Man pages for formatters
ASCII Formatting for Values and Tables

basic_pagdfBasic/spoof pagination info data frame
cdisc_dataSimulated CDISC-like data for examples
check_formatsCheck if a format or alignment is supported
decimal_alignDecimal alignment
default_horizontal_sepDefault horizontal separator
default_page_numberDefault page number format
divider_heightDivider height
DMDM data
do_forced_paginateGeneric for performing "forced" pagination
export_as_pdfExport as PDF
export_as_rtfExport as RTF
export_as_txtExport a table-like object to plain (ASCII) text with page...
fmt_configFormat configuration
font_lcpiCalculate lines per inch and characters per inch for font
font_specFont size specification
formatters-packageformatters Package
format_valueConverts a (possibly compound) value into a string using the...
ifnotlen0%||% (if length-0) alternative operator
is.wholenumberCheck if a value is a whole number
lab_nameLabel, name, and format accessor generics
list_formatsList of currently supported formats and vertical alignments
make_row_dfMake row layout summary data frames for use during pagination
matrix_formTransform 'rtable' to a list of matrices which can be used...
MatrixPrintFormConstructor for Matrix Print Form
MatrixPrintForm_classClass for Matrix Print Form
mpf_accessorsGetters and setters for aspects of 'MatrixPrintForm' objects
mpf_to_rtfTransform 'MatrixPrintForm' to RTF
nchar_ttypeCalculate font-specific string width
nlinesNumber of lines required to print a value
num_rep_colsNumber of repeated columns
open_font_devActivate font state
padstrPad a string and align within string
pagdfrowCreate a row of a pagination data frame
page_lcppDetermine lines per page (LPP) and characters per page (CPP)...
page_typesSupported named page types
paginate_indicesPaginate a table-like object for rendering
pag_indices_innerFind pagination indices from pagination info data frame
propose_column_widthsPropose column widths based on the 'MatrixPrintForm' of an...
ref_df_rowCreate a row for a referential footnote information data...
round_fmtRound and prepare a value for display
spans_to_viscellTransform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a...
spread_integerSpread an integer to a given length
sprintf_formatSpecify text format via a 'sprintf' format string
table_insetAccess or (recursively) set table inset
test_matrix_formCreate spoof matrix form from a data frame
title_footerGeneral title and footer accessors
tostringTransform objects into string representations
var_labelsGet label attributes of variables in a 'data.frame'
var_labels_removeRemove variable labels of a 'data.frame'
var_labels-setSet label attributes of all variables in a 'data.frame'
var_relabelCopy and change variable labels of a 'data.frame'
vert_pag_indicesFind column indices for vertical pagination
with_labelReturn an object with a label attribute
wrap_stringWrap a string to a precise width
wrap_string_ttypewrap string given a Truetype font
formatters documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:42 a.m.