
Defines functions loglik.y.grad.logN pargrad.mix.logN grad.mix.logN Dmixure1.logN DlogN loglik.y.logN parfy.logN fy.logN fy.gg.logN hessian.logN parhess.mix.full.logN hess.mix.full.logN D2mixure.full.logN D2logN.musig D2logN.logsig D2logN.mu dloglik.logN.nlm dloglik.logN pargrad.mix.full.logN grad.mix.full.logN Dmixure.full.logN DlogN.logsig DlogN.mu loglik.logN parlx.logN lx.logN fx.logN.1 fxj.logN.1 fxj.logN integrand.j.logN fyj.logN

## R routines for wood fiber length determination based on log normal distribution with MLEs ... 

# Fines/fibers Y densities...
fyj.logN <- function(x,th.j){
## gets density of fine or fiber length as density function of log normal distribution
## * x - vector of quantiles of true length of fine
## * th.j- lognormal parameters: (mu, sigma)

# getting density of observed FINE/FIBER length, fines/fiber X, ...
integrand.j.logN <- function(y,x,th.j,r){
## integrand needed for calculating X fine density 

fxj.logN <- function(X,th.j,r){
## gets density of observed fine/fiber length (X fines/fibers)... 
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
      I=integrate(integrand.j.logN, lower=x, upper=100, x=x, th.j=th.j, 
         r=r, stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^.3)

 fxj.logN.1 <- function(x,th.j,r){
  ## gets density of a single observation of fine/fiber length...  
  ## * th.j- vector of two parameters (mu,sigma)
   I=integrate(integrand.j.logN, lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th.j=th.j, 
         r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)

# Mixture density (with transformed parameters)...
fx.logN.1 <-function(y,theta, r,log=TRUE){
## mixture density of a single value of the observed cell, fine and fiber...
## * theta - vector of five transformed (mu's stay untransformed) parameters(eps,mu.fines,sigma.fines,mu.fibers,sigma.fibers) 
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
  theta[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)])
  eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
  if(y>=(2*r) || y<=0) z <- 0
     z<- (1-eps)*fxj.logN.1(y,th.j=theta[4:5],r) + eps*fxj.logN.1(y, th.j=theta[2:3],r)
  if (log) z <- log(z+1e-7) else z <- z+1e-7
} ## fx.logN.1

 lx.logN <- function(x,theta,r, log=TRUE){
    ## vector of mixture densities of n cells length...
       sapply(x, FUN=fx.logN.1, theta=theta,r=r,log=log) ## returns a vector
 parlx.logN <- function(cl,x,theta,r,log=TRUE){
      ## vector of mixture densities of n cells length...
       tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=fx.logN.1, theta=theta,r=r,log=log) 

## getting log likelihood with parallel computation....
loglik.logN <- function(cl=NULL,theta,x, r){
## minus log likelihood function of log normal model (mixture density)... 
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
   ## (eps,mu.fines,sig.fines,mu.fibers,sig.fibers)
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
## * x - cell length
   if (is.null(cl))   
        ll <- sum(lx.logN(x=x,theta=theta, r=r,log=TRUE))
      ll <- sum(parlx.logN(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r,log=TRUE))    
} ## loglik.logN

DlogN.mu <- function(y,th){
    ## gets derivative of log normal density wrt mu...
    ## th - vector of two para-s
DlogN.logsig <- function(y,th){
    ## gets derivative of log normal density wrt log(sig)...
       fyj.logN(y,th)*((log(y)-th[1])^2/th[2]^2 - 1)     

