
Defines functions .onAttach print.fiberLD.version fled fled.micro fled.kajaani loglik.y.grad pargrad.mix grad.mix Dmixure1 Dggamma loglik.y.gg parfy fy fy.gg hessian parhess.mix.full hess.mix.full D2mixure.full dloglik.nlm dloglik pargrad.mix.full grad.mix.full Dmixure.full D2ggamma.k2 D2ggamma.dk D2ggamma.d2 D2ggamma.bk D2ggamma.bd D2ggamma.b2 Dggamma.k Dggamma.d Dggamma.b loglik parlx lx fx.1 fx.fibers1 fx.fines1 fx.fibers integrand.fibers fx.fines integrand.fines fx.given.y p.uc fy.fibers fy.fines

Documented in fled

## R routines for wood fiber length determination... 

# Fines and fibers Y densities...
fy.fines <- function(x,th.fines){
## gets density of fine length as density function of generalized gamma distribution (of library(VGAM)) 
## * x - vector of quantiles of true length of fine
## * th.fines - vector of genGamma parameters: (b.fines,d.fines,k.fines)
     ## * b.fines - scale parameter, b.fines >0 
     ## * d.fines, k.fines - positive parameters of gengamma distribution

fy.fibers <- function(x,th.fibers){
## gets density of fiber length as density function of generalized gamma distribution (of library(VGAM)) 
## * x - vector of quantiles of true length of fibers
## * th.fibers - vector of genGamma parameters: (b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)

# functions for get various length distributions...

p.uc <- function(y,r){
## gets probability for a cell of true length Y=y to be uncut in the increment core,
## p_uc(y)=P(X=y| Y=y) ...
## * y - the true cell (fine or fiber) length
## * r - radius of the increment core
 u = 2*r^2*asin((4*r^2-y^2)^.5/2/r)-y/2*(4*r^2-y^2)^.5
 t = pi*r^2+2*r*y
 z = u/t
 z[y>=2*r] = 0 

fx.given.y <- function(x,y,r){
## gets density of X given Y=y (derivative of P(X<= y| Y=y) for x<y wrt x)...
## * x - observed cell (fine or fiber) length in the increment core
## * y - true cell length
## * r - radius of the core
  t = pi*r^2+2*r*y

# getting density of observed FINE length, fines X, ...

## integrand needed for calculating X fine density 

fx.fines <- function(X,th.fines,r){
## gets density of observed fine length (X fines)... 
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
      I=integrate(integrand.fines, lower=x, upper=100, x=x, th.fines=th.fines, 
         r=r, stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^.1)

# getting density of observed FIBER length, fiber X, ...
## integrand needed for calculating X fiber density 

fx.fibers <- function(X,th.fibers,r){
## gets density of observed fiber length (X fiber)... 
## * X - a vector of fiber length
   for(i in 1:length(X)){
      I=integrate(integrand.fibers,  lower=x, upper=100, x=x, th.fibers=th.fibers, 
           r=r, stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^.1)

 fx.fines1 <- function(x,th.fines,r){
  ## gets density of a single observation of fine length...  
  ## * th.fines- vector of parameters (b.fines,d.fines,k.fines)
   I=integrate(integrand.fines, lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th.fines=th.fines, 
         r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)

  fx.fibers1 <- function(x,th.fibers,r){
  ## gets density of a single observation of fiber length... 
    I=integrate(integrand.fibers, lower=x, upper=20, x=x, th.fibers=th.fibers,
           r=r, stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)

# Mixture density (with transformed parameters)...
fx.1 <-function(y,theta, r,log=TRUE){
## mixture density of a single value of the observed cell, fine and fiber...
## * theta - vector of seven transformed parameters(eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers) 
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
  theta[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
  eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
  if(y>=(2*r) || y<=0) z <- 0
     z<- (1-eps)*fx.fibers1(y,th.fibers=theta[5:7],r) + eps*fx.fines1(y, th.fines=theta[2:4],r)
  if (log) z <- log(z+1e-7) else z <- z+1e-7
} ## fx.1

 lx <- function(x,theta,r, log=TRUE){
    ## vector of mixture densities of n cells length...
       sapply(x, FUN=fx.1, theta=theta,r=r,log=log) ## returns a vector
 parlx <- function(cl,x,theta,r,log=TRUE){
      ## vector of mixture densities of n cells length...
       tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=fx.1, theta=theta,r=r,log=log) 

## getting log likelihood with parallel computation....
loglik <- function(cl=NULL,theta,x, r){
## minus log likelihood function of generallized gamma model (mixture density)... 
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
   ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
## * x - cell length
   if (is.null(cl))   
        ll <- sum(lx(x=x,theta=theta, r=r,log=TRUE))
      ll <- sum(parlx(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r,log=TRUE))    
} ## end loglik

 Dggamma.b <- function(y,th){
 ## gets derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(b)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      der <- d^2*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*(ybd-k) ## wrt th_1
 Dggamma.d <- function(y,th){
 ## gets derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(d)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      der <- d*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*(1+log(ybd)*(k-ybd)) ## wrt th_2
 Dggamma.k <- function(y,th){
 ## gets derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(k)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      der <- k*d*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*(log(ybd)-digamma(k))  ## wrt th_3

## 2nd order partial derivatives of gen gamma density...
 D2ggamma.b2 <- function(y,th){
 ## gets direct 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(b)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      der <- d^3*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*((ybd-k)^2-ybd ) 
 D2ggamma.bd <- function(y,th){
 ## gets cross 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(b) log(d)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      dk <- d*k
      der <- d^2*b^(-dk)*y^(dk-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*(-d*ybd*(ybd-k)*log(y/b)+
      d*ybd*log(y/b) + dk*(ybd-k)*log(y) - dk*log(b)*(ybd-k)+2*(ybd-k) ) 
 D2ggamma.bk <- function(y,th){
 ## gets cross 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(b) log(k)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      dk <- d*k
      der <- dk*d*b^(-dk)*y^(dk-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*(d*(ybd-k)*log(y)-
        digamma(k)*(ybd-k) - log(b)*d*(ybd-k) -1 ) 
 D2ggamma.d2 <- function(y,th){
 ## gets direct 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(d)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
    #  aa <- (k-ybd)*log(y/b)
      ba <- 1+d*(k-ybd)*log(y/b) ## 1+d*aa
      der <- d*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*( 2*ba-1 - ybd*log(ybd)^2 
         - ybd*log(ybd)*ba + k*log(ybd)*ba )
 D2ggamma.dk <- function(y,th){
 ## gets cross 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(d) log(k)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      aa <- 1+d*(k-ybd)*log(y/b)
      der <- k* d*b^(-d*k)*y^(d*k-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*( log(ybd)*aa -
               digamma(k)*aa  + log(ybd)  ) 
 D2ggamma.k2 <- function(y,th){
 ## gets direct 2nd derivative of gen gamma density wrt log(k)...
      b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
      ybd <- (y/b)^d
      dk <- d*k
      uu <- log(ybd)-digamma(k)
      der <- dk*b^(-dk)*y^(dk-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)*( k*log(ybd)*uu -
        k*digamma(k)*uu +  uu - k*trigamma(k)  )

