
Defines functions .compute_adjusted_univariate_p_value

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R

# familiarDataElementUnivariateAnalysis object ---------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement",
  prototype = methods::prototype(
    detail_level = "ensemble",
    estimation_type = "point"))

# familiarDataElementRobustness object -----------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement",
  slots = list("icc_type" = "character"),
  prototype = methods::prototype(
    detail_level = "ensemble",
    estimation_type = "point",
    icc_type = "1"))

# extract_univariate_analysis (generic) ----------------------------------------

#'@title Internal function to extract data from a univariate analysis.
#'@description Computes and extracts univariate analysis for the features used
#'  in a `familiarEnsemble` object. This assessment includes the computation of
#'  p and q-values, as well as robustness (in case of repeated measurements).
#'@inheritParams extract_data
#'@return A list with a data.table containing information concerning the
#'  univariate analysis of important features.
#'@keywords internal
    cl = NULL,
    icc_type = waiver(),
    feature_similarity = NULL,
    feature_cluster_method = waiver(),
    feature_cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
    feature_linkage_method = waiver(),
    feature_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
    feature_similarity_metric = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {

# extract_univariate_analysis (familiarEnsemble) -------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
    cl = NULL,
    icc_type = waiver(),
    feature_similarity = NULL,
    feature_cluster_method = waiver(),
    feature_cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
    feature_linkage_method = waiver(),
    feature_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
    feature_similarity_metric = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE) {
    # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
    p_value <- NULL
    # Message extraction start
      paste0("Extracting univariate analysis information."),
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Obtain from settings, if unset.
    if (is.waive(icc_type)) icc_type <- object@settings$icc_type
    # Check icc_type
      x = icc_type, 
      var_name = "icc_type",
      values = .get_available_icc_types())
    # Get and process the input data
    data <- process_input_data(
      object = object,
      data = data, 
      stop_at = "normalisation")
    # Check if the data object is empty.
    if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
    # Maintain only important features. The current set is based on the required
    # features.
    data <- filter_features(
      data = data,
      available_features = object@model_features)
    # Determine feature columns
    feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(x = data)
    # Check if there are any features in the model.
    if (length(feature_columns) == 0) return(NULL)
    ## Univariate p-values -----------------------------------------------------
    # Remove data with missing outcomes.
    feature_data <- remove_missing_outcomes(
      data = data,
      outcome_type = object@outcome_type)
    if (is_empty(feature_data)) {
      # Check that data are not empty
      univariate_data <- NULL
    } else if (data.table::uniqueN(
      by = get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")) <= 5) {
      # Check if the number of samples is sufficient (>5).
      univariate_data <- NULL
    } else {
      # Check that the qvalue package is installed.
      has_qvalue_package <- is_package_installed(name = "qvalue")
      # Calculate univariate P values, based on aggregated data
      regression_p_values <- compute_univariable_p_values(
        cl = cl,
        data_obj = aggregate_data(data = feature_data),
        feature_columns = feature_columns)
      # Find and replace non-finite values
      regression_p_values[!is.finite(regression_p_values)] <- NA_real_
      # Collect to table
      univariate_data <- data.table::data.table(
        "feature" = names(regression_p_values),
        "p_value" = regression_p_values)[order(p_value)]
      # Only introduce q-values if the qvalue package is installed.
      if (has_qvalue_package) {
        if (all(!is.finite(regression_p_values))) {
          # q-values can only be computed if any p-values are not NA.
          computed_q_value <- NA_real_
        } else {
          # q-values can only be computed for larger numbers of features
          computed_q_value <- tryCatch(
            qvalue::qvalue(p = univariate_data$p_value)$qvalues,
            warning = identity,
            error = identity)
          if (inherits(computed_q_value, "error")) computed_q_value <- NA_real_
          if (inherits(computed_q_value, "warning")) computed_q_value <- NA_real_
        # Set q-value
        univariate_data[, "q_value" := computed_q_value]
      # Set univariate data.
      univariate_data <- methods::new(
        data = univariate_data,
        value_column = ifelse(
          c("p_value", "q_value"), "p_value"),
        grouping_column = "feature")
      # Add model name.
      univariate_data <- add_model_name(univariate_data, object)
    ## Feature robustness ------------------------------------------------------
    if (!all(data@data$repetition_id == 1)) {
      # Determine which columns actually contains numeric data
      numeric_columns <- feature_columns[sapply(
        function(ii, data) (is.numeric(data@data[[ii]])),
        data = data)]
      if (length(numeric_columns) == 0) {
        icc_data <- NULL
      } else {
        # Compute ICC values
        icc_data <- fam_mapply(
          cl = cl,
          assign = NULL,
          FUN = compute_icc,
          x = data@data[, mget(numeric_columns)],
          feature = numeric_columns,
          progress_bar = FALSE,
          MoreArgs = list(
            "id_data" = data@data[, mget(get_id_columns(id_depth = "repetition"))],
            "type" = icc_type))
        # Compute values
        icc_data <- data.table::rbindlist(icc_data, use.names = TRUE)
        # Create object.
        icc_data <- methods::new(
          data = icc_data,
          value_column = c("icc", "icc_low", "icc_up", "icc_panel", "icc_panel_low", "icc_panel_up"),
          grouping_column = "feature")
        # Add model name.
        icc_data <- add_model_name(icc_data, object)
    } else {
      icc_data <- NULL
    return(list(univariate_data, icc_data))

