#' Create randomised groups Creates randomised groups, e.g. for tests that
#' depend on splitting (continuous) data into groups, such as the
#' Hosmer-Lemeshow test
#' The default fast mode is based on random sampling, whereas the slow mode is
#' based on probabilistic joining of adjacent groups. As the name suggests, fast
#' mode operates considerably more efficient.
#' @param x Vector with data used for sorting. Groups are formed based on
#' adjacent values.
#' @param y Vector with markers, e.g. the events. Should be 0 or 1 (for an
#' event).
#' @param sample_identifiers data.table with sample_identifiers. If provide, a
#' list of grouped sample_identifiers will be returned, and integers
#' otherwise.
#' @param n_max_groups Maximum number of groups that need to be formed.
#' @param n_min_groups Minimum number of groups that need to be formed.
#' @param n_min_y_in_group Minimum number of y=1 in each group for a valid
#' group.
#' @param n_groups_init Number of initial groups (default: 30)
#' @param fast_mode Enables fast randomised grouping mode (default: TRUE)
#' @details Creates randomised groups, e.g. for tests that depend on splitting
#' (continuous) data into groups, such as the Hosmer-Lemeshow test
#' * Determine maximum number of groups: either 10 or number so that each group
#' has 5 events (if smaller).
#' * Determine minimum number of groups (half the maximum, or 2). Groups cannot
#' the exceed corresponding group size.
#' * Start with 50 very small groups.
#' * Iterate while the maximum number of groups has not been reached.
#' * Selection probability is 1/n_j
#' * If a group exceeds the maximum group size, selection probability is 0.
#' * Break if all groups have exceeded the maximum size.
#' * Get cumulative probability and normalise by total.
#' * Draw random number between 0 and 1.
#' * Select the group which has a cumulative probability range that contains
#' the random number.
#' * Draw a random number to decide whether to join the group with right or
#' left adjacent group, and assign the group number to the adjacent group.
#' Probability depends on the size of adjacent groups. Smaller sizes have
#' greater probability of being joined. No joining with groups already
#' exceeding the maximum group size. If surrounded on both sides, force
#' selection probability for current group to 0. If joining is possible,
#' update group size, and selection probability for the new group.
#' * Check that 5 events are present in each group. For each group with < 5
#' events, try to join with neighbours.
#' * Start over if the number of groups is smaller than the minimum number.
#' @return List of group sample ids or indices.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
create_randomised_groups <- function(
y = NULL,
n_max_groups = NULL,
n_min_groups = NULL,
n_min_y_in_group = NULL,
n_groups_init = 30,
fast_mode = TRUE) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
group_id <- cum_y <- weight <- cum_prob_lower <- cum_prob_upper <- NULL
exclude <- y_in_group <- NULL
# initial parsing ------------------------------------------------------------
# - Get number of x
n_x <- length(x)
# - Get number of y
if (is.null(y)) y <- rep(0, n_x)
n_y <- sum(y)
# - Get the maximum of groups
if (is.null(n_max_groups)) {
n_max_groups <- ceiling(2.5 * n_x^(1 / 3))
# - Update maximum number of groups
if (n_y > 0 && !is.null(n_min_y_in_group)) {
n_max_groups <- min(c(n_max_groups, floor(n_y / n_min_y_in_group)))
# - Update mininum number of groups based on n_max_groups
if (is.null(n_min_groups)) {
n_min_groups <- min(c(n_max_groups, ceiling(1.0 * n_x^(1 / 3))))