## checking 2nd  derivatives.....
#theta <- c(-.5,-2, -2,-3,-1,-2,-.5)

#theta <- c(0,log(.01),log(.1),log(10),rep(log(2),3)) 
#y <- 2.0
#th <- theta
#th[2:7] <- exp(th[2:7])
## eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
#d<- rep(NA,3)
#d[1] <-  D2ggamma.b2(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#d[2] <-  D2ggamma.bd(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#d[3] <-  D2ggamma.bk(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#del <- 1e-6
#fi <- rep(NA,3)
#for (i in 1:3){
# theta1 <- theta; theta1[i+1] <- theta[i+1]+del
# th1 <- theta1
# th1[2:7] <- exp(th1[2:7])
# fi[i] <- (Dggamma.b(y=y,th=th1[2:4])-Dggamma.b(y=y,th=th[2:4]))/del

#d<- rep(NA,2)
#d[1] <-  D2ggamma.d2(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#d[2] <-  D2ggamma.dk(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#del <- 1e-6
#fi <- rep(NA,2)
#for (i in 1:2){
# theta1 <- theta; theta1[i+2] <- theta[i+2]+del
# th1 <- theta1
# th1[2:7] <- exp(th1[2:7])
# fi[i] <- (Dggamma.d(y=y,th=th1[2:4])-Dggamma.d(y=y,th=th[2:4]))/del

#d <-  D2ggamma.k2(y=y,th=th[2:4])
#theta1 <- theta; theta1[4] <- theta[4]+del
#th1 <- theta1
#th1[2:7] <- exp(th1[2:7])
#fi <- (Dggamma.k(y=y,th=th1[2:4])-Dggamma.k(y=y,th=th[2:4]))/del

## end of 2nd order partial derivatives of gen gamma density

Dmixure.full <- function(x, theta,r){
## gets gradient of the LOG mixure distribution of the full model for a single observation wrt to all seven transformed para-s
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)
    th <- theta
    theta[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
    eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
    dmix <- rep(NA,7)
    dmix[1] <- eps^2/exp(th[1])*(fx.fines1(x=x,th.fines=theta[2:4],r=r) -
                  fx.fibers1(x=x,th.fibers=theta[5:7],r=r)) ## deriv wrt theta[1]

    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.b(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[2] <- eps*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.b(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.d(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[3] <- eps*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.d(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.k(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
          x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[4] <- eps*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.k(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)

    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.b(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
          x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[5] <- (1-eps)*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.b(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.d(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[6] <- (1-eps)*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.d(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*Dggamma.k(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1)
    dmix[7] <- (1-eps)*(p.uc(x,r=r)*Dggamma.k(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    dmix/fx.1(y=x,theta=th, r=r,log=FALSE) 
} ## end Dmixure.full

 grad.mix.full <- function(x,theta,r){
  ## gradient matrix of mixture densities of n cells...
      sapply(x, FUN=Dmixure.full, theta=theta,r=r) ## returns a matrix

 pargrad.mix.full <- function(cl,x,theta,r){
  ## matrix of mixture densities of n cells length...
      tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=Dmixure.full, theta=theta,r=r) 
      tmp <- unlist(tmp)

dloglik <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## gets the gradient of the log likelihood function of full mixure model...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters 
   if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- - rowSums(grad.mix.full(x=x,theta=theta,r=r))  
      dll <- -rowSums(pargrad.mix.full(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r))     
} ## end dloglik

dloglik.nlm <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## needed for nlm() function to get the loglik and its gradient as an attribute...
  ll <- loglik(cl,theta,x,r)
  attr(ll,"gradient") <- dloglik(cl,theta,x,r)

## checking derivatives by finite differences...
 ## checking deriv of log mixure for a single observ...
#theta <- c(-.5,-2, -2,-3,-1,-2,-.5)
#y <- 2.0
#dmix <- Dmixure.full(x=y,theta=theta,r=6)
#del <- 1e-6
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (fx.1(y=y,theta=theta1, r=6,log=TRUE)-fx.1(y=y,theta=theta, log=TRUE))/del
 ## checking deriv of log likelihood ...
#theta <- c(0,log(.01),log(.1),log(10),rep(log(2),3)) 
#y <- s[1:10]
#dll <- dloglik(cl=makeCluster(detectCores()),theta=theta,x=y,r=6)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (loglik(cl=NULL,theta=theta1,x=y, r=6)-loglik(cl=NULL,theta=theta,x=y,r=6))/del

D2mixure.full <- function(x, theta,r){
## gets Hessian of the LOG mixure distribution of the full model for a single observation wrt to all seven transformed para-s
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)
    th <- theta
   # theta[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
    theta <- exp(theta)
    eps <- theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) 
    h <- matrix(NA,7,7)
    grad <- Dmixure.full(x=x,theta=th,r=r) ## getting gradient of the log mixure
    h[1,1] <- -grad[1]^2 + (1- theta[1])*grad[1]/(1+theta[1])
    ind <- c(2:4)
    h[1,ind] <- h[ind,1] <- grad[ind]*(-grad[1] + eps/theta[1])
    ind <- c(5:7)
    h[1,ind] <- h[ind,1] <- -grad[1]*grad[ind] - eps^2/theta[1]*grad[ind]/(1-eps)
    efm <- eps/fx.1(y=x,theta=th, r=r,log=FALSE) 
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.b2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[2,2] <- -grad[2]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.b2(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.bd(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[2,3] <- h[3,2] <- -grad[2]*grad[3] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.bd(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.bk(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[2,4] <- h[4,2] <- -grad[2]*grad[4] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.bk(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    ind <- c(5:7); h[2,ind] <- h[ind,2] <- -grad[2]*grad[ind]
    h[3,ind] <- h[ind,3] <- -grad[3]*grad[ind]
    h[4,ind] <- h[ind,4] <- -grad[4]*grad[ind]  
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.d2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[3,3] <- -grad[3]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.d2(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.dk(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[3,4] <- h[4,3] <- -grad[3]*grad[4] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.dk(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.k2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[2:4],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[4,4] <- -grad[4]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.k2(y=x,th=theta[2:4]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.b2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    efm <- (1-eps)/fx.1(y=x,theta=th, r=r,log=FALSE) 
    h[5,5] <- -grad[5]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.b2(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.bd(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[5,6] <- h[6,5] <- -grad[5]*grad[6] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.bd(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.bk(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[5,7] <- h[7,5] <- -grad[5]*grad[7] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.bk(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.d2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[6,6] <- -grad[6]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.d2(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.dk(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[6,7] <- h[7,6] <- -grad[6]*grad[7] + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.dk(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
    I=integrate(function(y,x,th,r) fx.given.y(x,y,r)*D2ggamma.k2(y,th), lower=x,upper=20, 
           x=x, th=theta[5:7],r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.1) 
    h[7,7] <- -grad[7]^2 + efm*(p.uc(x,r=r)*D2ggamma.k2(y=x,th=theta[5:7]) + I$value)
} ## end D2mixure.full

