#' Discriminant function analysis test
#' Performs a stepwise forward variable selection using the Wilk's Lambda criterion.
#' @param data Data frame containing source and mixtures
#' @param niveau level for the approximate F-test decision 
#' @return Data frame only containing the variables that pass the DFA test
#' @export
DFATest <- function(data, niveau = 0.1) {
  # reorder factor levels in order of appearance
  data[, 2] <- factor(data[, 2], levels = unique(data[, 2]))

  # read groups (second column)
  groups <- data[, 2]
  # asume last group is mixtures
  mixture <- levels(groups)[nlevels(groups)]
  # read sources
  sources <- data[!groups == mixture, ]
  # remove mixture level
  s_groups <- droplevels(sources[, 2])
  # extract properties
  var_A <- sources[3:ncol(sources)]
  # assign groups
  var_A$groups <- as.factor(s_groups)
  # perform DFA
  DFA <- greedy.wilks(groups ~ ., data = var_A, niveau = niveau)
  # filter selected properties
  var <- as.vector(DFA[[1]][, 1])
  DFA_OFF1 <- data[, 3:ncol(data)]
  DFA_OFF1 <- DFA_OFF1[, !(names(DFA_OFF1) %in% var)]
  var_OFF.DFA <- names(DFA_OFF1)
  total_DFA <- data[, !(names(data) %in% var_OFF.DFA)]
  cat("Attention->", ncol(DFA_OFF1), "variables were removed from a total of", 
    ncol(data[3:ncol(data)]), ":", var_OFF.DFA, ".")
  cat(" The variable/variables that remains in your dataset is/are:", 
    names(total_DFA[3:ncol(total_DFA)]), ".")

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