spans_to_viscell: Transform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a...

View source: R/tostring.R

spans_to_viscellR Documentation

Transform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a visibility vector


Transform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a visibility vector





a vector of spans, with each span value repeated for the cells it covers.


The values of spans are assumed to be repeated such that each individual position covered by the span has the repeated value.

This means that each block of values in spans must be of a length at least equal to its value (i.e. two 2s, three 3s, etc).

This function correctly handles cases where two spans of the same size are next to each other; i.e., a block of four 2s represents two large cells each of which spans two individual cells.


A logical vector the same length as spans indicating whether the contents of a string vector with those spans is valid.


Currently no checking or enforcement is done to verify that the vector of spans is valid according to the specifications described in the Details section above.


spans_to_viscell(c(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3))

formatters documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:42 a.m.