
Defines functions parse.transform.matrix.lines scann read.fs.transform.lta read.fs.transform.dat read.fs.transform.xfm read.fs.transform

Documented in parse.transform.matrix.lines read.fs.transform read.fs.transform.dat read.fs.transform.lta read.fs.transform.xfm scann

#' @title  Load transformation matrix from a file.
#' @param filepath character string, the full path to the transform file.
#' @param format character string, the file format. Currently 'auto' (guess based on file extension), 'xfm' (for xform format) or 'dat' (for tkregister style, e.g. register.dat) are supported.
#' @return named list, the 'matrix field contains a '4x4 numerical matrix, the transformation matrix. Other fields may exist, depending on the parsed format.
#' @note Currently this function has been tested with linear transformation files only, all others are unsupported.
#' @family header coordinate space
#' @examples
#'     tf_file = system.file("extdata", "talairach.xfm",
#'                                package = "freesurferformats",
#'                                mustWork = TRUE);
#'     transform = read.fs.transform(tf_file);
#'     transform$matrix;
#' @export
read.fs.transform <- function(filepath, format='auto') {

  if( ! format %in% c('auto', 'xfm', 'dat', 'lta')) {
    stop("Format must be one of 'auto', 'xfm', 'dat', or 'lta'.");

  if(format == "xfm" || (format == 'auto' & endsWith(filepath, '.xfm') )) {
  if(format == "dat" || (format == 'auto' & endsWith(filepath, '.dat') )) {
  if(format == "lta" || (format == 'auto' & endsWith(filepath, '.lta') )) {
  stop("Could not auto-detect transform file format from file extension, please specify.");

#' @title  Load transformation matrix from an XFM file.
#' @param filepath character string, the full path to the transform file.
#' @return 4x4 numerical matrix, the transformation matrix
#' @note Currently this function has been tested with linear transformation files only, all others are unsupported.
#' @family header coordinate space
#' @examples
#'     tf_file = system.file("extdata", "talairach.xfm",
#'                                package = "freesurferformats",
#'                                mustWork = TRUE);
#'     transform = read.fs.transform.xfm(tf_file);
#'     transform$matrix;
#' @export
read.fs.transform.xfm <- function(filepath) {

  transform = list('type'=NULL, 'matrix'=NULL);

  all_lines = readLines(filepath);
  current_line_idx = 1L;
  while(current_line_idx <= length(all_lines)) {
    current_line = all_lines[current_line_idx];
    if(startsWith(current_line, 'Transform_Type')) {
      transform_type_definition_parts = strsplit(current_line, "=")[[1]];
      transform_type_definition_parts_trimmed = trimws(transform_type_definition_parts);
      transform$type = trimws(transform_type_definition_parts_trimmed[2], which = "right");
      if(endsWith(transform$type, ';')) {
        transform$type = substring(transform$type, 1L, (nchar(transform$type) - 1L));

    if(endsWith(trimws(current_line), 'Transform =')) {
      if(length(all_lines) < current_line_idx+3L) {
        stop(sprintf("Expected transformation matrix in lines %d-%d, but file only has %d lines.\n", current_line_idx+1L, current_line_idx+3L, length(all_lines)));
      idx_matrix_start = current_line_idx + 1L;
      idx_matrix_end = idx_matrix_start + 2L;
      matrix_lines = all_lines[idx_matrix_start:idx_matrix_end];
      transform$matrix = parse.transform.matrix.lines(matrix_lines);

    current_line_idx = current_line_idx + 1L;

#' @title  Load transformation matrix from a tkregister dat file.
#' @param filepath character string, the full path to the transform file.
#' @return 4x4 numerical matrix, the transformation matrix
#' @family header coordinate space
#' @examples
#'     tf_file = system.file("extdata", "register.dat",
#'                                package = "freesurferformats",
#'                                mustWork = TRUE);
#'     transform = read.fs.transform.dat(tf_file);
#'     transform$matrix;
#' @export
read.fs.transform.dat <- function(filepath) {

  transform = list('type'=NULL, 'matrix'=NULL);

  all_lines = readLines(filepath);
  if(length(all_lines) != 9L) {
    stop(sprintf("Expected 9 lines in tkregister dat file, found %d.\n", length(all_lines))); # nocov

  transform$intensity = as.integer(trimws(all_lines[4]));
  transform$matrix = parse.transform.matrix.lines(all_lines[5:8]);


#' @title  Load transformation matrix from a FreeSurfer linear transform array (LTA) file.
#' @param filepath character string, the full path to the transform file.
#' @return 4x4 numerical matrix, the transformation matrix
#' @family header coordinate space
#' @examples
#'     tf_file = system.file("extdata", "talairach.lta",
#'      package = "freesurferformats", mustWork = TRUE);
#'     transform = read.fs.transform.lta(tf_file);
#'     transform$matrix;
#' @note I found no spec for the LTA file format, only example files, so this function should be used with care. If you have a file that is not parsed correctly, please open an issue and attach it.
#' @export
read.fs.transform.lta <- function(filepath) {

  transform = list('type'=NULL, 'matrix'=NULL);
  transform$header = list();
  transform$volumes = list();

  all_lines = readLines(filepath);

