
Defines functions pfpca .GetEigenAnalysisResults .GetMeanDense .GetCovDense

Documented in pfpca

#' Partially Separable Karhunen-Loeve Expansion 
#' Estimates the Karhunen-Loeve expansion for a partially separable multivariate Gaussian process.
#' @param y  list of length p containing densely observed multivariate (p-dimensional) functional data . \code{y[[j]]} is an nxm matrix of functional data for n subjects observed on a grid of length m
#' @param t  (optional) grid on which functional data is observed, defaults to seq(0, 1, m) where \code{m = dim(data[[1]])[2]}
#' @return A list with three variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{phi}}{Lxm matrix where each row denotes the value of a basis function evaluated at a grid of length m}
#'   \item{\code{theta}}{list of length L of functional principal component scores. \code{theta[[l]]} is an nxp matrix of vector scores corresponding to the basis function \code{phi[l,]}}
#'   \item{\code{FVE}}{fraction of functional variance explained (FVE) by the first L components}
#' }
#' @details 
#' This function implements the functional graphical model in Zapata, Oh, and Petersen (2019).
#' This code uses functions from the testing version of fdapace available at: \url{https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE}.
#' ## Variables
#' # Omega - list of precision matrices, one per eigenfunction
#' # Sigma - list of covariance matrices, one per eigenfunction
#' # theta - list of functional  principal component scores
#' # phi - list of eigenfunctions densely observed on a time grid
#' # y - list containing densely observed multivariate (p-dimensional) functional data 
#' library(mvtnorm)
#' library(fda)
#' ## Generate data y
#'  source(system.file("exec", "getOmegaSigma.R", package = "fgm"))
#'  theta = lapply(1:nbasis, function(b) t(rmvnorm(n = 100, sigma = Sigma[[b]])))
#'  theta.reshaped = lapply( 1:p, function(j){
#'      t(sapply(1:nbasis, function(i) theta[[i]][j,]))
#'  })
#'  phi.basis=create.fourier.basis(rangeval=c(0,1), nbasis=21, period=1)
#'  t = seq(0, 1, length.out = time.grid.length)
#'  chosen.basis = c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21)
#'  phi = t(predict(phi.basis, t))[chosen.basis,]
#'  y = lapply(theta.reshaped, function(th) t(th)%*%phi)
#' ## Solve  
#'  pfpca(y)
#' @keywords pfpca fpca pca fda partial separability principal components 
#' @export
#' @author Javier Zapata, Sang-Yun Oh and Alexander Petersen
#' @references Zapata J., Oh S. and Petersen A. (2019) - Partial Separability and Functional Graphical Models for Multivariate Gaussian Processes. Available at \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.03134}. 

pfpca = function(y, t=seq(0, 1, length.out=dim(y[[1]])[2])){
  # checking inputs
  if (missing(y)) stop('y is missing')
  if (!is.list(y)) stop('y must be a list of matrices')
  if (length(t) != dim(y[[1]])[2]) stop('length of time grid does not match dim(y[[1]])[2])')
  # Compute autocovariance surface of each component separately (smoothed first)
  p = length(y)
  optns = list(dataType = 'Dense', error = FALSE)
  mu = t(sapply(y, function(yy) .GetMeanDense(yy, t, optns)$mu))
  m = length(t); n = dim(y[[1]])[1]
  S = array(0, dim = c(m, m, p))
  for(j in 1:p){
    S[,,j] = .GetCovDense(y[[j]], mu[j,], optns)$smoothCov
  # Add together and compute eigendecomposition
  optns$FVEthreshold = 0.99
  optns$maxK = n*p
  C = rowSums(S, dims = 2)
  E = .GetEigenAnalysisResults(C, t, optns)
  # Compute vector scores
  y2 = lapply(1:n, function(i){ # Rearrange data by subject
    t(sapply(1:p, function(j) y[[j]][i,]))
  L = dim(E$phi)[2]
  #if(L > dim(E$phi)[2]){
  #  #warning('L is too large, changing to maximum value')
  #  L = dim(E$phi)[2]
  theta = lapply(1:L, function(l){
    sapply(1:n, function(i){
      sapply(1:p, function(j) fdapace::trapzRcpp(t, (y2[[i]][j,] - mu[j,])*(E$phi[,l])))
  # Compute FVE
  FVE = E$cumFVE[L]
  return(list(phi = t(E$phi[,1:L]), theta = theta, FVE= E$cumFVE[1:L], L=L))
              #FVE = FVE, 
              #cumFVE=E$cumFVE, L=L))

