
Defines functions print.fastverse_rule rule text_col bold yellow red grey70 kingsblue lightblue gold magenta2 magenta cyan blue green package_version fastverse_reset fastverse_packages project_options project_packages gconf_path msg is_installed is_attached

Documented in fastverse_packages fastverse_reset is_attached is_installed

c_ <- function (...) as.character(substitute(c(...))[-1L])

#' @title Utilities
#' @name is_attached
#' @aliases is_installed 
#' @aliases is_attached
#' @description Checks if packages are installed or attached.
#' @param x character. A vector of package names.
#' @returns A named logical vector. 
#' @export
is_attached <- function(x) `names<-`(paste0("package:", x) %in% search(), x)

#' @rdname is_attached
#' @export
is_installed <- function(x) vapply(x, requireNamespace, TRUE, quietly = TRUE)

msg <- function(..., startup = FALSE) {
  if(!isTRUE(getOption("fastverse.quiet"))) {
      if(startup) packageStartupMessage(...) else message(...)

gconf_path <- function() paste(find.package('fastverse'), '.fastverse', sep = '/')

project_packages <- function() {
  fileConn <- file(".fastverse")
  pkg <- readLines(fileConn, warn = FALSE, skipNul = TRUE)
  pkg <- trimws(pkg[nzchar(pkg)])
  pkg <- pkg[!startsWith(pkg, "_")]
  pkg <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(pkg, ", | ,|,| "), use.names = FALSE)) # This will always work!
  pkg <- pkg[nzchar(pkg)]
  if(!length(pkg)) stop("Empty config file. Please write package names into your .fastverse config file, separated by commas, spaces or line breaks.")

project_options <- function() {
  fileConn <- file(".fastverse")
  pkg <- readLines(fileConn, warn = FALSE, skipNul = TRUE)
  pkg <- trimws(pkg[nzchar(pkg)])
  optl <- startsWith(pkg, "_")
  if(!any(optl)) return(list(before = NULL, after = NULL))
  if(all(optl)) {
    before <- pkg
    after <- NULL
  } else {
    ppos <- which.min(optl)
    before <- if(ppos > 1L) pkg[1:(ppos-1L)] else NULL
    after <- if(ppos < length(pkg)) pkg[ppos:length(pkg)][optl[ppos:length(pkg)]] else NULL
  lapply(list(before = before, after = after), function(x) {
    if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
    ol <- startsWith(x, "_opt_")
    x <- substr(x, 6L, 100000L)
    r <- "function() {"
    if(any(ol)) r <- paste0(r, "options(", paste(x[ol], collapse = ", "), ")")
    if(all(ol)) r <- paste0(r, "}") else {
      r <- if(any(ol)) paste0(r, "; Sys.setenv(", paste(x[!ol], collapse = ", "), ")}") else
        paste0(r, "Sys.setenv(", paste(x[!ol], collapse = ", "), ")}") 
    eval(str2lang(r), NULL, NULL)

#' List all packages in the fastverse
#' Core packages are first fetched from a project-level configuration file (if found), else from a global configuration file (if found), 
#' otherwise the standard set of core packages is returned. In addition, if \code{extensions = TRUE}, any packages used to extend the \emph{fastverse} for the current 
#' session (fetched from \code{getOption("fastverse.extend")}) are also returned. 
#' @param extensions logical. \code{TRUE} appends the set of core packages with all packages found in \code{options("fastverse.extend")}. 
#' @param include.self logical. Include the \emph{fastverse} package in the list?
#' @returns A character vector of package names. 
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastverse_extend}}, \code{\link{fastverse}}
#' @examples
#' fastverse_packages()
fastverse_packages <- function(extensions = TRUE, include.self = TRUE) {
  if(file.exists(".fastverse")) {
    pkg <- project_packages()
  } else {
    ext_pkg_file <- gconf_path()
    if(file.exists(ext_pkg_file)) {
      fileConn <- file(ext_pkg_file)
      pkg <- readLines(fileConn)
    } else pkg <- .core_pkg
  if(extensions && length(ex <- getOption("fastverse.extend"))) pkg <- unique(c(pkg, ex))
  if(include.self) pkg <- c(pkg, "fastverse")

#' Reset the fastverse to defaults
#' Calling this function will remove global configuration files and (default) clear all package options. 
#' Attached packages will not be detached, and configuration files for projects (as discussed in the vignette) will not be removed. 
#' @param options logical. \code{TRUE} also clears all \emph{fastverse} options.
#' @returns \code{fastverse_reset} returns \code{NULL} invisibly. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastverse_extend}}, \code{\link{fastverse}}
#' @export
fastverse_reset <- function(options = TRUE) {
  ext_file <- gconf_path()
  if(file.exists(ext_file)) file.remove(ext_file)
  if(options) options(fastverse.extend = NULL, 
                      fastverse.quiet = NULL, 
                      fastverse.styling = NULL)

# Not needed anymore
# invert <- function(x) {
#   if (length(x) == 0) return()
#   stacked <- unclass(utils::stack(x))
#   ### tapply(as.character(stacked$ind), stacked$values, list) # Old
#   split(as.character(stacked$ind), stacked$values) # Faster
# }

package_version <- function(x) paste(unclass(packageVersion(x))[[1L]], collapse = ".")

green <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[32m", x, "\033[39m")
blue <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[34m", x, "\033[39m")
cyan <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[36m", x, "\033[39m")
magenta <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[35m", x, "\033[39m")
magenta2 <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[38;5;198m", x, "\033[39m")  #ff0066
gold <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[38;5;214m", x, "\033[39m") #fa9c19
lightblue <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[38;5;45m", x, "\033[39m")                                    # 12b8ff
kingsblue <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[38;5;33m", x, "\033[39m")                                      #0062ff
# grey09 <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[38;5;253m", x, "\033[39m") 
grey70 <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[0;38;5;249m", x, "\033[39m") 
red <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[31m", x, "\033[39m")
yellow <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[33m", x, "\033[39m")
bold <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[1m", x, "\033[22m")
# Crayons white is more gray-isch
# white <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[37m", x, "\033[39m")
# Using bright white: https://i.stack.imgur.com/9UVnC.png
# white <- function(x) if(isFALSE(getOption("fastverse.styling"))) x else paste0("\033[97m", x, "\033[39m")
# Problem: If console is white: cannot read..
text_col <- function(x) {
  # If RStudio not available, messages already printed in black
  if (!identical(.Platform$GUI, "RStudio")) return(x)

rule <- function(left, right = NULL, style.left = identity, style.right = identity, style.rule = FALSE) {
  n <- .Options$width
  left <- as.character(left)
  if(length(right)) {
    right <- as.character(right)
    width <- n - nchar(left) - nchar(right) - 8L
    if(style.rule) {
      res <- paste(c(text_col("-- "), style.left(left), " ", text_col(paste(rep("-", width), collapse = "")), " ", style.right(right), text_col(" --")), collapse = "")
    } else {
      res <- paste(c("-- ", style.left(left), " ", rep("-", width), " ", style.right(right), " --"), collapse = "")
  } else {
    width <- n - nchar(left) - 4L
    if(style.rule) {
      res <- paste(c(text_col("-- "), style.left(left), " ", text_col(paste(rep("-", width), collapse = ""))), collapse = "")
    } else {
      res <- paste(c("-- ", style.left(left), " ", rep("-", width)), collapse = "") 
  class(res) <- "fastverse_rule"

# Not needed, but better than not.. 
#' @export
print.fastverse_rule <- function(x, ..., sep = "\n") {
  cat(x, ..., sep = sep)

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fastverse documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:34 a.m.