  # Cleaning
  current_line_idx = 0L;
  for(tfline in all_lines) {
    current_line_idx = current_line_idx + 1L;
    # Cleanup: remove comments and extra whitespace
    if(startsWith(tfline, '#')) { next; }          # ignore comment lines
    if(length(strsplit(tfline, "#")[[1]]) > 1L) {  # check whether a comment character occurs later in the line.
      tfline = strsplit(tfline, "#")[[1]][1]; # remove line parts after comment character (keep only part before 1st comment char).
    all_lines[current_line_idx] = trimws(tfline);

  # Parsing
  current_line_idx = 0L;
  sections = c('header', 'matrix', 'volume_info');
  current_section = 'header';
  current_volume = NULL;
  while(current_line_idx < length(all_lines)) {
    current_line_idx = current_line_idx + 1L;
    tfline = all_lines[current_line_idx];

    #cat(sprintf("At line %d: '%s'\n", current_line_idx, tfline));

    if(startsWith(tfline, '#')) { next; }          # ignore comment lines
    if(nchar(tfline) < 1L) { next; }               # ignore empty lines

    # parse data
    if(current_section == 'header') {
      if(length(strsplit(tfline, "=")[[1]]) > 1L) {  # It's a line of the form key = value
        lkey = trimws(strsplit(tfline, "=")[[1]][1]);
        lvalue = trimws(strsplit(tfline, "=")[[1]][2]);
        transform$header[[lkey]] = lvalue;
      } else {
        transform$header$matrixdim = scann(tfline, 3L, line_number = current_line_idx);
        current_section = sections[2];
        num_matrix_rows = transform$header$matrixdim[2];
        matrix_start = current_line_idx + 1L;
        matrix_end = current_line_idx + num_matrix_rows;
        #cat(sprintf("Parsing %d matrix rows from file lines %d to %d.\n", num_matrix_rows, matrix_start, matrix_end));
        transform$matrix = parse.transform.matrix.lines(all_lines[matrix_start:matrix_end]);
        current_line_idx = current_line_idx + num_matrix_rows;
        current_section = sections[3];

    } else if(current_section == 'volume_info') {
      if(endsWith(tfline, "volume info")) {
        current_volume = scann(tfline, 3L, what=character(), line_number = current_line_idx)[1];
        transform$volumes[[current_volume]] = list();
      } else {
        if(is.null(current_volume)) {
          warning(sprintf("Skipping line '%s' number %d in LTA file volume_info section: no volume defined yet.\n", tfline, current_line_idx)); # nocov
        } else {
          lkey = trimws(strsplit(tfline, "=")[[1]][1]);
          lvalue = trimws(strsplit(tfline, "=")[[1]][2]);
          if(lkey %in% c('voxelsize', 'xras', 'yras', 'zras', 'cras')) {
            transform$volumes[[current_volume]][[lkey]] = scann(lvalue, 3L, what = numeric(), line_number = current_line_idx);
          } else if(lkey %in% c('volume')) {
            transform$volumes[[current_volume]][[lkey]] = scann(lvalue, 3L, what = integer(), line_number = current_line_idx);
          } else {
            transform$volumes[[current_volume]][[lkey]] = lvalue;


    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Invalid LTA file section '%s' reached while parsing.\n", current_section));


#' @title Scan exactly n values from source string.
#' @param cstring the input character string
#' @param num integer, the number of expected resulting items.
#' @param line_number optional integer, the line number (if the string represents a line from a text file). Will be printed in error message, if any.
#' @return vector of type integer or double
#' @keywords internal
scann <- function(cstring, num = 1L, what = integer(), line_number=NULL) {
  res = scan(text=cstring, what=what, quiet = TRUE);
  if(length(res) == num) {
  line_info = ifelse(is.null(line_number), "", sprintf(" at line %d", line_number));
  stop(sprintf("Expected %d entries but found %d in '%s'%s.\n", num, length(res), cstring, line_info));

#' @title Parse matrix from text file lines.
#' @param file_lines vector of 3 character strings, the matrix lines. The separator is assumed to be a single space.
#' @param ignore_line_suffix character string, a line suffix that will be stripped from the end of each line if it exists.
#' @return numerical 4x4 matrix, the parsed matrix
#' @keywords internal
parse.transform.matrix.lines <- function(file_lines, ignore_line_suffix=";") {

  tm = matrix(rep(0., 16L), ncol = 4L);
  tm[4, ] = c(0, 0, 0, 1); # Will be overwritten below if 4 file_lines are given.

  if(! length(file_lines) %in% c(3L, 4L)) {
    stop(sprintf("Parameter 'lines' must be of length 3 or 4, is %d.\n", length(file_lines)));

  line_idx = 1L;
  for(file_line in file_lines) {
    file_line <- trimws(file_line)
    if(endsWith(file_line, ignore_line_suffix)) {
      file_line = substring(file_line, 1L, (nchar(file_line) - nchar(ignore_line_suffix)));
    matrix_row = as.double(strsplit(trimws(file_line), " ")[[1]]);
    tm[line_idx, ] = matrix_row;
    line_idx = line_idx + 1L;

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freesurferformats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:29 a.m.