
Defines functions calculate_weights

Documented in calculate_weights

#' Calculate weights for computing matchscore
#' Calculate weights for comparison variables based on \eqn{m} and \eqn{u}
#' probabilities estimated from a verified dataset.
#' This function uses the classic Record Linkage methodology first developed by Felligi and Sunter.
#' See [Record Linkage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_linkage). \eqn{m} is the
#' probability of a given link between observations is a true match, while \eqn{u} is the probability
#' of an unlinked pair of observations being a true match. \code{calculate_weights}
#' computes a preliminary weight for each variable by computing
#' \deqn{w = \log_2 (\frac{m}{u}),}
#' then making these weights sum to 1. Thus, the weights that have higher \eqn{m}
#' and lower \eqn{u} probabilities will get higher weights, which makes sense given
#' the definitions. These weights can then be easily passed into the \code{score_settings}
#' argument of \code{merge_plus} or \code{tier_match}, or into the \code{wgts} argument of
#' \code{multivar_match}.
#' @param data data.frame. Verified data. Should have all of the variables you want to calculate weights for from both datasets, named the same with data-specific suffixes.
#' @param variables character vector of the variable names of the variables you want to calculate weights for.
#' @param compare_type character vector. One of 'stringdist' (for string variables) 'ratio','difference' (for numerics) 'indicator' (0-1 dummy indicating if the two are the same),'in' (0-1 dummy indicating if data1 is IN data2), and 'substr' (numeric indicating how many digits are the same.)
#' @param suffixes character vector. Suffixes of of the variables that indicate what data they are from. Default is same as the default for base R merge, c('.x','.y')
#' @param non_negative logical. Do you want to allow negative weights?
#' @return list with m probabilities, u probabilites, w weights, and settings, the list argument requried as an input for score_settings in merge_plus using the calculate weights.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
calculate_weights <- function(data, variables, compare_type = "stringdist",
                              suffixes = c("_1", "_2"), non_negative = FALSE) {

  # Preliminaries
  class(data) <- "data.frame"
  ## checking lengths
  if (length(compare_type) == 1) {
    compare_type <- rep(compare_type, length(variables))
  } else if (length(variables) != length(compare_type)) {
    stop("length of variables not equal to length of compare_type")

  ## checking to make sure variable names in function
  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
    for (j in 1:2) {
      if (!(paste0(variables[i], suffixes[j]) %in% names(data))) {
        stop(paste(paste0(variables[i], suffixes[j]), "not in data"))

  ## intializing vectors
  m <- u <- rep(NA, length(variables))

  # Calculating m & u probabilities
  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {

    ## getting names for convienience
    variable <- variables[i]
    compare_type_i <- compare_type[i]

    ## creating comparison variable
    if (compare_type_i == "in") {
      data[, variable] <- as.numeric(as.character(
          data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])],
          data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])]
        ), 1, 0)
    if (compare_type_i == "indicator") {
      data[, variable] <- ifelse((data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])] == data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])]), 1, 0)
    if (compare_type_i == "substr") {
      data[, variable] <- 0
      for (k in 1:max(nchar(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])]), na.rm = TRUE)) {
        data[, variable] <- ifelse(substr(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])], 1, k) == substr(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])], 1, k) & nchar(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])]) >= k & nchar(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])]) >= k, k, data[, variable])
    if (compare_type_i == "difference") {
      data[, variable] <- as.numeric(pmin(abs(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])] - data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])]), abs(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])] - data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])])))
    if (compare_type_i == "ratio") {
      data[, variable] <- pmax(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])] / data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])], data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])] / data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])])
    if (compare_type_i == "stringdist") {
      data[, variable] <- stringdist::stringdist(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])], data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])], method = "jw", p = .02)

    ## normalizing distance variables
    if (compare_type_i == "in") {
      data[, variable] <- data[, variable]
    if (compare_type_i == "indicator") {
      data[, variable] <- data[, variable]
    if (compare_type_i == "substr") {
      data[, variable] <- data[, variable] / pmin(nchar(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[1])]), nchar(data[, paste0(variable, suffixes[2])]), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (compare_type_i == "difference") {
      data[, variable] <- 1 / (1 + (1 / max(data[, variable], na.rm = TRUE)) * data[, variable]^2)
    if (compare_type_i == "ratio") {
      data[, variable] <- 1 / data[, variable]
    if (compare_type_i == "stringdist") {
      data[, variable] <- 1 - data[, variable]

    ## calculating match probability
    m[i] <- sum(data[, variable], na.rm = TRUE) / length(data[, variable][!is.na(data[, variable])])

    ## calculating unmatch probability

    ### calculating by observation unmatch probabilities for each dataset
    for (suffix in suffixes) {
      temp <- data.frame(table(as.factor(data[, paste0(variable, suffix)])) / length(data[, paste0(variable, suffix)][which(!is.na(data[, paste0(variable, suffix)]))]))
      data[, paste0(variable, suffix)] <- as.factor(data[, paste0(variable, suffix)])
      data <- merge(data, temp, by.x = paste0(variable, suffix), by.y = "Var1", suffixes = suffixes)

    ### averaging over both datasets
    u[i] <- mean(.5 * (data[, paste0("Freq", suffixes[1])] + data[, paste0("Freq", suffixes[2])]), na.rm = TRUE)

    ### deleting
    data[, paste0("Freq", suffixes[1])] <- data[, paste0("Freq", suffixes[2])] <- NULL

  # Calculating weights
  w <- log(m / u, base = 2)
  if (non_negative == TRUE) {
    w[which(w < 0)] <- 0
  w <- w / sum(w, na.rm = TRUE)
  names(w) <- names(m) <- names(u) <- variables

  # Creating settings
  settings <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
    settings[[variables[i]]] <- list(compare_type = compare_type[i], weight = w[i])

  return(list(m = m, u = u, w = w, settings = settings))

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fedmatch documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 1:07 a.m.