
Defines functions fetch_ladder_squiggle fetch_ladder_afltables fetch_ladder_afl fetch_ladder

Documented in fetch_ladder fetch_ladder_afl fetch_ladder_afltables fetch_ladder_squiggle

#' Fetch Ladder
#' @description
#' `fetch_ladder` returns the Ladder for a given AFL Round. Internally, it calls
#' a corresponding `fetch_ladder_*` function that depends on the source given.
#' By default the source used will be the official AFL website.
#' [fetch_ladder_afl()], [fetch_ladder_afltables()], [fetch_ladder_squiggle()]
#' can be called directly and return data from AFL website, AFL Tables and
#' Squiggle, respectively.
#' @param season Season in YYYY format, defaults to NULL which returns the year
#'  corresponding the `Sys.Date()`
#' @param round_number Round number, defaults to NULL which returns latest round
#' @param comp One of "AFLM" (default), "AFLW", "VFL", "VFLW", "WAFL", "U18B" or "U18G." Not all data sources will have non-AFL data
#' @param source One of "AFL" (default), "footywire", "fryzigg", "afltables", "squiggle"
#' @param ... Optional parameters passed onto various functions depending on source.
#' @return A Tibble with the ladder from the relevant `season` and `round`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return data from AFL Website
#' fetch_ladder(2020, round = 1)
#' # This is equivalent to
#' fetch_ladder(2020, round = 1, source = "AFL")
#' fetch_ladder_afl(2020, round = 1)
#' # Return AFLW data
#' fetch_ladder(2020, round = 1, comp = "AFLW", source = "AFL")
#' fetch_ladder_afl(2020, round = 1, comp = "AFLW")
#' # Not all sources have AFLW data and will return a warning
#' fetch_ladder(2020, round = 1, comp = "AFLW", source = "afltables")
#' fetch_ladder(2020, round = 1, comp = "AFLW", source = "squiggle")
#' # Different sources
#' fetch_ladder(2015, round = 5, source = "afltables")
#' fetch_ladder(2015, round = 5, source = "squiggle")
#' # Directly call functions for each source
#' fetch_ladder_afl(2018, round = 9)
#' fetch_ladder_afltables(2018, round = 9)
#' fetch_ladder_squiggle(2018, round = 9)
#' }
#' @family fetch ladder functions
#' @seealso
#' * [fetch_ladder_afl] for official AFL data.
#' * [fetch_ladder_afltables] for AFL Tables data.
#' * [fetch_ladder_squiggle] for Squiggle data.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
fetch_ladder <- function(season = NULL,
                         round_number = NULL,
                         comp = "AFLM",
                         source = "AFL",
                         ...) {
  # Do some data checks
  season <- check_season(season)
  check_comp_source(comp, source)

  dat <- switch(source,
    "AFL" = fetch_ladder_afl(season, round_number, comp),
    "afltables" = fetch_ladder_afltables(season, round_number, ...),
    "squiggle" = fetch_ladder_squiggle(season, round_number),

  if (is.null(dat)) cli::cli_warn("The source \"{source}\" does not have Ladder data. Please use one of \"AFL\", \"afltables\", or \"squiggle\"")

#' @rdname fetch_ladder
#' @export
fetch_ladder_afl <- function(season = NULL, round_number = NULL, comp = "AFLM") {
  # check inputs
  season <- check_season(season)
  comp <- check_comp(comp)
  # if (is.null(round_number)) round_number <- ""

  if (length(season) > 1) {
    cli::cli_inform("Multiple seasons specified, ignoring round_number")
    round_number <- NULL
  # fetch ids
  season_id <- find_season_id(season, comp)

  if (is.null(season_id)) {
    cli::cli_warn("No ladder data found for season {season} on AFL.com.au for {comp}")

  if (is.null(round_number)) {
    cli::cli_inform("No round number specified, trying to return most recent ladder for specified season")
    round_id <- ""
  } else {
    round_id <- find_round_id(round_number,
      season_id = season_id,
      comp = comp, providerId = FALSE,
      future_rounds = FALSE

  if (is.null(round_id) || is.null(season_id)) {

  # Make request
  api_url <- season_id %>%
    purrr::map_chr(~ paste0(

  resp <- api_url %>%
    purrr::map(httr::GET, query = list("roundId" = round_id), .progress = TRUE)

  status_codes <- resp %>%
    purrr::map_dbl(purrr::pluck, "status_code")

  if (any(status_codes == 404) | any(status_codes == 400)) {
    cli::cli_abort("No data found for specified round number and season. Does round number \"{round_number}\" exist for Season \"{season}\" on \"www.afl.com.au/ladder\"?")

  cont <- resp %>%
    purrr::map(httr::content, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
    purrr::map(jsonlite::fromJSON, flatten = TRUE)

  ladder_list <- cont %>%
    purrr::map(purrr::pluck, "ladders", "entries")

  ladder_list <- ladder_list %>%
    purrr::map(dplyr::bind_rows, .id = "conference")

  args <- list(
    ladder_list = ladder_list,
    season = season,
    season_name = cont %>% purrr::map(purrr::pluck, "compSeason", "name"),
    last_updated = cont %>% purrr::map(purrr::pluck, "lastUpdated"),
    round_name = cont %>% purrr::map(purrr::pluck, "round", "name"),
    round_number = cont %>% purrr::map(purrr::pluck, "round", "roundNumber")

  ladder_df <- purrr::pmap_dfr(
    ~ with(
        season = season,
        season_name = season_name,
        last_updated = last_updated,
        round_name = round_name,
        round_number = round_number

  ladder_df <- ladder_df %>%
      "season", "season_name", "round_name",
      "round_number", "last_updated",