## checking Hessian by finite differences...
 ## checking the Hessian of log mixure for a single observ...
#theta <- c(-.5,-2, -2,-3,-1,-2,-.5)
#y <- 2.0
#hh <- D2mixure.full(x=y,theta=theta,r=6)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- matrix(NA,7,7)
#for (i in 1:7) {
#   theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i,] <- (Dmixure.full(x=y,theta=theta1, r=6) - Dmixure.full(x=y,theta=theta,r=6 ))/del

hess.mix.full <- function(x,theta,r){
  ## Hessian matrix of mixture densities of n cells...
      sapply(x, FUN=D2mixure.full, theta=theta,r=r) ## returns a matrix

 parhess.mix.full <- function(cl,x,theta,r){
  ## matrix of mixture densities of n cells length...
      tmp <- parSapply(cl,x, FUN=D2mixure.full, theta=theta,r=r) 

hessian <- function(cl,theta, x, r){
## gets the Hessian of the log likelihood function of full mixure model...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters 
   if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- matrix(rowSums(hess.mix.full(x=x,theta=theta,r=r)), 7,7)  
      dll <- matrix(rowSums(parhess.mix.full(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,r=r)),7,7)         
} ## end hessian

## getting log likelihood function for `Easy life',
## assuming uncut cells (generalized gamma distribution on X's)
## needed for parameters initialization....

fy.gg<-function(x,theta, log=TRUE){
## mixture density of cell length with genGamma on X's...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
  theta[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
  eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
  z=(1-eps)*fy.fibers(x = x,th.fibers = theta[5:7]) + eps*fy.fines(x = x,th.fines = theta[2:4])
  if (log) z <- log(z+1e-7) else z <- z+1e-7

  fy <- function(x,theta, log=TRUE){
  ## mixture densities of n cells length...
     sapply(x, FUN=fy.gg, theta=theta,log=log) ## returns a vector

  parfy <- function(cl,x,theta, log=TRUE){
  ## mixture densities of n cells length...
     tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=fy.gg, theta=theta,log=log) ## returns a vector

loglik.y.gg <- function(cl,theta,x){
## minus log likelihood function of generallized gamma model (mixture density) on X's... 
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters     
   ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)
## * eps - a scalar, proportion of fines in the increment core
## * x - cell length  
   if (is.null(cl))   
        ll <- sum(fy(x=x,theta=theta, log=TRUE))
      ll <- sum(parfy(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta,log=TRUE))    
} ## end loglik.y.gg

 Dggamma <- function(y,th){
  ## gets gradient of the gen gamma density function wrt transformed parameters...
  ## * th - a vector of three untransformed parameters of gen gamma distribution
    b <- th[1]; d <- th[2]; k <- th[3]
    dggamma <- rep(NA,3)
    dk <- d*k
    ybd <- (y/b)^d
    p1 <- d*b^(-dk)*y^(dk-1)*exp(-ybd)/gamma(k)
    dggamma[1] <- p1*d*(ybd-k) ## wrt th_1 ## p1*d*(ybd-k)/b - derivative wrt b
    dggamma[2] <- p1*(1+log(ybd)*(k-ybd)) ## wrt th_2 ## p1*(1+log(ybd)*(k-ybd))/d - deriv wrt d
    dggamma[3] <- k*p1*(log(ybd)-digamma(k)) ## wrt th_3 ## p1*(log(ybd)-digamma(k)) - deriv wrt k

  Dmixure1 <- function(y,theta){
  ## gets gradient of the LOG mixure distribution for a single observation wrt to all seven transformed para-s
  ## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
    ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)
    th <- theta
    theta[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
    eps <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
    dmix <- rep(NA,7)
    dmix[1] <- eps^2/exp(theta[1])*(fy.fines(x=y,th.fines=theta[2:4]) - fy.fibers(x=y,th.fibers = theta[5:7])) ## deriv w.r.t. theta1 (logit eps)
    dmix[2:4] <- eps*Dggamma(y=y, th=theta[2:4]) ## deriv w.r.t. b.fines, d.fines, k.fines
    dmix[5:7] <- (1-eps)*Dggamma(y=y, th=theta[5:7]) ## deriv w.r.t. b.fibers, d.fibers. k/fibers
   # dmix
    dmix/fy.gg(x=y,theta=th, log=FALSE)

 grad.mix <- function(x,theta){
  ## matrix of gradient of mixture densities of n cells...
     sapply(x, FUN=Dmixure1, theta=theta) ## returns a matrix

  pargrad.mix <- function(cl,x,theta){
  ## matrix of gradient of mixture densities of n cells...
     tmp <- parLapply(cl,x, fun=Dmixure1, theta=theta) 
     tmp <- unlist(tmp)
     matrix(tmp,length(theta),length(x))  ## returns a matrix

loglik.y.grad <- function(cl,theta,x){
## calculates gradient of the log lik function of gen gamma mixure density on X's...
## * theta - vector of transformed parameters
  ## (eps,b.fines,d.fines,k.fines,b.fibers,d.fibers,k.fibers)  
  if (is.null(cl))    
       dll <- -rowSums(grad.mix(x=x,theta=theta))  
      dll <- -rowSums(pargrad.mix(cl=cl,x=x,theta=theta))

## The end of `Easy life'

## checking derivatives by finite differences ...
  ## checking deriv of gen gamma density...
#y <- 1.92
#th <- c(0.01,.1,10) 
#dg <- Dggamma(y=y,th=th) 
#theta <- log(th)
#del <- 1e-4
#findif <- rep(0,3)
#for (i in 1:3){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  th1 <- exp(theta1)
#  findif[i] <- (fy.fines(x=y,th.fines=th1)- fy.fines(x=y,th.fines=th))/del
#(dg-findif)/dg  ## ok
  ## checking deriv of mixture wrt 7 para...
#theta <- c(-.5,-2, -2,-3,-1,-2,-.5)
#y <- 2.0
#dmix <- Dmixure1(y=y,theta=theta)
#del <- 1e-6
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (fy.gg(x=y,theta=theta1, log=FALSE)-fy.gg(x=y,theta=theta, log=FALSE))/del
## checking deriv of log mixure for a single observ...
#theta <- c(-.5,-2, -2,-3,-1,-2,-.5)
#y <- 2.0
#dmix <- Dmixure1(y=y,theta=theta)
#del <- 1e-6
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (fy.gg(x=y,theta=theta1, log=TRUE)-fy.gg(x=y,theta=theta, log=TRUE))/del

