
Defines functions flash_factors_init

Documented in flash_factors_init

#' Initialize flash factors at specified values
#' Initializes factor/loadings pairs at values specified by \code{init}. This
#'   function has two primary uses: 1. One can initialize multiple
#'   factor/loadings pairs at once using an SVD-like function and then optimize
#'   them via function \code{\link{flash_backfit}}. Sometimes this results in
#'   a better fit than adding them one at a time via
#'   \code{\link{flash_greedy}}. 2. One can initialize factor/loadings pairs
#'   and then fix the factor (or loadings) via function
#'   \code{\link{flash_factors_fix}} to incorporate "known" factors into a
#'   \code{\link{flash}} object. See below for examples of both use cases.
#' @inheritParams flash
#' @param flash A \code{flash} or \code{flash_fit} object to which factors are
#'   to be added.
#' @param init An SVD-like object (specifically, a list containing fields
#'   \code{u}, \code{d}, and \code{v}), a \code{flash} or \code{flash_fit}
#'   object, or a list of matrices specifying the values at which factors
#'   and loadings are to be initialized (for a data
#'   matrix of size \eqn{n \times p}, this should be a list of length two,
#'   with the first element a matrix of size \eqn{n \times k} and the second
#'   a matrix of size \eqn{p \times k}). If a flash fit is supplied, then it
#'   will be used to initialize both the first and second moments of
#'   posteriors on loadings and factors. Otherwise, the supplied values will
#'   be used to initialize posterior means, with posterior second moments
#'   initialized as the squared values of the first moments. Missing entries
#'   are not allowed.
#' @return The \code{\link{flash}} object from argument \code{flash}, with
#'   factors and loadings initialized as specified.
#' @examples
#' # Initialize several factors at once and backfit.
#' fl <- flash_init(gtex) %>%
#'   flash_factors_init(init = svd(gtex, nu = 5, nv = 5)) %>%
#'   flash_backfit()
#' # Add fixed loadings with \ell_i identically equal to one. This can be
#' #   interpreted as giving a "mean" factor that accounts for different
#' #   row-wise means.
#' ones <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(gtex), ncol = 1)
#' # Initialize the factor at the least squares solution.
#' ls_soln <- t(solve(crossprod(ones), crossprod(ones, gtex)))
#' fl <- flash_init(gtex) %>%
#'   flash_factors_init(init = list(ones, ls_soln)) %>%
#'   flash_factors_fix(kset = 1, which_dim = "loadings") %>%
#'   flash_backfit() %>%
#'   flash_greedy(Kmax = 5L)
#' @importFrom ebnm ebnm_point_normal
#' @export
flash_factors_init <- function(flash,
                               ebnm_fn = ebnm_point_normal) {
  flash <- get.fit(flash)

  if (inherits(init, "flash")) {
    init <- get.fit(init)

  EF2 <- NULL
  if (is.udv(init)) {
    EF <- udv.to.lowrank(init)
  } else if (inherits(init, "flash_fit")) {
    EF <- get.EF(init)
    EF2 <- get.EF2(init)
  } else if (is.list(init) && all(sapply(init, is.matrix))) {
    EF <- init
    class(EF) <- list("lowrank", "list")
  } else {
    stop("init must be an SVD-like object, a flash fit, or a list of matrices.")

  dims.must.match(EF, get.Y(flash))

  if (is.null(EF2)) {
    EF2 <- lowrank.square(EF)
  } else {
    dims.must.match(EF2, get.Y(flash))

  if (anyNA(unlist(EF))) {
    stop("The initialization may not have missing data.")

  ebnm.fn <- handle.ebnm.fn(ebnm_fn, get.dim(flash))$ebnm.fn

  if (!is.null(EF) && ncol(EF[[1]]) > 0) {
    flash <- set.EF(flash, lowranks.combine(get.EF(flash), EF))
    flash <- set.EF2(flash, lowranks.combine(get.EF2(flash), EF2))

    if (uses.R(flash)) {
      R <- get.Y(flash) - lowrank.expand(get.EF(flash))
      flash <- set.R(flash, get.nonmissing(flash) * R)

    flash <- init.tau(flash)
    flash <- set.obj(flash, calc.obj(flash))

    K <- ncol(EF[[1]])

    # Initialize KL at zero and g at NULL.
    for (n in 1:get.dim(flash)) {
      flash <- set.KL(flash, c(get.KL(flash, n), rep(0, K)), n)
    EF.g <- rep(list(rep(list(NULL), get.dim(flash))), K)
    flash <- set.g(flash, c(get.g(flash), EF.g))

    ebnm.fn <- c(get.ebnm.fn(flash), rep(list(ebnm.fn), length.out = K))
    flash <- set.ebnm.fn(flash, ebnm.fn)

    # Initialize is.valid and is.zero.
    flash <- set.is.valid(flash, c(is.valid(flash), rep(FALSE, K)))
    flash <- set.is.zero(flash, c(is.zero(flash), rep(FALSE, K)))

  flash <- wrapup.flash(flash, output.lvl = 3L)


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flashier documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 5:07 p.m.