
Defines functions .change_environment .duplicate_environment .remove .replace_environment ..replace_broken_function .replace_broken_functions .capture_show ..trim_functions

..trim_functions <- function() {
    "coef" = list(
      "FUN" = stats::coef,
      "with_timeout" = FALSE),
    "vcov" = list(
      "FUN" = stats::vcov,
      "with_timeout" = TRUE),
    "summary" = list(
      "FUN" = summary,
      "with_timeout" = TRUE),
    "varimp" = list(
      "FUN" = mboost::varimp,
      "with_timeout" = TRUE)))

.capture_show <- function(object) {
  # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
  require_package(object, "show")

  # Capture message
  captured_message <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(
    utils::capture.output(show(object@model), file = NULL),
    error = identity))

  # Check if show generated an error.
  if (inherits(captured_message, "error")) return(object)

  # Remove call.
  call_present <- startsWith(x = captured_message, prefix = "Call:")
  if (any(call_present)) {
    call_present <- which(call_present)
    call_present <- c(call_present - 1L, call_present)
    call_present <- setdiff(call_present, 0L)

    # Remove lines from message.
    captured_message <- captured_message[-c(call_present)]

  # Add to trimmed functions.
  object@trimmed_function <- c(
    list("show" = captured_message))


.replace_broken_functions <- function(object, trimmed_object, timeout = 60000) {
  # Find all methods that are trimmable.
  trimmable_methods <- names(..trim_functions())

  # Load packages associated with the model into the namespace so that all
  # associated methods may be found.

  # Find all methods associated with the model object itself.
  class_methods <- .get_class_methods(object@model)

  # Special check for S3 methods defined outside of standard packages, or
  # dependent packages. There seems to be an issue with visibility of such
  # methods when the package is only loaded, not attached. I don't want to
  # attach packages because that may alter the search space of the user.
  if (any(class(object@model) %in% c("mboost"))) {
    class_methods <- unique(c(class_methods, "varimp"))

  # Find those methods that are actually associated with the class.
  trimmable_methods <- trimmable_methods[trimmable_methods %in% class_methods]

  # Return trimmed object if there are no associated trimmable functions.
  if (is_empty(trimmable_methods)) return(trimmed_object)

  trimmable_methods <- ..trim_functions()[trimmable_methods]

  # Generate replacement functions, if required.
  replacement_functions <- lapply(trimmable_methods,
    object = object,
    trimmed_object = trimmed_object,
    timeout = timeout)

  # Get non-null items and add to existing functions.
  trimmed_object@trimmed_function <- c(
    replacement_functions[!sapply(replacement_functions, is.null)])


..replace_broken_function <- function(method_list, object, trimmed_object, timeout) {
  # Isolate FUN and with_timeout:
  FUN <- method_list$FUN
  if (!method_list$with_timeout) timeout <- Inf

  # Apply function using the original, untrimmed object.
  initial_info <- do.call_with_handlers_timeout(
    args = list(object@model),
    timeout = timeout,
    additional_packages = object@package)

  # If an error occurs or the project times out the required function is not
  # considered implemented for the object.
  if (!is.null(initial_info$error) || initial_info$timeout == TRUE) {
  initial_info <- initial_info$value

  # Attempt to extract the results from the trimmed object.
  new_info <- do.call_with_handlers(
    args = list(trimmed_object@model))

  # If an error occurs, it means that the information required to create the
  # function is no longer available due to object trimming, or recreating the
  # object takes a long time.
  if (!is.null(new_info$error)) {
    # Check for elements that contain stuff.
    if (is.list(initial_info)) {
      # This is the generic check for S3-methods.
      if (!is.null(names(initial_info))) {
        # Check for call.
        if (is.call(initial_info$call)) {
          initial_info$call <- call("trimmed")

        # Check for formula.
        if (inherits(initial_info$formula, "formula")) {
          initial_info$formula <- .replace_environment(initial_info$formula)

        # Check for terms.
        if (inherits(initial_info$terms, "terms")) {
          initial_info$terms <- .replace_environment(initial_info$terms)
    } else if (is(initial_info, "summary.vglm")) {
      # This is the check for the summary.vglm S4 object.

      # Check for call.
      if (is.call(initial_info@call)) initial_info@call <- call("trimmed")

      # Check for terms.
      initial_info@terms <- lapply(
        function(x) {
          if (!inherits(x, "terms")) return(x)


      # Check for formula.
      if (inherits(initial_info@misc$formula, "formula")) {
        initial_info@misc$formula <- .replace_environment(initial_info@misc$formula)

      # Replace qr attribute.
      initial_info@qr <- list()



.replace_environment <- function(x) {
  if (".Environment" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    attr(x, ".Environment") <- rlang::base_env()


.remove <- function(..., envir) {
  # Remove a variable from a specific environment.

  dots <- unlist(list(...))

  for (current_object in dots) {
    if (is_empty(current_object)) next

    if (exists(current_object, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)) {
        list = current_object, 
        envir = envir)

.duplicate_environment <- function(envir, parent = parent.env(envir)) {
  # Duplicate environment
  duplicated_environment <- list2env(
      all.names = TRUE,
      sorted = FALSE),
    parent = parent)


.change_environment <- function(x, old_env, new_env, recursive = TRUE) {
  if (is.environment(x)) {
    # Iterate over elements in the environment.
      function(y, x, old_env, new_env, recursive) {
        # Import locally.
        local_x <- get(y, envir = x)
        # Change environment on variable.
        local_x <- .change_environment(
          x = local_x,
          old_env = old_env,
          new_env = new_env,
          recursive = recursive)
        # Re-assign to environment.
        assign(y, local_x, envir = x)
      x = x,
      old_env = old_env,
      new_env = new_env,
      recursive = recursive)

  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    if (length(x) == 0) return(x)

    # Determine class (if any).
    object_class <- class(x)

    # Skip if x is an extree_data object.
    if (inherits(x, "extree_data")) return(x)

    # Iterate over list elements.
    x <- lapply(
      function(x, old_env, new_env, recursive) {
        # Update the environment of functions.
        if (is.function(x)) {
          if (identical(environment(x), old_env)) environment(x) <- new_env
        } else if (rlang::is_bare_list(x) && recursive) {
          x <- .change_environment(
            old_env = old_env,
            new_env = new_env,
            recursive = recursive)
      old_env = old_env,
      new_env = new_env,
      recursive = recursive)
    class(x) <- object_class
  } else {
    if (is.function(x)) {
      if (identical(environment(x), old_env)) environment(x) <- new_env


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