.GetEigenAnalysisResults <- function(smoothCov, regGrid, optns, muWork = NULL) {
  # this function is based on <https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE/blob/master/R/GetEigenAnalysisResults.R>
  maxK <- optns$maxK
  FVEthreshold <- optns$FVEthreshold
  verbose <- optns$verbose
  gridSize <- regGrid[2] - regGrid[1]
  numGrids <- nrow(smoothCov)
  eig <- eigen(smoothCov)
  positiveInd <- eig[['values']] >= 0
  if (sum(positiveInd) == 0) {
    stop('All eigenvalues are negative. The covariance estimate is incorrect.')
  d <- eig[['values']][positiveInd]
  eigenV <- eig[['vectors']][, positiveInd, drop=FALSE]
  if (maxK < length(d)) {
    if (optns[['verbose']]) {
      message(sprintf("At most %d number of PC can be selected, thresholded by `maxK` = %d. \n", length(d), maxK)) 
    d <- d[1:maxK]
    eigenV <- eigenV[, 1:maxK, drop=FALSE]
  # thresholding for corresponding FVE option 
  #(not before to avoid not being able to reach the FVEthreshold when pos eigenvalues > maxk)
  # i.e. default FVE 0.9999 outputs all components remained here.
  FVE <- cumsum(d) / sum(d) * 100  # cumulative FVE for all available eigenvalues from fitted cov
  no_opt <- min(which(FVE >= FVEthreshold * 100)) # final number of component chosen based on FVE
  # normalization
  if (is.null(muWork)) {
    muWork = 1:dim(eigenV)[1]
  phi <- apply(eigenV, 2, function(x) {
    x <- x / sqrt(fdapace::trapzRcpp(regGrid, x^2)) 
    #x <- x / sqrt(pracma:::trapz(regGrid, x^2)) 
    if ( 0 <= sum(x*muWork) )
  lambda <- gridSize * d;
  fittedCov <- phi %*% diag(x=lambda, nrow = length(lambda)) %*% t(phi)
  return(list(lambda = lambda[1:no_opt], phi = phi[,1:no_opt, drop=FALSE], 
              cumFVE = FVE, kChoosen=no_opt, fittedCov=fittedCov))

.GetMeanDense <- function(ymat, obsGrid, optns){
  # This function is based on <https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE/blob/master/R/GetMeanDense.R>
  # Check optns
  if(!(optns$dataType %in% c('Dense', 'DenseWithMV'))){
    stop('Cross sectional mean is only applicable for option: dataType = "Dense" or "DenseWithMV"!')
  if ( is.null(optns$userMu) ){
    mu = colMeans(ymat, na.rm = TRUE) # use non-missing data only
  } else {
    mu = spline(optns$userMu$t, optns$userMu$mu, xout= obsGrid)$y;  
    stop('The cross sectional mean is appears to have NaN! Consider setting your dataType to \'Sparse\' manually')
  ret = list('mu' = mu, 'muDense' = NULL, 'mu_bw' = NULL)
  class(ret) = "SMC"

.GetCovDense <- function(ymat, mu, optns) {
  # This function is based on <https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE/blob/master/R/GetCovDense.R>
  if(!(optns$dataType %in% c('Dense', 'DenseWithMV'))){
    stop('Sample Covariance is only applicable for option: dataType = "Dense" or "DenseWithMV"!')
  # if( optns$muCovEstMethod == 'cross-sectional' ){
  n = nrow(ymat)
  m = ncol(ymat)
  if( !is.null(optns$userMu) ){
    ymat = ymat - matrix(rep(times= nrow(ymat), mu), ncol= ncol(ymat), byrow=TRUE)
    K = matrix( rep(0,m^2), m)
    for( i in (1:m)){
      for( j in (1:m)){
        XcNaNindx = which(is.na(ymat[,i]));
        YcNaNindx = which(is.na(ymat[,j]));
        NaNrows = union(XcNaNindx, YcNaNindx);
        # Find inner product of the columns with no NaN values
        indx = setdiff( 1:n, NaNrows)
        K[i,j] =  sum(ymat[indx,i] * ymat[indx,j]) * (1/(n-1-length(NaNrows)));  
  } else {
    K = cov(ymat, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs') # sample variance using non-missing data
  K = 0.5 * (K + t(K)) # ensure that K is symmetric
  if (any(is.na(K))) {
    stop("Data is too sparse to be considered DenseWithMV. Remove sparse observations or specify dataType='Sparse' for FPCA") 
  if (optns[['error']] == TRUE) {
    # 2nd order difference method for finding sigma2
    if (!is.null(optns[['userSigma2']])) {
      sigma2 <- optns[['userSigma2']]
    } else {
      ord <- 2 
      sigma2 <- mean(diff(t(ymat), differences=ord)^2, na.rm=TRUE) / 
        choose(2 * ord, ord)
      diag(K) <- diag(K) - sigma2
  } else {
    sigma2 <- NULL
  ret = list('rawCov' = NULL, 'smoothCov' = K, 'bwCov' = NULL,
             'sigma2' = sigma2, outGrid = NULL)
  class(ret) = "SmoothCov"
  # } else {
  # stop('optns$muCovEstMethod is unknown!\n')
  # }

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