  ## checking deriv of log likelihood ...
#theta <- c(0,log(.01),log(.1),log(10),rep(log(2),3)) 
#y <- s[1:10]
#dll <- loglik.y.grad(theta=theta,x=y)
#del <- 1e-5
#findif <- rep(0,7)
#for (i in 1:7){
#  theta1 <- theta; theta1[i] <- theta[i]+del
#  findif[i] <- (loglik.y.gg(theta=theta1,x=y)-loglik.y.gg(theta=theta,x=y))/del

## end checking derivatives

fled.kajaani <- function(data=stop("No data supplied"), r, model="ggamma", method="ML", parStart=NULL, fixed=NULL,optimizer=c("optim","L-BFGS-B","grad"), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,cluster=0, ...) {
## function to estimate cell lengths from Kajaani data...
  if (!method%in%c("ML","SEM")) stop("unknown method for parameter estimation. 'ML' or 'SEM' methods are currently implemented")
 # if (!method%in%c("ML")) stop("unknown method for parameter estimation. Under the current version only 'ML' method is available")
  if (model=="ggamma" & method=="SEM")
            stop("'SEM' method is possible only with 'lognorm' model.")
  if (!(optimizer[1] %in% c("optim","nlm","nlm.fd")) )
          stop("unknown optimization method")
  if (model=="lognorm" & !is.null(fixed))
           stop("fixing parameters is possible only with 'ggamma' model.")
  if (optimizer[1]!="optim" & !is.null(fixed))
           stop("currently fixing parameters is available only with 'optim'.")
  userStart <- FALSE  ## no user-defined starting values of model parameters

  if (cluster==1){
    if (parallel::detectCores()>1)  ## no point otherwise
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores()-1)
      else cl <- NULL
  } else if (cluster==0){
       cl <- NULL
  } else if (!is.null(cl)&&inherits(cluster,"cluster")){
     cl <- cluster
  } else {
       warning("Supplied cluster is unknown - ignored.")
       cl <- NULL

if (is.null(fixed) || sum(fixed)==0) { ## all parameters to be estimated
  if (!is.null(parStart)) {
      if (model=="ggamma") { 
           if (length(parStart)!=7) 
              stop("length of starting values of parameters, 'parStart', for ggamma model must be 7.")
           good <- parStart > 0
           if (sum(!good) > 0) stop("starting values of parameters must be positive")
           else if (parStart[1] > 1) stop("the starting value of the first parameter must be in (0,1).")
             else { userStart <- TRUE
                    thetaStart <- parStart
                    thetaStart[1] <- log(parStart[1]/(1-parStart[1]))
                    thetaStart[2:7] <- log(parStart[2:7])                 
      } else { ## if model =="lognorm"
               if (length(parStart)!=5) 
                  stop("length of starting values of parameters, 'parStart', for lognorm model must be 5.")
               if (parStart[3] < 0 | parStart[5] < 0)
                   stop("starting values of 3rd and 5th parameters must be positive") 
               else if (parStart[1] > 1 | parStart[1] < 0) stop("the starting value of the first parameter must be in (0,1).")
                  else {  userStart <- TRUE
                          thetaStart <- parStart
                          thetaStart[1] <- log(parStart[1]/(1-parStart[1]))
                          thetaStart[c(3,5)] <- log(parStart[c(3,5)])  
        } ## if model =="lognorm"     
  } ## if (!is.null(parStart))
} else { ## if some para-s are fixed...
     if (length(fixed)!= 7) stop("length of 'fixed' must be 7.")
     else if (!is.logical(fixed)) stop("'fixed' must be of type 'logical'.")
     if (is.null(parStart)) stop("no fixed parameter values provided.")
     if (length(parStart)!=7) 
         stop("length of starting values of parameters, 'parStart' must be 7.")
     good <- parStart[fixed] > 0
     if (sum(!good)> 0) stop("fixed values of parameters must be positive")
     else if (fixed[1] && parStart[1]>1) stop("the fixed value of the first parameter must be in (0,1).")
     good <- parStart[!fixed] <= 0
     if (sum(!good) == sum(!fixed)) { 
                    userStart <- TRUE
                    thetaStart <- parStart
                    thetaStart[1] <- log(parStart[1]/(1-parStart[1]))
                    thetaStart[2:7] <- log(parStart[2:7]) 
     } else if (sum(good)< sum(!fixed)) 
            warning("only some of unfixed values of parameters are positive, user-specific starting values ignored.")  
} ## if some para-s are fixed
  if (model=="ggamma"){
       if (sum(is.finite(lower))==7){
           lower[1] <- log(lower[1]/(1-lower[1]))
           lower[2:7] <- log(lower[2:7])
       } else if (length(lower)>1 && length(lower)<7) stop("length of 'lower' must be 7.")
       if (sum(is.finite(upper))==7){
           upper[1] <- log(upper[1]/(1-upper[1]))
           upper[2:7] <- log(upper[2:7]) 
       } else if (length(upper)>1 && length(upper)<7) stop("length of 'upper' must be 7.")
  } else if (model=="lognorm"){
             if (sum(is.finite(lower))==5){
                  lower[1] <- log(lower[1]/(1-lower[1]))
                  lower[c(3,5)] <- log(lower[c(3,5)])
             } else if (length(lower)>1 && length(lower)<5) stop("length of 'lower' must be 5.")
             if (sum(is.finite(upper))==5){
                   upper[1] <- log(upper[1]/(1-upper[1]))
                   upper[c(3,5)] <- log(upper[c(3,5)])
             } else if (length(upper)>1 && length(upper)<5) stop("length of 'upper' must be 5.")