# export_univariate_analysis_data (generic) ------------------------------------

#'@title Extract and export univariate analysis data of features.
#'@description Extract and export univariate analysis data of features for data
#'  in a familiarCollection.
#'@inheritParams export_all
#'@inheritParams plot_univariate_importance
#'@inheritDotParams extract_univariate_analysis
#'@inheritDotParams as_familiar_collection
#'@details Data is usually collected from a `familiarCollection` object.
#'  However, you can also provide one or more `familiarData` objects, that will
#'  be internally converted to a `familiarCollection` object. It is also
#'  possible to provide a `familiarEnsemble` or one or more `familiarModel`
#'  objects together with the data from which data is computed prior to export.
#'  Paths to the previous files can also be provided.
#'  All parameters aside from `object` and `dir_path` are only used if `object`
#'  is not a `familiarCollection` object, or a path to one.
#'  Univariate analysis includes the computation of p and q-values, as well as
#'  robustness (in case of repeated measurements). p-values are derived from
#'  Wald's test.
#'@return A data.table (if `dir_path` is not provided), or nothing, as
#'  all data is exported to `csv` files.
#'@exportMethod export_univariate_analysis_data
#'@rdname export_univariate_analysis_data-methods
    dir_path = NULL,
    p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {

# export_univariate_analysis_data (collection) ---------------------------------

#'@rdname export_univariate_analysis_data-methods
  signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Make sure the collection object is updated.
    object <- update_object(object = object)
    # Set default adjust method.
    if (is.waive(p_adjustment_method)) p_adjustment_method <- "fdr"
    if (is.null(p_adjustment_method)) p_adjustment_method <- "none"
    # Obtain data from the univariate analysis.
    univariate_data <- .export(
      x = object,
      data_slot = "univariate_analysis",
      dir_path = dir_path,
      aggregate_results = FALSE,
      type = "variable_importance",
      subtype = "univariate",
      object_class = "familiarDataElementUnivariateAnalysis")
    # Compute the adjusted p-values.
    univariate_data <- lapply(
      method = p_adjustment_method)
    # Obtain robustness data.
    icc_data <- .export(
      x = object,
      data_slot = "univariate_analysis",
      dir_path = dir_path,
      aggregate_results = FALSE,
      type = "variable_importance",
      subtype = "robustness",
      object_class = "familiarDataElementRobustness")
    # Set data list.
    data_list <- list(
      "univariate" = univariate_data,
      "icc" = icc_data)
    if (!is.null(dir_path)) data_list <- NULL
    if (export_collection) data_list <- c(data_list, list("collection" = object))

# export_univariate_analysis_data (general) ------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_univariate_analysis_data-methods
  signature(object = "ANY"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Attempt conversion to familiarCollection object.
    object <- do.call(
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "data_element" = "univariate_analysis"),
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "dir_path" = dir_path,
          "p_adjustment_method" = p_adjustment_method,
          "export_collection" = export_collection),

.compute_adjusted_univariate_p_value <- function(x, method = "fdr") {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  p_value <- NULL
  # If the method is not a correction method, return the data as is.
  if (!method %in% stats::p.adjust.methods) return(x)
  # Check that the data are not empty.
  if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
  # Determine grouping columns.
  grouping_column <- setdiff(x@grouping_column, "feature")
  # Make a local copy of the data.
  data <- data.table::copy(x@data)
  if (length(grouping_column) == 0) {
    data[, "adjusted_p_value" := stats::p.adjust(p = p_value, method = method)]
  } else {
    data[, "adjusted_p_value" := stats::p.adjust(p = p_value, method = method),
         by = c(grouping_column)]
  # Add to data element.
  x@data <- data

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