parse_data = function(x) {
d = utils::getParseData(parse_source(x, TRUE))
d[d$terminal, ]
# mask comments in strings so that deparse() will not drop them
mask_comments = function(x, comment, blank.line, wrap, arrow, pipe, args.newline, spaces) {
d = parse_data(x)
if ((n <- nrow(d)) == 0) return(x)
d = fix_parse_data(d, x)
if (args.newline) d = insert_arg_breaks(d, spaces)
d.line = d$line1; d.line2 = d$line2; d.token = d$token; d.text = d$text
# move else back
for (i in which(d.token == 'ELSE')) {
delta = d.line[i] - d.line[i - 1]
d.line[i:n] = d.line[i:n] - delta
d.line2[i:n] = d.line2[i:n] - delta
# how many blank lines after each token?
blank = c(pmax(d.line[-1] - d.line2[-n] - 1, 0), 0)
# substitute = with <- when = means assignment
if (arrow) d.text[d.token == 'EQ_ASSIGN'] = '<-'
# substitute %>% with |>
if (pipe) d.text[d.token == 'SPECIAL' & d.text == '%>%'] = '|>'
i = if (comment) d.token == 'COMMENT' else logical(n)
# double backslashes and substitute " with ' in comments
d.text[i] = gsub('"', "'", gsub('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', d.text[i]))
c0 = d.line[-1] != d.line[-n] # is there a line change?
c1 = i & c(TRUE, c0 | (d.token[-n] == "'{'")) # must be comment blocks
c2 = i & !c1 # inline comments
c3 = c1 & grepl("^#+[-'+]", d.text) # roxygen or knitr spin() comments
if (wrap) {
if (grepl('^#!', d.text[1])) c3[1] = TRUE # shebang comment
} else c3 = c1 # comments not to be wrapped
# collapse blocks of comments
i1 = which(c1 & !c3) # do not wrap roxygen comments
j1 = i1[1]
if (length(i1) > 1) for (i in 2:length(i1)) {
# two neighbor lines of comments
if (d.line[i1[i]] - d.line[i1[i - 1]] == 1) {
j2 = i1[i]
d.text[j1] = paste(d.text[j1], sub('^#+', '', d.text[j2]))
d.text[j2] = ''
c1[j2] = FALSE # the second line is no longer a comment
} else j1 = i1[i]
# mask block and inline comments
d.text[c1] = sprintf('invisible("%s%s%s")', begin.comment, d.text[c1], end.comment)
d.text[c2] = sprintf('%%\b%% "%s"', d.text[c2])
# add blank lines
if (blank.line) for (i in seq_along(d.text)) {
if (blank[i] > 0)
d.text[i] = one_string(c(d.text[i], rep(blank.comment, blank[i])))
# break lines after some infix operators such as %>%
d.text = gsub(paste0('^(%)(', infix_ops, ')(%)$'), paste0('\\1\b\\2', spaces, '\\3'), d.text)
# similarly break lines after |>; later restore %\b|>% to |> in unmask_source()
d.text[d.text == '|>'] = paste0('%', '\b|>', spaces, '%')
# preserve the assignment operator ->
d.text[d.text == '->'] = '%\b->%'
# preserve := for data.table
d.text[d.text == ':='] = '%\b:=%'
# R 4.1.0 anonymous functions
if (length(i <- which(d.token == "'\\\\'"))) {
d.text[i] = '`\\\\`'
d.text[d.token == "')'" & (d$parent %in% d$parent[i])] = ') %\\\b%'
unlist(lapply(split(d.text, d.line), paste, collapse = ' '), use.names = FALSE)
infix_ops = '[>$]|T>|<>'
restore_infix = function(x) {
x = gsub('%\b([^ %]+)%', '\\1', x)
x = gsub('%\b([|]>) +%\\s*', '\\1', x)
x = gsub('(%)\b([^ ]+) +(%)\\s*$', '\\1\\2\\3', x)
# no blank lines before an 'else' statement!
move_else = function(x) {
blank = grepl('^\\s*$', x)
if (!any(blank)) return(x)
else.line = grep('^\\s*else(\\s+|$)', x)
for (i in else.line) {
j = i - 1
while (blank[j]) {
blank[j] = FALSE; j = j - 1 # search backwards & rm blank lines
warning('removed blank line ', j, " (should not put an 'else' in a separate line!)")
