
Defines functions match_attributes

# Maps the origin Set to another Set with
# target_attributes, keeping the value of the attributes
# present in both attribute sets.
# @examples
# origin_attributes <- c(letters[1:4], "f")
# S$assign(b = 1, c = 0.5, f = 1)
# target_attributes <- c(letters[2:5], letters[1])
# R <- match_attributes(S, target_attributes)
match_attributes <- function(origin, target_attributes) {

  origin_attributes <- origin$get_attributes()

  idx <- match(origin_attributes, target_attributes)
  ii <- which(!is.na(idx))
  v <- origin$get_vector()

  target <- Set$new(attributes = target_attributes,
                    M = Matrix::sparseMatrix(
                      i = idx[ii],
                      j = rep(1, length(ii)),
                      x = v[ii],
                      dims = c(length(target_attributes), 1))



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fcaR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:05 a.m.