Dmixure.full.logN <- function(x, theta,r){
## gets gradient of the LOG mixure density of the full model for a single observation wrt to all five transformed para-s
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    ## (eps,mu.fines,sig.fines,mu.fibers,sig.fibers)
    th <- theta
    theta[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)])
    eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
    dmix <- rep(NA,5)
    dmix[1] <- eps^2/exp(th[1])*(fxj.logN.1(x=x,th.j=theta[2:3],r=r) -
                  fxj.logN.1(x=x,th.j=theta[4:5],r=r)) ## deriv wrt theta[1]
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*DlogN.mu(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:3],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)  
    dmix[2] <- eps*(p.uc(x,r=r)*DlogN.mu(y=x,th=theta[2:3]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*DlogN.logsig(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:3],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)
    dmix[3] <- eps*(p.uc(x,r=r)*DlogN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[2:3]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*DlogN.mu(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
          x=x, th=theta[4:5],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)
    dmix[4] <- (1-eps)*(p.uc(x,r=r)*DlogN.mu(y=x,th=theta[4:5]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*DlogN.logsig(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[4:5],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)
    dmix[5] <- (1-eps)*(p.uc(x,r=r)*DlogN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[4:5]) + I$value)
    dmix/fx.logN.1(y=x,theta=th, r=r,log=FALSE) 
} ## end Dmixure.full.logN

 grad.mix.full.logN <- function(x,theta,r){
  ## gradient matrix of mixture densities of n cells...
      sapply(x, FUN=Dmixure.full.logN, theta=theta,r=r) ## returns a matrix

 pargrad.mix.full.logN <- function(cl,x,theta,r){
  ## matrix of mixture densities of n cells length...
      tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=Dmixure.full.logN, theta=theta,r=r) 
      tmp <- unlist(tmp)

dloglik.logN <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## gets the gradient of the log likelihood function of full mixure model...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters 
   if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- - rowSums(grad.mix.full.logN(x=x,theta=theta,r=r))  
      dll <- -rowSums(pargrad.mix.full.logN(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r))     
} ## end dloglik.logN

dloglik.logN.nlm <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## needed for nlm() function to get the loglik and its gradient as an attribute...
  ll <- loglik.logN(cl,theta,x,r)
  attr(ll,"gradient") <- dloglik.logN(cl,theta,x,r)

## checking derivatives by finite differences...
 ## checking deriv of log mixure for a single observ...
#theta <- c(0,-1.75,log(1.08), .6,log(0.28)) 
#y <- 0.01
#dmix <- Dmixure.full.logN(x=y,theta=theta,r=6)
#del <- 1e-6
#findif <- rep(0,5)
#for (i in 1:5){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (fx.logN.1(y=y,theta=theta1, r=6,log=TRUE)-fx.logN.1(y=y,theta=theta, log=TRUE))/del
 ## checking deriv of log likelihood ...
#theta <- c(0,-1.75,log(1.08), .6,log(0.28)) 
#y <- s[1:10]
#dll <- dloglik.logN(cl=makeCluster(detectCores()),theta=theta,x=y,r=6)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (loglik.logN(cl=NULL,theta=theta1,x=y, r=6)-loglik.logN(cl=NULL,theta=theta,x=y,r=6))/del

 D2logN.mu <- function(y,th){
 ## gets 2nd order partial derivatives of log normal density wrt mu...
 ## th - vector of two para-s
     DlogN.mu(y,th)*(log(y)-th[1])/th[2]^2- fyj.logN(y,th)/th[2]^2    
 D2logN.logsig <- function(y,th){
 ## gets 2nd order partial derivatives of log normal density wrt log sig...
 ## th - vector of two para-s
    DlogN.logsig(y,th)*( (log(y)-th[1])^2/th[2]^2 - 3) -2*fyj.logN(y,th)    
 D2logN.musig <- function(y,th){
 ## gets cross 2nd partial deriv of log normal density wrt mu logsig...
 ## th - vector of two para-s
    DlogN.logsig(y,th)*(log(y)-th[1])/th[2]^2 - 2*DlogN.mu(y,th)     

D2mixure.full.logN <- function(x, theta,r){
## gets Hessian matrix of the LOG mixure densty of the full model for a single observation wrt to all five transformed para-s
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    ## (eps,mu.fines,sig.fines,mu.fibers,sig.fibers)
    th <- theta
    theta[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)])
    eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 

