
Defines functions read_fr_tdr has_tdr_yaml is_url

Documented in read_fr_tdr

is_url <- function(x) grepl("^((http|ftp)s?|sftp)://", x)
has_tdr_yaml <- function(x) grepl("tabular-data-resource.yaml", x)

#' read a tabular-data-resource into R
#' @inheritParams vroom::vroom
#' @return a [fr_tdr][fr::fr-package] object
#' @details A file path (or url) representing a folder
#' that contains a "tabular-data-resource.yaml" can
#' be used in `file`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read_fr_tdr(fs::path_package("fr", "hamilton_poverty_2020"))
read_fr_tdr <- function(file) {
  if (has_tdr_yaml(file)) {
    tdr_path <- file
  } else {
    if (is_url(file)) {
      tdr_path <- paste0(file, "/tabular-data-resource.yaml")
    } else {
      tdr_path <- fs::path(file, "tabular-data-resource.yaml")

  fr_descs <- yaml::read_yaml(tdr_path)
  profile <- purrr::pluck(fr_descs, "profile", .default = NA)
  if (is.na(profile) || {
    profile != "tabular-data-resource"
  }) {
    stop("profile must be 'tabular-data-resource' but is ", profile, call. = FALSE)

  if (has_tdr_yaml(file)) {
    if (is_url(file)) {
      fr_csv_path <- sub("tabular-data-resource.yaml", fr_descs$path, file, fixed = TRUE)
    } else {
      fr_csv_path <- fs::path(fs::path_dir(file), fr_descs$path)
  } else {
    if (is_url(file)) {
      fr_csv_path <- paste0(file, "/", fr_descs$path)
    } else {
      fr_csv_path <- fs::path(file, fr_descs$path)

  flds <- purrr::pluck(fr_descs, "schema", "fields")

  type_class_cw <- c(
    "string" = "c",
    "number" = "n",
    "boolean" = "l",
    "integer" = "n",
    "date" = "D"

  col_names <- names(flds)
  col_classes <- type_class_cw[purrr::map_chr(flds, "type")]

  the_data <-
      file = fr_csv_path,
      delim = ",",
      col_select = tidyselect::all_of({{ col_names }}),
      col_types = paste(col_classes, collapse = ""),
      locale = vroom::locale(
        encoding = "UTF-8",
        decimal_mark = ".",
        grouping_mark = ""
      .name_repair = "check_unique",
      na = c("", "NA")

  lvls <-
    purrr::map(flds, "constraints", "enum") |>

  if (length(lvls) > 0) {
    for (lvl in names(lvls)) {
      the_data[[lvl]] <- factor(the_data[[lvl]], levels = lvls[[lvl]]$enum)

  pluck_char <- function(x, y) purrr::pluck(x, y, .default = character())

  out <-
      name = pluck_char(fr_descs, "name"),
      path = pluck_char(fr_descs, "path"),
      version = pluck_char(fr_descs, "version"),
      title = pluck_char(fr_descs, "title"),
      homepage = pluck_char(fr_descs, "homepage"),
      description = pluck_char(fr_descs, "description"),
      schema = fr_schema(fields = lapply(fr_descs$schema$fields, as_fr_field))


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:35 a.m.