#' @param match_results_df (optional) A dataframe from [fetch_results_afltables()], provide this to prevent having to download results again.
#' @rdname fetch_ladder
#' @export
fetch_ladder_afltables <- function(season = NULL, round_number = NULL, match_results_df = NULL) {
  suppressWarnings(if (is.null(match_results_df)) {
    match_results_df <- purrr::map_dfr(
      .x = c(1:round_number),
      .f = ~ fetch_results_afltables(season, .x)

  # first some cleaning up
  match_results_df <- match_results_df %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$Round.Type == "Regular") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(winner = ifelse(.data$Home.Points > .data$Away.Points,
      ifelse(.data$Away.Points > .data$Home.Points,

  # create a long df, with each observation being a team, for the round, for the season
  home_dat <- match_results_df %>%
      Team = "Home.Team",
      "Round.Number", "Season", "winner",
      Score = "Home.Points",
      OppScore = "Away.Points"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(home_or_away = "Home")

  away_dat <- match_results_df %>%
      Team = "Away.Team",
      Score = "Away.Points",
      OppScore = "Home.Points"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(home_or_away = "Away")

  team_view <- home_dat %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(away_dat) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(win = ifelse(.data$winner == "Draw", 0.5,
      ifelse(.data$winner == .data$home_or_away,
    )) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(points = .data$win * 4)

  # because there were byes throughout, some teams are missing for ladder construction purposes
  # ie in some rounds, there aren't the right amount of teams in each round
  df <- team_view %>%
    dplyr::distinct(.data$Season, .data$Team) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(team_view %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$Season, .data$Round.Number),
      by = "Season",
      multiple = "all",
      relationship = "many-to-many"
    ) %>%
      by = c("Season", "Round.Number", "Team"),
      multiple = "all",
      relationship = "many-to-many"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-"winner", -"home_or_away")

  # function to replace the missing results (ie where the team had a bye) with zeros
  replace_with_zero <- function(x) {
    if (is.na(x)) {
      x <- 0
    } else {
      x <- x

  # fill in the missing values with zeros
  df <- df %>%
      Score = mapply(replace_with_zero, .data$Score),
      OppScore = mapply(replace_with_zero, .data$OppScore),
      win = mapply(replace_with_zero, .data$win),
      points = mapply(replace_with_zero, .data$points)

  # calculate cumulative scores for each team
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$Season, .data$Team, .data$Round.Number) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$Season, .data$Team) %>%
    # calculate running totals for the season
      season_points = cumsum(.data$points),
      score_for = cumsum(.data$Score),
      score_against = cumsum(.data$OppScore),
      percentage = .data$score_for / .data$score_against
    ) %>%

  # Round 1 in 2011, Gold Coast had a bye in round 1, so need to fix the NaN for their percentage (R doesn't like 0 / 0)
  df$percentage[is.nan(df$percentage)] <- 0

  # arrange teams so that the top ranked team is at the top
  ladder <- df %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$Season, .data$Round.Number, dplyr::desc(.data$season_points), dplyr::desc(.data$percentage))

  # apply the ladder position for each round. Because there were different numbers of teams each season, need to find out how many teams
  suppressWarnings(for (i in unique(ladder$Season)) {
    num_teams <- length(unique(ladder$Team[ladder$Season == i]))
    ladder$ladder_pos[ladder$Season == i] <- rep(1:num_teams)

  # select final columns for output ladder table
  ladder <- ladder %>%
    dplyr::select("Season", "Team", "Round.Number",
      Season.Points = "season_points",
      Score.For = "score_for",
      Score.Against = "score_against",
      Percentage = "percentage",
      Ladder.Position = "ladder_pos"

  # Allowing for ladder filtering -------------------------------------------
  # filtering the round of the season if not NA
  suppressWarnings(if (!is.null(round_number)) {
    ladder <- ladder %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$Round.Number %in% round_number)

  # filtering the season if not NA
  suppressWarnings(if (!is.null(season)) {
    ladder <- ladder %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$Season %in% season)

  if (nrow(ladder) == 0) {
    cli::cli_abort("No data found for specified round number and season. Does round number \"{round_number}\" exist for Season \"{season}\" on \"www.afltables.com\"?")


#' @rdname fetch_ladder
#' @export
fetch_ladder_squiggle <- function(season = NULL,
                                  round_number = NULL) {
  # check inputs
  season <- check_season(season)

  if (is.null(round_number)) {
      "No round specified - returning most recent ladder in season {.val {season}}"
    dat <- fetch_squiggle_data(
      query = "standings",
      year = season
  } else {
      "Returning ladder as of round {.val {round_number}} in season {.val {season}}"
    dat <- fetch_squiggle_data(
      query = "standings",
      year = season,
      round = round_number


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