Customizing Wrapper Functions"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7.15, fig.height = 4)


The purpose of this vignette is to provide a closer look at how the user-supplied model training and predict wrapper functions can be modified to give greater control over the model-building process. The goal is to present examples of how the wrapper functions could be flexibly written to keep a linear workflow in forecastML while modeling across multiple forecast horizons and validation datasets. The alternative would be to train models across a single forecast horizon and/or validation window and customize the wrapper functions for this specific setup.

Example 1 - Multiple forecast horizons and 1 model training function


data("data_seatbelts", package = "forecastML")
data <- data_seatbelts

data <- data[, c("DriversKilled", "kms", "PetrolPrice", "law")]

dates <- seq(as.Date("1969-01-01"), as.Date("1984-12-01"), by = "1 month")
data_train <- forecastML::create_lagged_df(data,
                                           type = "train",
                                           outcome_col = 1, 
                                           lookback = 1:12,
                                           horizons = c(3, 12),
                                           dates = dates,
                                           frequency = "1 month")

# View the horizon 3 lagged dataset.
DT::datatable(head((data_train$horizon_3)), options = list("scrollX" = TRUE))

windows <- forecastML::create_windows(data_train, window_length = 0, 
                                      window_start = as.Date("1984-01-01"),
                                      window_stop = as.Date("1984-12-01"))

plot(windows, data_train)

User-defined model-training function

model_function <- function(data, my_outcome_col = 1, n_tree = c(200, 100)) {

  outcome_names <- names(data)[my_outcome_col]
  model_formula <- formula(paste0(outcome_names,  "~ ."))

  if (attributes(data)$horizon == 3) {  # Model 1

          model <- randomForest::randomForest(formula = model_formula, 
                                              data = data, 
                                              ntree = n_tree[1])

          return(list("my_trained_model" = model, "n_tree" = n_tree[1], 
                      "meta_data" = attributes(data)$horizon))

  } else if (attributes(data)$horizon == 12) {  # Model 2

          model <- randomForest::randomForest(formula = model_formula, 
                                              data = data, 
                                              ntree = n_tree[2])

          return(list("my_trained_model" = model, "n_tree" = n_tree[2],
                      "meta_data" = attributes(data)$horizon))
model_results <- forecastML::train_model(data_train, windows, model_name = "RF", model_function)

User-defined prediction function

prediction_function <- function(model, data_features) {

    if (model$meta_data == 3) {  # Perform a transformation specific to model 1.

        data_pred <- data.frame("y_pred" = predict(model$my_trained_model, data_features))

    if (model$meta_data == 12) {  # Perform a transformation specific to model 2.

        data_pred <- data.frame("y_pred" = predict(model$my_trained_model, data_features))

data_results <- predict(model_results,
                        prediction_function = list(prediction_function),
                        data = data_train)

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forecastML documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:27 p.m.