# Some checks
if (n_max_groups < n_min_groups || n_max_groups > n_x || n_max_groups < 2) {
# Populate the generic table.
dt <- data.table::copy(sample_identifiers[, mget(get_id_columns(id_depth = "series"))])
if (fast_mode) {
# Fast mode ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Create table
dt_agg <- data.table::copy(dt)
dt_agg <- dt_agg[, ":="("x" = x, "y" = y)][order(x)]
# Initial loop counter
loop_iter <- 0
while (TRUE) {
# Draw a random number of groups between n_min_groups and n_max_groups
if (n_min_groups == n_max_groups) {
n_group_draw <- n_max_groups
} else {
n_group_draw <- fam_sample(
x = = n_min_groups, to = n_max_groups, by = 1L),
size = 1,
replace = FALSE)
# Draw a randomised groups assignment
random_group_id <- sort(
x = seq_len(n_group_draw),
size = n_x,
replace = TRUE))
# Assign group id
dt_agg[, "group_id" := random_group_id]
# Check if all groups have the minimum required y (e.g. events/group size)
if (n_y > 0 && !is.null(n_min_y_in_group)) {
dt_y <- dt_agg[, list(y_in_group = sum(y)), by = group_id]
if (all(dt_y$y_in_group >= n_min_y_in_group)) break
} else {
# If there is no minimum number of events required, only run one
# iteration
# Update loop_iter in case the sample was not good enough
loop_iter <- loop_iter + 1
# Break from outer loop after 10 unsuccessful random samplings and create
# a static split instead
if (loop_iter >= 10) {
# Cumulative sum over y
dt_agg[, "cum_y" := cumsum(y)]
# Assign static group ids
dt_agg[, "group_id" := findInterval(
x = cum_y,
vec = c(
stats::quantile(x = cum_y, (1:n_min_groups - 1) / n_min_groups),
# Break from loop
} else {
# Slow mode ----------------------------------------------------------------
# - Update maximum number of groups based on n_min_groups
if (!is.null(n_min_groups)) {
if (n_max_groups < n_min_groups + 2) {
n_max_groups <- n_min_groups + 2
# - Update number of initial groups so that each group size is one or more
if (n_groups_init > n_x) n_groups_init <- n_x
# - Maximum group size, which corresponds to n_min_groups
max_group_size <- ceiling(n_x / n_min_groups)
# Create table
dt <- dt[, ":="("x" = x, "y" = y)][order(x)]
# Create initial groups
init_group_size <- ceiling(n_x / n_groups_init)
# Create oversampled groups
group_size <- rep(init_group_size, n_groups_init)
# Randomly reduce group sizes by 1
n_samples_subtract <- init_group_size * n_groups_init - n_x
if (n_samples_subtract > 0) {
group_ind <- fam_sample(
x = seq_len(n_groups_init),
size = n_samples_subtract,
replace = FALSE)
group_size[group_ind] <- group_size[group_ind] - 1
# Add group_id to table
dt[, "group_id" := rep(seq_len(n_groups_init), times = group_size)]
rm("init_group_size", "n_samples_subtract", "group_size", "n_groups_init")
loop_iter <- 0
# Outer loop that checks whether the final number of groups is not smaller
# than n_min_groups
while (TRUE) {
dt_agg <- data.table::copy(dt)
n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(dt_agg, by = "group_id")
# Get a summary table
# - group size is the number of samples in the group
# - weight is the unnormalised selection probability
# - exclude is a flag to set weights to 0 for groups that would otherwise
# grow too large.
dt_s <- dt_agg[, list(group_size = .N, exclude = FALSE, weight = 1 / .N), by = group_id]
# Determine the total weight for normalizing weights into probabilities
total_weight <- sum(dt_s$weight)
dt_s[, "cum_prob_upper" := cumsum(weight) / (total_weight)]
dt_s[, "cum_prob_lower" := c(0, dt_s$cum_prob_upper[seq_along(dt_s$cum_prob_upper) - 1])]
# Inner loop that agglomerates groups
while (n_groups > n_max_groups) {
# Draw two numbers uniformly from [0,1]
r_prob <- stats::runif(n = 2)
# Get the group id that contains r_prob[1]
sel_group_id <- dt_s[data.table::between(
lower = cum_prob_lower,
upper = cum_prob_upper)]$group_id[1]
# Get neighbouring group_ids
group_left <- tail(dt_s[group_id < sel_group_id], n = 1)
group_right <- head(dt_s[group_id > sel_group_id], n = 1)
# Get join probabilities
if (nrow(group_left) == 0) {
left_prob <- 0
} else {
left_prob <- group_left$weight
if (nrow(group_right) == 0) {
right_prob <- 0
} else {
right_prob <- group_right$weight
cum_join_prob <- left_prob + right_prob
# Only join if the combined joining probability is not 0
if (cum_join_prob > 0) {
# Normalise probability
left_prob <- left_prob / cum_join_prob
# Determine join
if (r_prob[2] < left_prob) {
join_id <- group_left$group_id
} else {
join_id <- group_right$group_id
# Apply join
dt_s[group_id == join_id, "group_id" := sel_group_id]
dt_agg[group_id == join_id, "group_id" := sel_group_id]
} else {
# Force exclusion of the current group
dt_s[group_id == sel_group_id, "exclude" := TRUE]
rm("r_prob", "sel_group_id", "group_left", "group_right",
"left_prob", "right_prob", "cum_join_prob")