  x <- data

 # if (detectCores()>1)  ## no point otherwise
 #         cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
 # else cl <- NULL
  if (!userStart) {## get initial values of parameters ...
     if (!is.null(fixed) | sum(fixed)!=0){
          force(loglik.y.gg); force(fixed)
          thetaStart <- c(0,log(.01),log(.1),log(10),rep(log(2),3))
          .fixValues = parStart[fixed] 
          .thetaStart = thetaStart[!fixed]  ## initial values for para to be estimated 
          .loglik.y.gg <- function(cl,theta,...){ 
                 .theta = rep(NA,length(theta))  # rep(NA,sum(!fixed)) 
                 .theta[!fixed] = theta 
                 .theta[fixed] = .fixValues 
          .loglik.y.grad <- function(cl,theta,...){ 
                 .gtheta = rep(NA,length(theta)) 
                 .gtheta[!fixed] = theta 
                 .gtheta[fixed] = .fixValues 
           .lower <- lower[!fixed]
           .upper <- upper[!fixed]
           b <- optim(par=.thetaStart,fn=.loglik.y.gg, gr=.loglik.y.grad, method="L-BFGS-B", x=x,cl=cl,lower=.lower, upper=.upper, ...)  
           fullpars <- rep(NA,7)
           fullpars[fixed] <- .fixValues 
           fullpars[!fixed]<- b$par
           b$par <- fullpars
     } else { if (model=="lognorm") {
                 loglik.y.gg <- loglik.y.logN
                 loglik.y.grad <- loglik.y.grad.logN
                 thetaStart <- c(0,-1,log(1.08),.6,log(.3))  ## rough start
               } else thetaStart <- c(0,log(.01),log(.1),log(10),rep(log(2),3)) ## rough start for gen gamma
              b <- optim(par=thetaStart,fn=loglik.y.gg, gr=loglik.y.grad, method="L-BFGS-B", x=x,cl=cl,lower=lower, upper=upper,...) ##lower=list(-2,-100,-3,-1,-1,-1,-1),upper=list(0,10,1,1,1,1,1)) 
     thetaStart <- b$par
  } ## if (!userStart)

  par <- c() ## initializing estimated parameters
  object <- list()

if (method=="ML"){
  if (model=="lognorm") {
         loglik <- loglik.logN
         dloglik.nlm <- dloglik.logN.nlm

  if (optimizer[1]=="optim"){
           if (!(optimizer[2] %in% c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"))){
                 warning("unknown optim() method, `Nelder-Mead' were used")
                  optimizer[2] <- "Nelder-Mead"
           if (optimizer[2] %in% c("BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B")){
               if (is.na(optimizer[3])){ 
                  warning("the third parameter of optimizer argument is not supplied, 
                     finite-difference approximation of the gradient were used")
                  grr <- NULL
               } else if (!(optimizer[3] %in% c("fd","grad"))){
                     warning("in the third parameter of optimizer, only `fd' and `grad'
                          options are possible, finite-difference 
                          approximation of the gradient were used")
                     grr <- NULL
               }  else if (optimizer[3] == "grad") { 
                               if (model=="lognorm") grr <- dloglik.logN
                               else grr <- dloglik
                       } else    grr <- NULL
           } else grr <- NULL

           ##      b <- optim(par=theta,fn=loglik, gr=grr, method=optimizer[2],x=x,r=r,cl=cl,...) 
           ## fixing ggamma para-s at the user-supplied values if needed ...
           if (is.null(fixed)) 
               b <- optim(par=thetaStart,fn=loglik, gr=grr, method=optimizer[2],x=x,r=r,cl=cl,lower=lower, upper=upper,...) 
             .fixValues = parStart[fixed] 
             .thetaStart = thetaStart[!fixed]  ## initial values for para to be estimated 
             .loglik <- function(cl,theta,...){ 
                 .theta = rep(NA,length(theta))  # rep(NA,sum(!fixed)) 
                 .theta[!fixed] = theta 
                 .theta[fixed] = .fixValues 
                   .grr <- function(cl,theta,...){ 
                       .gtheta = rep(NA,length(theta)) 
                       .gtheta[!fixed] = theta 
                       .gtheta[fixed] = .fixValues 
               } else{ .grr <- NULL }  
              .lower <- lower[!fixed]
              .upper <- upper[!fixed]
              b <- optim(par=.thetaStart,fn=.loglik, gr=.grr, method=optimizer[2],x=x,r=r,cl=cl,lower=.lower, upper=.upper, ...)  
              # object$fixed <- fixed
               object$estimated.par <- b$par
               par <- rep(NA,length(thetaStart))  ## full vector of paras
               par[fixed] <-.fixValues 
               par[!fixed] <- exp(b$par)
               if (!fixed[1]) par[1] <- exp(b$par[1])/(1+exp(b$par[1]))
          } ## !is.null(fixed)
           theta <- b$par
           if (model=="ggamma" && is.null(fixed)) {
                 par[1] <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
                 par[2:length(theta)] <- exp(theta[2:length(theta)])               
           } else if (model=="lognorm"){
                  par[1] <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
                  par[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)]); par[c(2,4)] <- theta[c(2,4)] 
           ll <- b$value
           ## dll <- NULL
           iterations <- b$counts
           termcode <- b$convergence
           if (termcode == 0)
                     conv <- "Successful completion"
           else if (termcode == 1)  
                      conv <- "The iteration limit `maxit' had been reached"
           else if (termcode == 10)  
                      conv <- "Degeneracy of the Nelder-Mead simplex"
           else if (termcode == 51)  
                      conv <- "A warning from the `L-BFGS-B' method; see help for `optim' for further details"
           else if (termcode == 52)  
                      conv <- "An error from the `L-BFGS-B' method; see help for `optim' for further details"
      }   ## if (optimizer[1]=="optim")
       else if (optimizer[1]=="nlm"){ ## nlm() with analytical derivatives...
            b <- nlm(f=dloglik.nlm, p=thetaStart,iterlim=100,x=x,r=r,cl=cl) 
           } else if (optimizer[1]=="nlm.fd"){ ## nlm() with finite difference deriv-s...
                 b <- nlm(f=loglik, p=thetaStart,iterlim=100,x=x,r=r,cl=cl) 

   if (optimizer[1]== "nlm.fd" || optimizer[1]== "nlm") {
         theta <- b$estimate
       #  par[2:7] <- exp(theta[2:7])
         par[1] <- exp(theta[1])/(1+exp(theta[1])) 
         if (model=="ggamma")
                 par[2:length(theta)] <- exp(theta[2:length(theta)])
         else {par[c(3,5)] <- exp(theta[c(3,5)]) ; par[c(2,4)] <- theta[c(2,4)] }
         ll <- b$minimum
         ## dll <- b$gradient
         iterations <- b$iterations
         termcode <- b$code
         if (termcode == 1)
                conv <- "Relative gradient is close to zero, current iterate is probably solution"
         else if (termcode == 2)  
                conv <- "Successive iterates within tolerance, current iterate is probably solution"
         else if (termcode == 3)  
                conv <- "Last global step failed to locate a point lower than `estimate'. Either `estimate' is an approximate local minimum of the function or `steptol' is too small"
         else if (termcode == 4)  
                conv <- "Iteration limit exceeded"
         else if (termcode == 5)  
                conv <- "Maximum step size `stepmax' exceeded five consecutive 
                   times. Either the function is unbounded below, becomes asymptotic 
                   to a finite value from above in some direction or stepmax is too small"   
    } ## if (optimizer[1]== "nlm.fd" || optimizer[1]== "nlm")

  object$loglik <- ll
  object$par <- par  ## estimated parameters on original scale
  if (model=="lognorm") names(object$par) <- c("eps","mu_fines", "sig_fines","mu_fibers", "sig_fibers")
  else names(object$par) <- c("eps","b_fines", "d_fines","k_fines","b_fibers", "d_fibers", "k_fibers")
  if (is.null(fixed))
     object$logpar <- theta ## estimated transformed parameters
  else {
     object$logpar <- par
     object$logpar[1] <- log(par[1]/(1-par[1]))
     object$logpar[2:7] <- log(par[2:7])