  #  D2logN <- function(y,th){
    ## gets 2nd order partial derivatives of log normal density ...
    ## th - vector of two para-s
  #     d2 <- rep(NA, 3)
  #     logth <- (log(y)-th[1])/th[2]
  #     d2[1] <- DlogN.mu(y,th)*logth/th[2]- fyj.logN(y,th)/th[2]^2 ## direct 2nd deriv wrt mu
  #     d2[2] <- DlogN.logsig(y,th)*( logth^2 - 3) -2*fyj.logN(y,th) ## direct 2nd deriv wrt logsig
  #     d2[3] <- DlogN.logsig(y,th)*logth/th[2] - 2*DlogN.mu(y,th) ## cross 2nd partial deriv   
  #     d2
  #  } 
    h <- matrix(NA,5,5)
    grad <- Dmixure.full.logN(x,th,r) ## getting gradient of the log mixure
    h[1,1] <- -grad[1]^2 + (1- exp(th[1]))*grad[1]/(1+exp(th[1]))
    fm <- 1/fx.logN.1(y=x,theta=th, r=r,log=FALSE)
   # epa <- eps^2/exp(th[1])
   # h[1,2] <- h[2,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[2] + epa*fm*DlogN.mu(y=x,th=theta[2:3])
   # h[1,3] <- h[3,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[3] + epa*fm*DlogN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[2:3])
   # h[1,4] <- h[4,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[4] - epa*fm*DlogN.mu(y=x,th=theta[4:5])
   # h[1,5] <- h[5,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[5] - epa*fm*DlogN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[4:5])
    ind <- c(2:3)
    h[1,ind] <- h[ind,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[ind] + grad[ind]/(1+exp(th[1]))
    ind <- c(4,5)
    h[1,ind] <- h[ind,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[ind] - eps^2/exp(th[1])*grad[ind]/(1-eps)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.mu(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:3],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)  
    h[2,2] <- -grad[2]^2 + eps*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.mu(y=x,th=theta[2:3]) + I$value)

    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.musig(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:3],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3) 
    h[2,3] <- h[3,2] <- -grad[2]*grad[3] + eps*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.musig(y=x,th=theta[2:3]) + I$value)
    ind <-c(4,5)
    h[2,ind] <- h[ind,2] <- -grad[2]*grad[ind]
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.logsig(y,th), lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th=theta[2:3],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)  
    h[3,3] <- -grad[3]^2 + eps*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[2:3]) + I$value)
    ind <-c(4,5)
    h[3,ind] <- h[ind,3] <- -grad[3]*grad[ind]
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.mu(y,th), lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th=theta[4:5],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)  
    h[4,4] <- -grad[4]^2 + (1-eps)*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.mu(y=x,th=theta[4:5]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.musig(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[4:5],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3) 
    h[4,5] <- h[5,4] <- -grad[4]*grad[5] + (1-eps)*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.musig(y=x,th=theta[4:5]) + I$value)

    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2logN.logsig(y,th), lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th=theta[4:5],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)  
    h[5,5] <- -grad[5]^2 + (1-eps)*fm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2logN.logsig(y=x,th=theta[4:5]) + I$value)
} ## end D2mixure.full.logN

## checking Hessian by finite differences...
 ## checking the Hessian of log mixure for a single observ...
#theta <- c(0,-1.75,log(1.08), .6,log(0.28)) 
#y <- 0.01
#hh <- D2mixure.full.logN(x=y,theta=theta,r=6)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- matrix(NA,5,5)
#for (i in 1:5) {
#   theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i,] <- (Dmixure.full.logN(x=y,theta=theta1, r=6) - Dmixure.full.logN(x=y,theta=theta,r=6 ))/del

 hess.mix.full.logN <- function(x,theta,r){
  ## Hessian matrix of mixture densities of n cells...
      sapply(x, FUN=D2mixure.full.logN, theta=theta,r=r) ## returns a matrix

 parhess.mix.full.logN <- function(cl,x,theta,r){
  ## matrix of mixture densities of n cells length...
      tmp <- parSapply(cl,x, FUN=D2mixure.full.logN, theta=theta,r=r) 

hessian.logN <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## gets the Hessian of the log likelihood function of full mixure model...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters 
   if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- matrix(rowSums(hess.mix.full.logN(x=x,theta=theta,r=r)), 5,5)  
      dll <- matrix(rowSums(parhess.mix.full.logN(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r)),5,5)         
} ## end hessian.logN