# Update summary table by determining new group sizes. Group sizes are summed for entries with the same
# group_id (i.e. those just joined), whereas an OR operation is applied to exclude.
dt_s <- dt_s[, list(group_size = sum(group_size), exclude = as.logical(max(exclude))), by = group_id]
# Exclude groups that exceed the max_group_size in size
dt_s[group_size >= max_group_size, "exclude" := TRUE]
# Set weights
dt_s[, "weight" := 1 / group_size]
dt_s[exclude == TRUE, "weight" := 0]
# Get total weight for normalisation
total_weight <- sum(dt_s$weight)
# Break from inner loop if there are no more weights to set
if (total_weight == 0) {
dt_s[, "cum_prob_upper" := 0]
dt_s[, "cum_prob_lower" := 0]
# Set probabilities
dt_s[, "cum_prob_upper" := cumsum(weight) / (total_weight)]
dt_s[, "cum_prob_lower" := c(0, dt_s$cum_prob_upper[seq_along(dt_s$cum_prob_upper) - 1])]
# Finally, determine n_groups
n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(dt_s, by = "group_id")
# Check if all groups have the minimum required y (e.g. events/group size)
if (n_y > 0 && !is.null(n_min_y_in_group)) {
# Count y in each group
dt_y <- dt_agg[, list(y_in_group = sum(y)), by = group_id]
dt_y <- merge(dt_y, dt_s, by = "group_id")[order(group_id)]
# Inner loop to resolve all y
dt_y[, "exclude" := FALSE]
dt_y[y_in_group >= n_min_y_in_group, "exclude" := TRUE]
# Combine data until every group is valid.
while (!all(dt_y$exclude)) {
# Find the smallest group, and add this to a neighbour
sel_group_id <- dt_y[exclude == FALSE][group_size == min(dt_y$group_size)]$group_id[1]
# Get neighbouring group_ids
group_left <- tail(dt_y[group_id < sel_group_id], n = 1)
group_right <- head(dt_y[group_id > sel_group_id], n = 1)
# Preferentially add to a neighbour without sufficient y, but where
# addition would allow the combined group to exist Break if there is
# just one group.
if (nrow(group_left) == 0 && nrow(group_right) == 0) {
if (nrow(group_left) == 0) {
join <- "right"
} else if (nrow(group_right) == 0) {
join <- "left"
} else {
# This requires some heuristics. General principle is to combine the
# smallest groups, unless a new group with at least n_min_y_in_group
# can be produced
n_y_left <- group_left$y_in_group
n_y_right <- group_right$y_in_group
n_y_sel <- dt_y[group_id == sel_group_id]$y_in_group
c_y_left <- n_y_left + n_y_sel
c_y_right <- n_y_right + n_y_sel
if (c_y_left >= n_min_y_in_group && c_y_right >= n_min_y_in_group) {
# All joins would produce good groups: choose the combined
# smallest
if (c_y_left > c_y_right) {
join <- "right"
} else {
join <- "left"
} else if (c_y_left >= n_min_y_in_group && n_y_left < n_min_y_in_group) {
# Left join would produce a new good group: choose left
join <- "left"
} else if (c_y_right >= n_min_y_in_group && n_y_right < n_min_y_in_group) {
# Right join would produce a new good group: choose right
join <- "right"
} else if (n_y_left < n_min_y_in_group && n_y_right >= n_min_y_in_group) {
# Add to the smaller left group, as the right group is already fine.
join <- "left"
} else if (n_y_right < n_min_y_in_group && n_y_left >= n_min_y_in_group) {
# Add to the smaller right group, as the left group is already fine.
join <- "right"
} else if (n_y_left < n_y_right) {
# Add to the smaller left group
join <- "left"
} else if (n_y_left > n_y_right) {
# Add to the smaller right group
join <- "right"
} else {
# It's a toss-up
join <- sample(c("left", "right"), size = 1)
rm("n_y_left", "n_y_right", "n_y_sel", "c_y_left", "c_y_right")
# Get join id
if (join == "left") {
join_id <- group_left$group_id
} else {
join_id <- group_right$group_id
rm("group_left", "group_right")
# Apply join
dt_y[group_id == join_id, "group_id" := sel_group_id]
dt_agg[group_id == join_id, "group_id" := sel_group_id]
rm("join_id", "sel_group_id")
# Update table
dt_y <- dt_y[, list(
group_size = sum(group_size),
y_in_group = sum(y_in_group),
exclude = as.logical(max(exclude))),
by = group_id]
dt_y[y_in_group >= n_min_y_in_group, "exclude" := TRUE]
# Determine n_groups
n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(dt_agg, by = "group_id")
# Break from outer loop
if (n_groups >= n_min_groups) {
# Update loop_iter in case efforts were not successful
loop_iter <- loop_iter + 1
# Break from outer loop after 5 unsuccessful iterations and create a
# static split instead
if (loop_iter >= 5) {
if (n_y > 0 && !is.null(n_min_y_in_group)) {
# Cumulative sum over y
dt_agg[, "cum_y" := cumsum(y)]
# Assign static group ids
dt_agg[, "group_id" := findInterval(
x = cum_y,
vec = c(
stats::quantile(x = cum_y, (1:n_min_groups - 1) / n_min_groups),
} else {
# Assign static group ids
dt_agg[, "group_id" := findInterval(
x = seq_len(n_x),
vec = c(
stats::quantile(x = seq_len(n_x), (1:n_min_groups - 1) / n_min_groups),
# Break from loop
# Get sample identifiers for each group
out_groups <- split(
dt_agg[, mget(c(get_id_columns(id_depth = "series"), "group_id"))],
by = "group_id", = FALSE)
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