
Defines functions SBFitting

Documented in SBFitting

#' Iterative Smooth Backfitting Algorithm
#' Smooth backfitting procedure for nonparametric additive models
#' @param Y An \emph{n}-dimensional vector whose elements consist of scalar responses.
#' @param x An \emph{N} by \emph{d} matrix whose column vectors consist of \emph{N} vectors of estimation points for each component function.
#' @param X An \emph{n} by \emph{d} matrix whose row vectors consist of multivariate predictors.
#' @param h A \emph{d} vector of bandwidths for kernel smoothing to estimate each component function.
#' @param K A \code{function} object representing the kernel to be used in the smooth backfitting (default is 'epan', the the Epanechnikov kernel.).
#' @param supp A \emph{d} by 2 matrix whose row vectors consist of the lower and upper limits of estimation intervals for each component function (default is the \emph{d}-dimensional unit rectangle of \emph{[0,1]}).
#' @details \code{SBFitting} fits component functions of additive models for a scalar response and a multivariate predictor based on the 
#' smooth backfitting algorithm proposed by Mammen et al. (1999), see also Mammen and Park (2006), Yu et al. (2008), Lee et al. (2010, 2012) and 
#' others. \code{SBFitting} only focuses on the locally constant smooth backfitting estimator for the multivariate predictor case. 
#' Note that the fitting in the special case of a univariate predictor is the same as that provided by a local constant kernel regression 
#' estimator (Nadaraya-Watson estimator). The local polynomial approach can be extended similarly (currently omitted). 
#' Support of the multivariate predictor is assumed to be a product of closed intervals. Users should designate an estimation support for the additive
#' component function where modeling is  restricted to subintervals of the domain  (see Han et al., 2016). If 
#' one puts \code{X} in the argument for the estimation points \code{x}, \code{SBFitting} returns the estimated values of 
#' the conditional mean responses given the observed predictors.
#' @return A list containing the following fields:
#' \item{SBFit}{An \emph{N} by \emph{d} matrix whose column vectors consist of the smooth backfitting component function estimators at the given estimation points.}
#' \item{mY}{A scalar of centered part of the regression model.}
#' \item{NW}{An \emph{N} by \emph{d} matrix whose column vectors consist of the Nadaraya-Watson marginal regression function estimators for each predictor 
#' component at the given estimation points.}
#' \item{mgnDens}{An \emph{N} by \emph{d} matrix whose column vectors consist of the marginal kernel density estimators for 
#' each predictor component at the given estimation points.}
#' \item{jntDens}{An \emph{N} by \emph{N} by \emph{d} by \emph{d} array representing the 2-dimensional joint kernel 
#' density estimators for all pairs of predictor components at the given estimation grid. For example, \code{[,,j,k]} of 
#' the object provides the 2-dimensional joint kernel density estimator of the \code{(j,k)}-component of predictor components 
#' at the corresponding \emph{N} by \emph{N} matrix of estimation grid.}
#' \item{itemNum}{The iteration number that the smooth backfitting algorithm has stopped.}
#' \item{itemErr}{The iteration error of the smooth backfitting algorithm that represents the maximum L2 distance among component functions in the last successive updates.}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' n <- 100
#' d <- 2
#' X <- pnorm(matrix(rnorm(n*d),nrow=n,ncol=d)%*%matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),nrow=2,ncol=2))
#' f1 <- function(t) 2*(t-0.5)
#' f2 <- function(t) sin(2*pi*t)
#' Y <- f1(X[,1])+f2(X[,2])+rnorm(n,0,0.1)
#' # component function estimation
#' N <- 101
#' x <- matrix(rep(seq(0,1,length.out=N),d),nrow=N,ncol=d)
#' h <- c(0.12,0.08)
#' sbfEst <- SBFitting(Y,x,X,h)
#' fFit <- sbfEst$SBFit
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(x[,1],f1(x[,1]),type='l',lwd=2,col=2,lty=4,xlab='X1',ylab='Y')
#' points(x[,1],fFit[,1],type='l',lwd=2,col=1)
#' points(X[,1],Y,cex=0.3,col=8)
#' legend('topleft',legend=c('SBF','true'),col=c(1,2),lwd=2,lty=c(1,4),horiz=FALSE,bty='n')
#' abline(h=0,col=8)
#' plot(x[,2],f2(x[,2]),type='l',lwd=2,col=2,lty=4,xlab='X2',ylab='Y')
#' points(x[,2],fFit[,2],type='l',lwd=2,col=1)
#' points(X[,2],Y,cex=0.3,col=8)
#' legend('topright',legend=c('SBF','true'),col=c(1,2),lwd=2,lty=c(1,4),horiz=FALSE,bty='n')
#' abline(h=0,col=8)
#' par(op)
#' # prediction
#' x <- X
#' h <- c(0.12,0.08)
#' sbfPred <- SBFitting(Y,X,X,h)
#' fPred <- sbfPred$mY+apply(sbfPred$SBFit,1,'sum')
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' plot(fPred,Y,cex=0.5,xlab='SBFitted values',ylab='Y')
#' abline(coef=c(0,1),col=8)
#' par(op)
#' @references
#' \cite{Mammen, E., Linton, O. and Nielsen, J. (1999), "The existence and asymptotic properties of a backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions", Annals of Statistics, Vol.27, No.5, p.1443-1490.}
#' \cite{Mammen, E. and Park, B. U. (2006), "A simple smooth backfitting method for additive models", Annals of Statistics, Vol.34, No.5, p.2252-2271.}
#' \cite{Yu, K., Park, B. U. and Mammen, E. (2008), "Smooth backfitting in generalized additive models", Annals of Statistics, Vol.36, No.1, p.228-260.}
#' \cite{Lee, Y. K., Mammen, E. and Park., B. U. (2010), "backfitting and smooth backfitting for additive quantile models", Vol.38, No.5, p.2857-2883.}
#' \cite{Lee, Y. K., Mammen, E. and Park., B. U. (2012), "Flexible generalized varying coefficient regression models", Annals of Statistics, Vol.40, No.3, p.1906-1933.}
#' \cite{Han, K., Müller, H.-G. and Park, B. U. (2016), "Smooth backfitting for additive modeling with small errors-in-variables, with an application to additive functional regression for multiple predictor functions", Bernoulli (accepted).}
#' @export

