running in a separate thread.
if (!socket_server_process$is_alive()) {
".activate_socket_server: the socket_server_process that hosts the ",
"socket_server routine is not active.")))
# Check if the socket_server_process is idle.
if (!socket_server_process$get_state() == "idle") {
".activate_socket_server: the socket_server_process that hosts the ",
"socket_server routine is busy.")))
# Find the server port if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
# Start subroutine.
args = list("port" = server_port),
package = TRUE)
.shutdown_active_socket_server_routine <- function(server_port = NULL) {
# Shuts down the socket_server routine running on the separate
# socket_server_process callr::r_session thread.
# Check if the server thread is active prior to shutting down the
# socket_server subroutine.
if (.is_socket_server_process_started()) {
# Get handle
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Check the state of the process (idle or busy)
process_state <- socket_server_process$get_state()
# The process state will be "busy" when the socket_server subroutine is
# active, because it loops. If its "idle" the subroutine is not longer
# running.
if (process_state == "busy") {
# Find the server port if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
# Close the socket_server routine
socket_client_server_shutdown(port = server_port)
# The process should be responsive within a few milliseconds after sending
# the command to stop the subroutine. We leave the process 5 seconds to
# respond.
process_ready <- socket_server_process$poll_process(5000)
# Read from the socket_server_process to free up the process again,
# thereby finalising the shutdown of the socket_server subroutine and
# returning the socket_server_process to its idle state.
output <- socket_server_process$read()
shutdown_backend_server <- function(backend_type = NULL, server_port = NULL) {
# Find the server port and backend_type variables if not directly provided.
if (is.null(server_port)) server_port <- .get_backend_server_port()
if (is.null(backend_type)) backend_type <- .get_selected_backend_type()
# Check if required packages are installed.
x = .required_packages_backend(backend_type = backend_type),
purpose = paste0("to use the requested backend (", backend_type, ")"))
if (backend_type %in% c("socket_server")) {
# Check if the server thread is active prior to shutting it down.
if (.is_socket_server_process_started()) {
# Attempt to shutdown the socket_server subroutine itself, if it is
# running.
.shutdown_active_socket_server_routine(server_port = server_port)
# Get handle
socket_server_process <- .get_socket_server_process_handle()
# Stop the socket_server_process thread.
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