Man pages for frailtypack
Shared, Joint (Generalized) Frailty Models; Surrogate Endpoints

additivePenalFit an Additive Frailty model using a semiparametric...
bcosBreast Cosmesis Data
clusterIdentify clusters
CmeasuresConcordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional...
colorectalFollow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients: times of...
colorectalLongiFollow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients :...
dataAdditiveSimulated data as a gathering of clinical trials databases
dataMultivSimulated data for two types of recurrent events and a...
dataNCCSimulated data for recurrent events and a terminal event with...
dataNestedSimulated data with two levels of grouping
dataOvarianAdvanced Ovarian Cancer dataset
DiffepoceDifference of Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy...
epoceEstimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy...
event2Identify event2 indicator
frailtypack-packageGeneral Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty...
frailtyPenalFit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model
gastadjAdvanced Gastric Cancer dataset
GenfrailtyPenalFit a Shared or a Joint Frailty Generalized Survival Model
hazardHazard function.
jointRecCompetCompeting Joint Frailty Model: A single type of recurrent...
jointSurrCopSimulGenerate survival times for two endpoints using the joint...
jointSurroCopPenalFit the one-step Joint frailty-copula model for evaluating a...
jointSurroPenalFit the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a...
jointSurroPenalSimulSimulation studies based on the one-step Joint surrogate...
jointSurroTKendallKendall's tau estimation using numerical integration methods
jointSurrSimulGenerate survival times for two endpoints using the joint...
longDatLongitudinal semicontinuous biomarker dataset (TPJM)
longiPenalFit a Joint Model for Longitudinal Data and a Terminal Event
loocvThe trials leave-one-out crossvalidation for the one-step...
multivPenalFit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent...
num.idIdentify individuals in Joint model for clustered data
plot.additivePenalPlot Method for an Additive frailty model.
plot.DiffepocePlot difference of EPOCE estimators between two joint frailty...
plot.epocePlot values of estimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed...
plot.frailtyPenalPlot Method for a Shared frailty model.
plot.jointNestedPenalPlot method for a joint nested frailty model.
plot.jointPenalPlot Method for a Joint frailty model.
plot.jointRecCompetPlot Method for a joint competing risk model with one...
plot.jointSurroMedPlot Method for a joint surrogate mediation analysis model.
plot.jointSurroPenalPlot Method for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the...
plot.jointSurroPenalloocvPlot of trials leave-one-out crossvalidation Outputs from the...
plot.longiPenalPlot Method for a joint model for longitudinal data and a...
plot.multivPenalPlot Method for a multivariate frailty model.
plot.nestedPenalPlot Method for a Nested frailty model.
plot.predFrailtyPlot predictions using a Cox or a shared frailty model.
plot.predJointPlot predictions using a joint frailty model.
plot.predLongiPlot predictions using a joint model for longitudinal data...
plotTreatPredJointSurroPlot of the prediction of the treatment effect on the true...
plot.trivPenalPlot Method for a trivariate joint model for longitudinal...
plot.trivPenalNLPlot Method for a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for...
predictionPrediction probabilities for Cox proportional hazard, Shared,...
predict.jointSurroPenalS3method predict for the one-step Joint surrogate models for...
print.additivePenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of an additive...
print.CmeasuresPrint a short summary of results of Cmeasure function.
print.frailtyPenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a shared...
print.jointNestedPenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint...
print.jointPenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint...
print.jointRecCompetPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint...
print.jointSurroPenalSummary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment...
print.longiPenalPrint a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for...
print.multivPenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a...
print.nestedPenalPrint a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a nested...
print.predictionPrint a short summary of results of prediction function.
print.trivPenalPrint a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for...
print.trivPenalNLPrint a Summary of parameter estimates of a non-linear...
readmissionRehospitalization colorectal cancer
reduceDelirium in critically ill ICU patients dataset: the REDUCE...
runShinyShiny application for modelisation and prediction of frailty...
simulatejointRecCompetGenerating from a joint competing Joint frailty model with a...
slopeIdentify variable associated with the random slope
steSurrogate threshold effect for the one-step Joint surrogate...
subclusterIdentify subclusters
summary.additivePenalsummary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model
summary.frailtyPenalsummary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model
summary.jointNestedPenalsummary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty...
summary.jointPenalsummary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model
summary.jointRecCompetSummary method for a joint competing risks midel
summary.jointSurroMedShort summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed...
summary.jointSurroPenalShort summary of the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated...
summary.jointSurroPenalSimulShort summary of the simulation studies based on a joint...
summary.longiPenalShort summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model...
summary.multivPenalsummary of parameter estimates of a multivariate frailty...
summary.nestedPenalsummary of regression coefficient estimates of a nested...
summary.trivPenalShort summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model...
summary.trivPenalNLShort summary of fixed covariates estimates of a non-linear...
survDatSurvival dataset (TPJM)
SurvICCreate a survival object for interval censoring and possibly...
survivalSurvival function
terminalIdentify terminal indicator
timedepIdentify time-varying effects
trivPenalFit a Trivariate Joint Model for Longitudinal Data, Recurrent...
trivPenalNLFit a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events...
wtsIdentify weights
frailtypack documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:08 p.m.