
ex <- get.taxa(c("Miconia albicans", "Myrcia lingua", "Cofea arabica"))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  output$contents <- renderDataTable({
    if (input$taxa == "Miconia albicans\nMyrcia lingua\nCofea arabica" & input$synonyms & input$suggest) {
      res <- ex
    } else {
      x <- unlist(strsplit(input$taxa, "\n"))
      res <- get.taxa(x, 
                      replace.synonyms = input$synonyms, 
                      suggest.names = input$suggest, 
                      life.form = input$life.form, 
                      habitat = input$habitat, 
                      vernacular = input$vernacular, 
                      states = input$states, 
                      establishment = input$establishment,
                      suggestion.distance = input$distance)
    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "results.csv",
      content = function(file = filename) {      
        # Write to a file specified by the 'file' argument
        write.csv(res, file,
                  row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)
    #links.flora <- 
    #  paste("<a target=\"_blank\" href = \"", res$id, "\">", "FloraBR","</a>", sep = "")
    #links.flora <- gsub("FBNA", NA, links.flora)
    #links.flora[grep("NA", links.flora)] <- ""
    #links.splink <- 
    #  paste("<a target=\"_blank\" href = \"", res$search.str, "\">", "spLink","</a>", sep = "")
    #links.splink[grep("NA", links.splink)] <- ""
    #links.splink.images <- 
    #  paste("<a target=\"_blank\" href = \"", res$search.str, "\">", "Images","</a>", sep = "")
    #links.splink.images[grep("NA", links.splink.images)] <- ""
    out <- res[-1]
    names(out) <- gsub("\\.", " ", names(out))
  }, options = list(searching = TRUE))

Try the flora package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

flora documentation built on April 28, 2020, 9:05 a.m.