achieve | Achievement Test Scores for New Haven Schools |
auto | Automobile Customer Survey Data |
barplot-methods | Barplot/chart Methods in Package 'flexclust' |
bclust | Bagged Clustering |
birth | Birth and Death Rates |
bootFlexclust | Bootstrap Flexclust Algorithms |
bundestag | German Parliament Election Data |
bwplot-methods | Box-Whisker Plot Methods in Package 'flexclust' |
cclust | Convex Clustering |
clusterSim | Cluster Similarity Matrix |
conversion | Conversion Between S3 Partition Objects and KCCA |
dentitio | Dentition of Mammals |
dist2 | Compute Pairwise Distances Between Two Data sets |
distances | Distance and Centroid Computation |
flexclustControl-class | Classes "flexclustControl" and "cclustControl" |
flxColors | Flexclust Color Palettes |
histogram-methods | Methods for Function histogram in Package 'flexclust' |
image-methods | Methods for Function image in Package 'flexclust' |
info | Get Information on Fitted Flexclust Objects |
kcca | K-Centroids Cluster Analysis |
kcca2df | Convert Cluster Result to Data Frame |
milk | Milk of Mammals |
Nclus | Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians |
nutrient | Nutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl |
pairs | Methods for Function pairs in Package 'flexclust' |
parameters | Get Centroids from KCCA Object |
plot-methods | Methods for Function plot in Package 'flexclust' |
predict-methods | Predict Cluster Membership |
priceFeature | Artificial 2d Market Segment Data |
projAxes | Add Arrows for Projected Axes to a Plot |
propBarchart | Barcharts and Boxplots for Columns of a Data Matrix Split by... |
qtclust | Stochastic QT Clustering |
randIndex | Compare Partitions |
randomTour | Plot a Random Tour |
relabel | Relabel Cluster Results. |
shadow | Cluster Shadows and Silhouettes |
shadowStars | Shadow Stars |
slsaplot | Segment Level Stability Across Solutions Plot. |
slswFlexclust | Segment Level Stability Within Solution. |
stepFlexclust | Run Flexclust Algorithms Repeatedly |
stripes | Stripes Plot |
vacmot | Vacation Motives of Australians |
volunteers | Motivation of Australian Volunteers |
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