  ## object$dloglik <- dll 
  object$termcode <- termcode
  object$conv <- conv
  object$iterations <- iterations 
} ## end method=="ML"
   else if (method=="SEM"){
      kk.x <- function(x,r){
        kk <- (8*r^2-3*x^2+30*x)/((pi*r^2+x*r)*sqrt(4*r^2-x^2))
      n <- length(x)
      n.iter <- 200; ## 200
      n.med <- 50;
      antal <- 100 ## 100 for mcmc
      if (!is.null(cl)) registerDoParallel(cl)
      rkoll <- p.uc(y=x,r=r)
      const <- kk.x(x=x,r=r)
      parStart <- thetaStart
      parStart[1] <- exp(thetaStart[1])/(1+exp(thetaStart[1])) 
      parStart[c(3,5)] <- exp(thetaStart[c(3,5)]); 
      parStart[c(2,4)] <- thetaStart[c(2,4)]
      th.fines <- parStart[2:3]
      th.fibers <- parStart[4:5]
      eps <- parStart[1]

      fin = x[x<0.5]
      fib = x[x>=0.5]
     n1 = length(fin);
      eps = n1/n
      th.fines <- c(mean(log(fin)),var(log(fin))^.5)
      th.fibers <- c(mean(log(fib)),var(log(fib))^.5)

      mu_fin_temp <- rep(0,n.iter)
      mu_fib_temp <- rep(0,n.iter)
      sigma_fin_temp <- rep(0,n.iter)
      sigma_fib_temp <- rep(0,n.iter)
      eps_temp <- rep(0,n.iter)
      randseeds1 <- matrix(sample(0:1e+5, n*n.iter,replace = TRUE), n.iter,n)
      randseeds2 <- matrix(sample(0:1e+5, n*n.iter,replace = TRUE), n.iter,n)

      for (i in 1:n.iter){ ## main EM loop...
        zvec <- rep(0,n)
        sumz <- 0
        sum_w.kv_fin <- matrix(0,n,2)
        sum_w.kv_fib <- matrix(0,n,2)

        fx_fin <- fyj.logN(x=x,th.j=th.fines)   
        fx_fib <- fyj.logN(x=x,th.j=th.fibers) 

        eps_diff <-1;
        while (eps_diff>1e-6){
           zvec <- eps*fx_fin/(eps*fx_fin+(1-eps)*fx_fib)
           sumz <- sum(zvec)
           eps_tem <- mean(zvec);
           eps_diff <- abs(eps-eps_tem);
           eps <- eps_tem;
     if (!is.null(cl)) {
          tmp <- foreach(j=1:n,  .combine='rbind') %dopar% {
                   tmp1 <- .Call("Simu1Cpp",x_=x[j], const_=const[j], mu_=th.fines[1], sigma_=th.fines[2], r_=r, r_koll_=rkoll[j], fx_fin_=fx_fin[j], zvec_=zvec[j], antal_=antal, rnd_seed_=randseeds1[i,j],PACKAGE="fiberLD") 
                   tmp2 <- .Call("Simu2Cpp",x_=x[j],const_=const[j], mu_=th.fibers[1], sigma_=th.fibers[2], r_=r, r_koll_=rkoll[j], fx_fib_=fx_fib[j], antal_=antal, rnd_seed_=randseeds2[i,j], PACKAGE="fiberLD")
                  c(tmp1, tmp2)
          sum_w.kv_fin <- tmp[,1:2]
          sum_w.kv_fib <- tmp[,3:4] 
     } else{
             for (j in 1:n) {
             ## Fines Simulations
              sum_w.kv_fin[j,] <- .Call("Simu1Cpp",x_=x[j], const_=const[j], mu_=th.fines[1], sigma_=th.fines[2], r_=r, r_koll_=rkoll[j], fx_fin_=fx_fin[j], zvec_=zvec[j], antal_=antal, rnd_seed_=randseeds1[i,j],PACKAGE="fiberLD") 
             ## Fibers Simulation
             sum_w.kv_fib[j,] <- .Call("Simu2Cpp",x_=x[j],const_=const[j], mu_=th.fibers[1], sigma_=th.fibers[2], r_=r, r_koll_=rkoll[j], fx_fib_=fx_fib[j], antal_=antal, rnd_seed_=randseeds2[i,j], PACKAGE="fiberLD") 
         E1_fin <- sum(sum_w.kv_fin[,1]*zvec);
         E2_fin <- sum(sum_w.kv_fin[,2]*zvec);
         E1_fib <- sum(sum_w.kv_fib[,1]*(1-zvec));
         E2_fib <- sum(sum_w.kv_fib[,2]*(1-zvec));
         ## update parameters...
         mu_fin <- E1_fin/antal/sumz
         mu_fib <- E1_fib/antal/(n-sumz)
         sigma_fin <- (E2_fin/antal/sumz - mu_fin^2)^.5
         sigma_fib <- (E2_fib/antal/(n-sumz) - mu_fib^2)^.5
         ## save history...
         mu_fin_temp[i] <- mu_fin
         mu_fib_temp[i] <- mu_fib
         sigma_fin_temp[i] <- sigma_fin
         sigma_fib_temp[i] <- sigma_fib
         eps_temp[i] <- eps
      } ## end main EM loop
      object$par <- par<- c(ep,mu_fin,sigma_fin, mu_fib, sigma_fib)
      names(object$par) <- c("eps","mu_fines", "sig_fines","mu_fibers", "sig_fibers")
      object$logpar <- object$par
      object$logpar[1] <- log(ep/(1-ep))
      object$logpar[c(3,5)] <- log(object$par[c(3,5)])
      object$loglik <- loglik.logN(cl=cl,theta=object$logpar,x=x, r=r)
   } ## end method=="SEM"