## getting log likelihood function for `Easy life',
## assuming uncut cells (log normal distribution on X's)
## needed for parameters initialization....

fy.gg.logN<-function(x,theta, log=TRUE){
## mixture density of cell length with lognormal on X's...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
  theta[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)])
  eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
  z=(1-eps)*fyj.logN(x = x,th.j = theta[4:5]) +
    eps*fyj.logN(x = x,th.j = theta[2:3])
  if (log) z <- log(z+1e-7) else z <- z+1e-7
  fy.logN <- function(x,theta, log=TRUE){
  ## mixture densities of n cells length...
     sapply(x, FUN=fy.gg.logN, theta=theta,log=log) ## returns a vector

  parfy.logN <- function(cl,x,theta, log=TRUE){
  ## mixture densities of n cells length...
     tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=fy.gg.logN, theta=theta,log=log) ## returns a vector

loglik.y.logN <- function(cl,theta,x){
## minus log likelihood function of log normal model (mixture density) on X's... 
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
   ## (eps,mu.fines,sig.fines,mu.fibers,sig.fibers)
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
## * x - cell length  
   if (is.null(cl))   
        ll <- sum(fy.logN(x=x,theta=theta, log=TRUE))
      ll <- sum(parfy.logN(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,log=TRUE))    
} ## loglik.y.gg

 DlogN <- function(y,th){
  ## gets gradient of the gen gamma density function wrt mu and log(sigma) parameters...
  ## * th - a vector of two untransformed parameters of log normal distribution
    dln <- c(NA,NA)
    dln[1] <- fyj.logN(y,th)*(log(y)-th[1])/th[2]^2 ## wrt mu
    dln[2] <- fyj.logN(y,th)*((log(y)-th[1])^2/th[2]^2 - 1) ## wrt log(sigma)

  Dmixure1.logN <- function(y,theta){
  ## gets gradient of the LOG mixure distribution for a single observation wrt to all five transformed para-s
  ## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    th <- theta
    theta[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)])
    eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
    dmix <- rep(NA,5)
    dmix[1] <- eps^2/exp(theta[1])*(fyj.logN(x=y,th.j=theta[2:3]) - fyj.logN(x=y,th.j = theta[4:5])) ## deriv w.r.t. theta1 (logit eps)
    dmix[2:3] <- eps*DlogN(y=y, th=theta[2:3]) ## deriv w.r.t. mu.fines, log sig.fines
    dmix[4:5] <- (1-eps)*DlogN(y=y, th=theta[4:5]) ## deriv w.r.t. mu.fibers, log sig.fibers
   # dmix
    dmix/fy.gg.logN(x=y,theta=th, log=FALSE)

 grad.mix.logN <- function(x,theta){
  ## matrix of gradient of mixture densities of n cells...
     sapply(x, FUN=Dmixure1.logN, theta=theta) ## returns a matrix

  pargrad.mix.logN <- function(cl,x,theta){
  ## matrix of gradient of mixture densities of n cells...
     tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=Dmixure1.logN, theta=theta) 
     tmp <- unlist(tmp)
     matrix(tmp,length(theta),length(x))  ## returns a matrix

loglik.y.grad.logN <- function(cl,theta,x){
## calculates gradient of the log lik function of log normal mixure density on X's...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters  
  if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- -rowSums(grad.mix.logN(x=x,theta=theta))  
      dll <- -rowSums(pargrad.mix.logN(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta))

## The end of `Easy life'

## checking derivatives by finite differences ...
## checking deriv of log likelihood ...
#theta <- c(0,-1.75,log(1.08), .6,log(0.28)) 
#y <- s[1:10]
#dll <- loglik.y.grad.logN(cl=NULL,theta=theta,x=y)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- rep(0,5)
#for (i in 1:5){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (loglik.y.logN(cl=NULL,theta=theta1,x=y)-loglik.y.logN(cl=NULL,theta=theta,x=y))/del

## end checking derivatives

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