SBFitting <- function(Y,x,X,h=NULL,K='epan',supp=NULL){
  if (is.null(ncol(x))==TRUE) {
    return(message('Evaluation grid must be multi-dimensional.'))
  if (is.null(ncol(X))==TRUE) {
    return(message('Observation grid must be multi-dimensional.'))
  N <- nrow(x)
  n <- nrow(X)
  d <- ncol(X)
  if (K!='epan') {
    message('Epanechnikov kernel is only supported currently. It uses Epanechnikov kernel automatically')
  if (is.null(supp)==TRUE) {
    supp <- matrix(rep(c(0,1),d),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
  if (is.null(h)==TRUE) {
    h <- rep(0.25*n^(-1/5),d)*(supp[,2]-supp[,1])
  if (length(h)<2) {
    return(message('Bandwidth must be multi-dimensional.'))
  tmpIndex <- rep(1,n)
  for (l in 1:d) {
    tmpIndex <- tmpIndex*dunif(X[,l],supp[l,1],supp[l,2])*(supp[l,2]-supp[l,1])
  tmpIndex <- which(tmpIndex==1)
  yMean <- sum(Y[tmpIndex])/length(Y)/P0(X,supp=supp)   
  MgnJntDens <- MgnJntDensity(x,X,h,K,supp)
  fNW <- NWMgnReg(Y, x, X, h, K, supp)
  f <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=d)
  # backfitting
  eps <- epsTmp <- 100
  iter <- 1
  critEps <- 5e-5
  critEpsDiff <- 5e-4
  critIter <- 50
  while (eps>critEps) {
    epsTmp <- eps
    f0 <- f
    for (j in 1:d) {
      f[,j] <- SBFCompUpdate(f,j,fNW,Y,X,x,h,K,supp,MgnJntDens)[,j]
      if (sum(is.nan(f[,j])==TRUE)>0) {
        f[which(is.nan(f[,j])==TRUE),j] <- 0
      if (sum(f[,j]*f0[,j])<0) {
        f[,j] <- -f[,j]
    #eps <- max(abs(f-f0))
    eps <- max(sqrt(apply(abs(f-f0)^2,2,'mean')))
    if (abs(epsTmp-eps)<critEpsDiff) {

    if (iter>critIter) {
      message('The algorithm may not converge (SBF iteration > stopping criterion). Try another choice of bandwidths.')
    iter <- iter+1

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