  ## getting things after fit ...
   if (model=="lognorm"){
      object$cov.logpar <- solve(-hessian.logN(cl=cl,theta=object$logpar, x=x, r=r))
      grad <- c(par[1]-par[1]^2, 1,par[3],1,par[5])
      object$cov.par <- diag(grad)%*%object$cov.logpar%*%diag(grad)
      # grad <- grad.mix.full.logN(x=x,theta=object$logpar, r=r)
      # object$outer.cov.par <- solve(grad%*%t(grad))
  } else{
         h <- hessian(cl=cl,theta=object$logpar, x=x, r=r)
         object$cov.logpar <- solve(-h)
         grad <- c(par[1]-par[1]^2, par[2:7])
         object$cov.par <- diag(grad)%*%object$cov.logpar%*%diag(grad)
      object$eigen <- eigen(-h)$values   
         if (!is.null(fixed)){ ## columns and rows for fixed parameters to be zeroed...
           ind.fix <- which(fixed) ## which indices are TRUE
           h <- h[-ind.fix,]
           h <- h[,-ind.fix]
           object$cov.logpar <- solve(-h)
       object$eigen <- eigen(-h)$values
        #  object$cov.logpar <- object$cov.logpar[-ind.fix,]
        #   object$cov.logpar <- object$cov.logpar[,-ind.fix]
           grad <- grad[-ind.fix] 
           object$cov.par <- diag(grad)%*%object$cov.logpar%*%diag(grad)    
      # grad <- grad.mix.full(x=x,theta=object$logpar, r=r)
      # object$outer.cov.par <- solve(grad%*%t(grad))

  if (!is.null(cl)) stopCluster(cl)
  ## getting estimates of the mean lengths of fiber and fine in a standing tree...
  if (model=="lognorm") {
      fy.fines <- fyj.logN
      th.fines <- par[2:3]
  } else  th.fines <- par[2:4]
  pir <- pi*r
  I=integrate(function(y,th.fines,pir) fy.fines(y,th.fines)/(pir+2*y), lower=0,upper=20, th.fines=th.fines,pir=pir,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3) 
  object$mu.fines <- (1/I$value -pir)/2
  if (model=="lognorm") {
      fy.fibers <- fyj.logN
      th.fibers <- par[4:5]
  } else  th.fibers <- par[5:7]
  I=integrate(function(y,th.fibers,pir) fy.fibers(y,th.fibers)/(pir+2*y), lower=0,upper=20, th.fibers=th.fibers,pir=pir,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3) 
  object$mu.fibers <- (1/I$value -pir)/2
  ## getting estimate of the expected value of the cell length in a standing tree, E(W)...
  object$mu.cell <- (2*object$mu.fines*object$mu.fibers+par[1]*pir*object$mu.fines+(1-par[1])*pir*object$mu.fibers)/(2*(par[1]*object$mu.fibers+(1-par[1])*object$mu.fines)+pir)   
  ## getting the proportion of fines in a standing tree...
  object$prop.fines <- par[1]*(pir+2*object$mu.cell)/(pir+2*object$mu.fines)
} ## end fled.kajaani


fled.micro <- function(data=stop("No data supplied"), r, model="ggamma", parStart=NULL, optimizer=c("optim","L-BFGS-B","grad"), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, ...) {
## function to estimate cell lengths from microscopy data...
  if (!(optimizer[1] %in% c("optim","nlm","nlm.fd")) )
          stop("unknown optimization method")
  userStart <- FALSE  ## no user-defined starting values of model parameters
  if (!is.null(parStart)) {
      if (model=="ggamma") { 
           if (length(parStart)!=3) 
              stop("length of starting values of parameters, 'parStart', for ggamma model must be 3.")
           good <- parStart > 0
           if (sum(!good) > 0) stop("starting values of parameters must be positive")
           else { userStart <- TRUE
                  thetaStart <- log(parStart)                                
      } else { ## if model =="lognorm"
               if (length(parStart)!=2) 
                  stop("length of starting values of parameters, 'parStart', for lognorm model must be 2.")
               if (parStart[2] < 0)
                   stop("starting value of the 2nd parameter must be positive") 
               else {  userStart <- TRUE
                       thetaStart <- parStart
                       thetaStart[2] <- log(parStart[2])  
        } ## if model =="lognorm"     
  } ## if (!is.null(parStart))

  if (model=="ggamma"){
       if (sum(is.finite(lower))==3)
           lower <- log(lower)
       else if (length(lower)>1 && length(lower)<3) stop("length of 'lower' must be 3.")
       if (sum(is.finite(upper))==3)
           upper <- log(upper) 
       else if (length(upper)>1 && length(upper)<3) stop("length of 'upper' must be 3.")
  } else if (model=="lognorm"){
             if (sum(is.finite(lower))==2)
                  lower[2] <- log(lower[2])
             else if (length(lower)>1 && length(lower)<2) stop("length of 'lower' must be 2.")
             if (sum(is.finite(upper))==2)
                   upper[2] <- log(upper[2])
             else if (length(upper)>1 && length(upper)<2) stop("length of 'upper' must be 2.")

  x <- data
  if (!userStart) {## get initial values of parameters ...
      if (model=="lognorm") {
                 loglik.y.gg.mic <- loglik.y.logN.mic
                 loglik.y.grad.mic <- loglik.y.grad.logN.mic
                 thetaStart <- c(.6,log(.3))  ## rough start for lognorm
      } else thetaStart <- rep(log(2),3) ## rough start for gen gamma
      b <- optim(par=thetaStart,fn=loglik.y.gg.mic, gr=loglik.y.grad.mic, method="L-BFGS-B", x=x, lower=lower, upper=upper,...) 
      thetaStart <- b$par
  } ## if (!userStart)

  par <- c() ## initializing estimated parameters
  object <- list()
  if (model=="lognorm") {
         loglik.mic <- loglik.logN.mic
         dloglik.nlm.mic <- dloglik.logN.nlm.mic

  if (optimizer[1]=="optim"){
           if (!(optimizer[2] %in% c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"))){
                 warning("unknown optim() method, `Nelder-Mead' were used")
                  optimizer[2] <- "Nelder-Mead"
           if (optimizer[2] %in% c("BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B")){
               if (is.na(optimizer[3])){ 
                  warning("the third parameter of optimizer argument is not supplied, 
                     finite-difference approximation of the gradient were used")
                  grr <- NULL
               } else if (!(optimizer[3] %in% c("fd","grad"))){
                     warning("in the third parameter of optimizer, only `fd' and `grad'
                          options are possible, finite-difference 
                          approximation of the gradient were used")
                     grr <- NULL
               }  else if (optimizer[3] == "grad") { 
                               if (model=="lognorm") grr <- dloglik.logN.mic
                               else grr <- dloglik.mic
                       } else    grr <- NULL
           } else grr <- NULL

            b <- optim(par=thetaStart,fn=loglik.mic, gr=grr, method=optimizer[2],x=x, r=r, lower=lower, upper=upper,...)

