
Defines functions remotesampling Sparsify

Documented in Sparsify

#' Sparsify densely observed functional data
#' Given a matrix of densely observed functional data, create a sparsified sample for experimental purposes
#' @param samp A matrix of densely observed functional data, with each row containing one sample.
#' @param pts A vector of grid points corresponding to the columns of \code{samp}.
#' @param sparsity A vector of integers. The number of observation per sample is chosen to be one of the elements in sparsity with equal chance.
#' @param aggressive Sparsify in an "aggressive" manner making sure that near-by readings are excluded.
#' @param fragment Sparsify the observations into fragments, which are (almost) uniformly distributed in the time domain. Default to FALSE as not fragmenting. Otherwise a positive number specifying the approximate length of each fragment.
#' @return A list of length 2, containing the following fields:
#' \item{Lt}{A list of observation time points for each sample.}
#' \item{Ly}{A list of values for each sample, corresponding to the time points.}
#' @export
Sparsify <- function(samp, pts, sparsity, aggressive = FALSE, fragment=FALSE) {

  if (!is.matrix(samp)) {
    stop('samp needs to be a matrix')
  if (ncol(samp) != length(pts)) {
    stop('The number of columns in samp needs to be equal to the length of pts')
  if (length(sparsity) == 1) {
    sparsity <- c(sparsity, sparsity) # avoid scalar case

  if (aggressive && fragment) {
    stop('Specify one of `aggressive` or `fragment` only')
  if (aggressive) {
    indEach <- lapply(1:nrow(samp), function(x)
      remotesampling(ncol(samp), sparsity) )
  } else if (fragment != FALSE) {
    nptsEach <- fragment / mean(diff(pts))
    indEach <- lapply(1:nrow(samp), function(x) {
      ranPts <- range(pts)
      mid <- runif(1, ranPts[1], ranPts[2])
      usePts <- which(pts >= mid - 1/2 * diff(ranPts) * fragment & 
                      pts <= mid + 1/2 * diff(ranPts) * fragment)
      nSampPts <- sample(sparsity, 1)
      if (nSampPts >= length(usePts)) usePts else sort(sample(usePts, nSampPts))
  } else {
    indEach <- lapply(1:nrow(samp), function(x) 
      sort(sample(ncol(samp), sample(sparsity, 1))))
  Lt <- lapply(indEach, function(x) pts[x])
  Ly <- lapply(1:length(indEach), function(x) {
      ind <- indEach[[x]]
      y <- samp[x, ind]
  return(list(Lt=Lt, Ly=Ly))

remotesampling <- function(N,s){
  onesamp = sort( sample( N, sample( s, 1))) 
  threshold = (1/length(onesamp))^(1.5) * N 
  while( min(diff(onesamp)) < threshold ){
    onesamp = sort( sample( N, length(onesamp)))

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fdapace documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:08 p.m.