x[blank] = blank.comment
# reflow comments (excluding roxygen comments)
reflow_comments = function(x, width, wrap) {
c1 = grepl(mat.comment, x)
x = gsub(pat.comment, '', x) # strip the invisible() masks
if (!wrap) return(x)
x[c1] = restore_bs(x[c1])
c2 = c1 & !grepl("^\\s*#+[-'+!]", x)
# extract indent & comment prefix, e.g., '## '
r = '^(\\s*#+)\\s*(.*)'
x[c2] = unlist(lapply(x[c2], function(z) {
p = sub(r, '\\1', z)
z = sub(r, '\\2', z)
z = one_string(strwrap(z, width, prefix = paste0(p, ' ')))
# the comment might be empty, in which case we return the comment chars
if (z == '') p else z
# reindent lines with a different number of spaces
reindent_lines = function(text, spaces = rep_chars(n), n = 2) {
if (length(text) == 0) return(text)
if (spaces == ' ') return(text) # no need to do anything
t1 = gsub('^( *)(.*)', '\\1', text)
t2 = gsub('^( *)(.*)', '\\2', text)
paste0(gsub(' {4}', spaces, t1), t2)
# move { to the next line
move_leftbrace = function(x) {
if (length(idx <- grep('(\\)|else) \\{$', x)) == 0) return(x)
# indent the same amount of spaces as the { lines
b = gsub('^( *)(.*)', '\\1{', x[idx])
j = 0
x[idx] = gsub(' \\{$', '', x[idx])
for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
x = append(x, b[i], idx[i] + j)
j = j + 1
# base::parse(text = NULL) will ask for user input but should return an empty
# expression instead
parse_source = function(code, keep.source = FALSE) {
if (length(code) == 0) return(expression())
base::parse(text = code, keep.source = keep.source)
# restore backslashes
restore_bs = function(x) gsub('\\\\\\\\', '\\\\', x)
# a workaround for the R bug (long strings are truncated in getParseData()):
fix_parse_data = function(d, x) {
if (length(s <- which(d$token == 'STR_CONST')) == 0) return(d)
ws = s[grep('^\\[\\d+ (wide )?chars quoted with \'"\'\\]$', d$text[s])]
for (i in ws) {
di = d[i, , drop = FALSE]
d[i, 'text'] = get_src_string(x, di$line1, di$line2, di$col1, di$col2)
d[s, 'text'] = mask_line_break(d[s, 'text'])
get_src_string = function(x, l1, l2, c1, c2) {
if (l1 == l2) return(substr(x[l1], c1, c2))
x[l1] = substr(x[l1], c1, nchar(x[l1]))
x[l2] = substr(x[l2], 1, c2)
# generate a random string
CHARS = c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9)
rand_string = function(len = 32) {
paste(sample(CHARS, len, replace = TRUE), collapse = '')
.env = new.env()
.env$line_break = NULL
# protect \n in source code, otherwise deparse() will change it to \\n
mask_line_break = function(x) {
if (length(grep('\n', x)) == 0) return(x)
m = (function() {
for (i in 2:10) {
for (j in 1:100) if (length(grep(s <- rand_string(i), x)) == 0) return(s)
if (is.null(m)) return(x)
.env$line_break = m
gsub('\n', m, x)
# add a long argument to a function call, so that other arguments can be pushed
# to the next line; this is for breaking arguments onto new lines, e.g.,
# c(a = 1) -> c(`\b \b`, a = 1, `\b \b#`) ->
# c(`\b \b`,
# a = 1,
# `\b \b#`)
# ->
# c(
# a = 1
# )
insert_arg_breaks = function(d, spaces) {
if (length(i <- which(d$token %in% c('SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL', 'FUNCTION'))) == 0)
i1 = i[d[i + 1, 'token'] == "'('"] + 1 # the next line must be (
i1 = i1[d[i1 + 1, 'token'] != "')'"] # there must be arguments inside ()
if (length(i1) == 0) return(d)
i2 = which(d$token == "')'")
i2 = i2[d[i2, 'parent'] %in% d[i1, 'parent']] # ) that shares same parent as (
if (length(i1) != length(i2)) {
warning('( and ) do not match in function calls.')
s1 = arg_spaces(spaces, d[i1, 'parent'])
s2 = arg_spaces(spaces, d[i2, 'parent'], '#')
s3 = gsub('#', '##', s2)
d[i1, 'text'] = paste0('(', s1, ',')
d[i2, 'text'] = paste0(',', s2, ',', s3, ')')
arg_spaces = function(x, id, id2 = '') sprintf('`%s\b%s\b%s`', id, x, id2)
# restore breaks for all function calls
restore_arg_breaks = function(
x, width, spaces = rep_chars(width), indent = ' ', split = FALSE
) {
s = gsub('\b', '\\\\\\\\b', arg_spaces(spaces, '([0-9]+)', '#{0,2}'))
if (length(grep(s, x)) == 0) return(x)
if (split) x = one_string(x)
m = gregexpr(s, x)
id = gsub(s, '\\1', unlist(regmatches(x, m)))
for (i in sort(as.integer(unique(id)))) {
x = restore_arg_break(x, i, s, width, indent)
if (split) x = split_lines(x)
# restore one function call
restore_arg_break = function(x, i, s, width, indent) {
s2 = paste0(s, '(,\\s*)?')
t = sub('([0-9]+)', i, s, fixed = TRUE)
r = sprintf('(\\()%s,\\s*?(\n\\s*)(.*?)\\s*,\\s*%s,\\s*?(\n\\s*)%s(\\))', t, t, t)
m = gregexpr(r, x)
regmatches(x, m) = lapply(regmatches(x, m), function(z) {
if (length(z) == 0) return(z)
# first try not to move arguments onto new lines and check if the code
# exceeds the desired width
x1 = gsub(r, '\\1\\3\\5', z)
# if all arguments fit one line, just put them on one line
if (!grepl('\n', x1) &&
!any(exceed_width(split_lines(gsub(s2, '', x1)), width))) return(x1)
x1 = gsub(r, '\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5', z)
# indent ) back one level
sub(sprintf('(\n)%s(\\s*\\))$', indent), '\\1\\2', x1)
exceed_width = function(x, width) nchar(x, type = 'width') > width
split_lines = function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, '\n'))
rep_chars = function(width, char = ' ') paste(rep(char, width), collapse = '')
trimws = function(x, which = c('both', 'left', 'right')) {
both = gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', x),
left = gsub('^\\s+', '', x), right = gsub('\\s+$', '', x)
one_string = function(..., collapse = '\n') paste(..., collapse = collapse)
restore_encoding = function(x, enc) {
if (length(enc) != 1) return(x)
xenc = special_encoding(x)
iconv(x, if (length(xenc) == 0) '' else xenc, enc)
special_encoding = function(x) setdiff(Encoding(x), 'unknown')
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