           theta <- b$par
           if (model=="ggamma") {
                 par <- exp(theta)               
           } else if (model=="lognorm"){
                  par <- theta 
                  par[2] <- exp(theta[2])
           ll <- b$value
           iterations <- b$counts
           termcode <- b$convergence
           if (termcode == 0)
                     conv <- "Successful completion"
           else if (termcode == 1)  
                      conv <- "The iteration limit `maxit' had been reached"
           else if (termcode == 10)  
                      conv <- "Degeneracy of the Nelder-Mead simplex"
           else if (termcode == 51)  
                      conv <- "A warning from the `L-BFGS-B' method; see help for `optim' for further details"
           else if (termcode == 52)  
                      conv <- "An error from the `L-BFGS-B' method; see help for `optim' for further details"
      }   ## end if (optimizer[1]=="optim")
       else if (optimizer[1]=="nlm"){ ## nlm() with analytical derivatives...
            b <- nlm(f=dloglik.nlm.mic, p=thetaStart,iterlim=100,x=x,r=r) 
           } else if (optimizer[1]=="nlm.fd"){ ## nlm() with finite difference deriv-s...
                 b <- nlm(f=loglik.mic, p=thetaStart,iterlim=100,x=x,r=r) 

   if (optimizer[1]== "nlm.fd" || optimizer[1]== "nlm") {
         theta <- b$estimate
         if (model=="ggamma")
                 par <- exp(theta)
         else {par[1] <- theta[1]; par[2] <- exp(theta[2]) }
         ll <- b$minimum
         ## dll <- b$gradient
         iterations <- b$iterations
         termcode <- b$code
         if (termcode == 1)
                conv <- "Relative gradient is close to zero, current iterate is probably solution"
         else if (termcode == 2)  
                conv <- "Successive iterates within tolerance, current iterate is probably solution"
         else if (termcode == 3)  
                conv <- "Last global step failed to locate a point lower than `estimate'. Either `estimate' is an approximate local minimum of the function or `steptol' is too small"
         else if (termcode == 4)  
                conv <- "Iteration limit exceeded"
         else if (termcode == 5)  
                conv <- "Maximum step size `stepmax' exceeded five consecutive 
                   times. Either the function is unbounded below, becomes asymptotic 
                   to a finite value from above in some direction or stepmax is too small"   
    } ## end if (optimizer[1]== "nlm.fd" || optimizer[1]== "nlm")

  object$loglik <- ll
  object$par <- par  ## estimated parameters on original scale
  if (model=="lognorm") names(object$par) <- c("mu_fibers", "sig_fibers")
  else names(object$par) <- c("b_fibers", "d_fibers", "k_fibers")
  object$logpar <- theta ## estimated transformed parameters
   ## getting things after fit ...
   if (model=="lognorm"){
      object$cov.logpar <- solve(-hessian.logN.mic(theta=object$logpar, x=x, r=r))
      grad <- c(1,par[2])
      object$cov.par <- diag(grad)%*%object$cov.logpar%*%diag(grad)   
   } else{
         object$cov.logpar <- solve(-hessian.mic(theta=object$logpar, x=x, r=r))
         grad <- par
         object$cov.par <- diag(grad)%*%object$cov.logpar%*%diag(grad)         

  ## getting estimates of the mean lengths of fiber in a standing tree...
  if (model=="lognorm") fy.fibers <- fyj.logN
  I <- integrate(function(y,th.fibers,r) fy.fibers(y,th.fibers)/(pi*r+2*y), lower=0,upper=20, th.fibers=par,r=r,stop.on.error = F, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3) 
  object$mu.fibers <- (1/I$value -pi*r)/2

  object$termcode <- termcode
  object$conv <- conv
  object$iterations <- iterations 

} ## end fled.micro


fled <- function(data=stop("No data supplied"), data.type="ofa", r=2.5, model="ggamma", method="ML", parStart=NULL, fixed=NULL,optimizer=c("optim","L-BFGS-B","grad"), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,cluster=1, ...){
## function to estimate wood fiber length from increment cores...
## * data - a vector of cell length from increment cores
## * data.type - type of data supplied: "ofa" (default) or "microscopy"
## * r - radius of the increment core
## * model - if model="ggamma" then the length distribution is assumed to be generalized gamma and maximum likelihood method is used for model parameter estimation; if model="lognorm" then log normal distribution is assumed and the parameters are estimated by a stochastic version of the EM algorithm
## * method - either "ML" for maximum likelihood method (default) or "SEM" for a stochastic version of the EM algorithm used only with log normal model ("SEM" is currently turned off)
## * parStart - numerical vector of starting values of parameters (or fixed values for ggamma model)
## * fixed - TRUE/FALSE vector of seven used to specify if some parameters of ggamma model should be fixed
## * optimizer - numerical optimization method used to minimize 'minus' loglik: 'optim' or 'nlm' or 'nlm.fd' (nlm based on finite-difference approximation of the derivatives). If optimizer=="optim" then the second argument specifies the numerical method to be used in 'optim' ("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN". The third element indicates whether the finite difference approximation should be used ("fd") or analytical gradient ("grad") for the "BFGS", "CG" and "L-BFGS-B" methods. 
## * lower, * upper - lower and upper bounds on parameters estimates for the "L-BFGS-B" method. these are supplied on original scale. the function then transform them to ensure positiveness and [0,1] restrictions...
## * cluster is either '0' for no parallel computing to be used; or '1' (default) for one less than
## the number of cores; or user-supplied cluster on which to do estimation; used for analyzing OFA data only.(a cluster here can be some cores of a single machine).

  if (!is.vector(data) || is.list(data)){
     data<- unlist(data); data <- as.vector(data,mode='numeric') 
  if (length(data)<7) stop("not enough data supplied")
  bad <- data <= 0
  if (sum(bad)>0) {
      warning("some data are nonpositive, removed.")
      data <- data[!bad] 
  bad <- data >= 2*r
  if (sum(bad)> 0){
      warning("some data values are more than the diameter, removed.")
      data <- data[!bad] 
  if (is.na(model)) model <- "ggamma"
  if (!model%in%c("ggamma","lognorm")) stop("unknown fiber length distribution.")  
  if (!data.type%in%c("ofa","microscopy")) stop("unknown type of data.")
  if (data.type=="microscopy" & !is.null(fixed))
           stop("fixing parameters is possible only with 'Kajjani' data and 'ggamma' model.")
  object <- list()
  if (data.type=="ofa") 
     object <- fled.kajaani(data=data, r=r, model=model, method=method, parStart=parStart, fixed=fixed, optimizer=optimizer, lower=lower, upper=upper, cluster=cluster,...)
     object <- fled.micro(data=data, r=r, model=model, parStart=parStart, optimizer=optimizer, lower=lower, upper=upper,...)
  object$data.type <- data.type
  object$fixed <- fixed
  object$model <- model
  object$method <- method
  object$n <- length(data)
  object$data <- data ## needs for plotting histogram with plot.fled
  object$r <- r
} ## end fled

## loading functions...

print.fiberLD.version <- function()
{ library(help=fiberLD)$info[[1]] -> version
  version <- version[pmatch("Version",version)]
  um <- strsplit(version," ")[[1]]
  version <- um[nchar(um)>0][2]
  hello <- paste("This is fiberLD ",version,".",sep="")

.onAttach <- function(...) { 

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fiberLD documentation built on July 21, 2022, 5:08 p.m.