
Defines functions write.fs.mgh

Documented in write.fs.mgh

#' @title Write file in FreeSurfer MGH or MGZ format
#' @description Write brain data to a file in FreeSurfer binary MGH or MGZ format.
#' @param filepath string. Full path to the output curv file. If this ends with ".mgz", the file will be written gzipped (i.e., in MGZ instead of MGH format).
#' @param data matrix or array of numerical values. The brain data to write. Must be integers or doubles. (The data type is set automatically to MRI_INT for integers and MRI_FLOAT for doubles in the MGH header).
#' @param vox2ras_matrix 4x4 matrix. An affine transformation matrix for the RAS transform that maps voxel indices in the volume to coordinates, such that for y(i1,i2,i3) (i.e., a voxel defined by 3 indices in the volume), the xyz coordinates are vox2ras_matrix*[i1 i2 i3 1]. If no matrix is given (or a NULL value), the ras_good flag will be 0 in the file. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param mr_params double vector of length four (without fov) or five. The acquisition parameters, in order: tr, flipangle, te, ti, fov. Spelled out: repetition time, flip angle, echo time, inversion time, field-of-view. The unit for the three times is ms, the angle unit is radians. Defaults to c(0., 0., 0., 0., 0.) if omitted. Pass NULL if you do not want to write them at all.
#' @param mri_dtype character string representing an MRI data type code or 'auto'. Valid strings are 'MRI_UCHAR' (1 byte unsigned integer), 'MRI_SHORT' (2 byte signed integer), 'MRI_INT' (4 byte signed integer) and 'MRI_FLOAT' (4 byte signed floating point). The default value `auto` will determine the data type from the type of the `data` parameter. It will use MRI_INT for integers, so you may be able to save space by manually settings the dtype if the range of your data does not require that. WARNING: If manually specified, no sanitation of any kind is performed. Leave this alone if in doubt.
#' @family morphometry functions
#' @export
write.fs.mgh <- function(filepath, data, vox2ras_matrix = NULL, mr_params = c(0., 0., 0., 0., 0.), mri_dtype='auto') {

    if(! is.character(filepath)) {
      stop("Parameter 'filepath' must be a character string.")

    ret_list = list("header"=list());

    # Sanity checks for arguments
    if (! is.array(data)) {
        if(is.vector(data) || is.matrix(data)) {
            # it is a vector, reshape to array
            data = array(data, dim=c(length(data), 1, 1, 1));
        } else {
            stop("The 'data' argument must be an array, a vector or a matrix.");

    if(! is.null(mr_params)) {
      if(length(mr_params) == 4L) {
          mr_params = c(mr_params, 0.0); # Append zero for FOV. We support this version to keep the API stable. This may get deprecated at some point.
      if(length(mr_params) != 5L) {
        stop(sprintf("The mr_params must be a double vector of length 4 or 5 but length is %d.", length(mr_params)));
      if(! is.double(mr_params)) {
        stop("The mr_params must be a double vector.");

    if(length(vox2ras_matrix) == 0) {
        ras_flag = -1L;
    } else {
        if(! is.matrix(vox2ras_matrix)) {
            stop("The 'vox2ras_matrix' argument must be a matrix.");

        if(length(vox2ras_matrix) != 16 || nrow(vox2ras_matrix) != 4) {
            stop(sprintf("The 'vox2ras_matrix' argument must be a 4x4 matrix of length 16, but length is %d and nrow is %d.", length(vox2ras_matrix), nrow(vox2ras_matrix)));
        ras_flag = 1L;
        ret_list$header$vox2ras_matrix = vox2ras_matrix;

    ret_list$header$ras_flag = ras_flag;

    if(guess.filename.is.gzipped(filepath, gz_extensions=c(".mgz"))) {
        fh = gzfile(filepath, "wb");
    } else {
        fh = file(filepath, "wb", blocking = TRUE);

    on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);

    d = dim(data);
    num_dim = length(d);

    dim1 = d[1];
    dim2 = ifelse(num_dim >= 2L, d[2], 1L);
    dim3 = ifelse(num_dim >= 3L, d[3], 1L);
    num_frames = ifelse(num_dim >= 4L, d[4], 1L);

    writeBin(as.integer(1), fh, size = 4, endian = "big"); # version code, must be 1
    writeBin(as.integer(dim1), fh, size = 4, endian = "big");
    writeBin(as.integer(dim2), fh, size = 4, endian = "big");
    writeBin(as.integer(dim3), fh, size = 4, endian = "big");
    writeBin(as.integer(num_frames), fh, size = 4, endian = "big");

    ret_list$header$voldim = c(dim1, dim2, dim3, num_frames);

    if (num_dim >= 5) {
        stop(sprintf("The data must not have more than 4 dimensions, but it has %d.", num_dim));

    # write data type
    MRI_UCHAR = translate.mri.dtype("MRI_UCHAR");
    MRI_INT = translate.mri.dtype("MRI_INT");
    MRI_FLOAT = translate.mri.dtype("MRI_FLOAT");
    MRI_SHORT = translate.mri.dtype("MRI_SHORT");

    if(mri_dtype == 'auto' | mri_dtype == 'AUTO') {
      if(is.integer(data)) {
          dtype = MRI_INT;
      } else if(is.logical(data)) {
        # We convert logical data to integer and save it as MRI_UCHAR
        data = as.integer(data);
        dtype = MRI_UCHAR;
      } else if(is.double(data)) {
        dtype = MRI_FLOAT;
      } else {
          stop(sprintf("Data type of the contents of the parameter 'data', '%s', not supported. Try integer, logical or double data.\n", typeof(data)));
    } else {
      if(!is.character(mri_dtype)) {
        stop("Parameter 'mri_dtype' must be a character string.");
      dtype = translate.mri.dtype(mri_dtype); # convert string to integer dtype code. Will fail for invalid strings.

    check.dtype.for.data(data, dtype);

    ret_list$header$dtype = dtype;

    writeBin(as.integer(dtype), fh, size = 4,  endian = "big");  # write dtype code

    dof = 0L;    # Unused, ignore
    writeBin(as.integer(dof), fh, size = 4, endian = "big");

    header_size_total = 256L;    # MGH uses a fixed header size.

    ras_flag_size = 2L;
    writeBin(as.integer(ras_flag), fh, size = ras_flag_size, endian = "big");
    if(ras_flag == 1L) {
        MdcD = vox2ras_matrix[1:3, 1:3];   # The upper left 3x3 part of the 4x4 vox2ras matrix
        delta = sqrt(colSums(MdcD ** 2));    # a 3x1 vector, the x,y,z voxel sizes

        delta_tvec = rep(delta, 3);  # 3x3 matrix
        Mdc = as.vector(MdcD / delta_tvec);
        Pcrs_c = c(dim1/2, dim2/2, dim3/2, 1);    # center voxel index
        Pxyz_c = vox2ras_matrix %*% Pcrs_c;       # RAS coord of center voxel
        Pxyz_c = Pxyz_c[1:3];

        writeBin(delta, fh, size = 4, endian = "big");   # 3x1 vector => 3x4 = 12 bytes
        writeBin(Mdc, fh, size = 4, endian = "big");     # 3x3 matrix => 9x4 = 36 bytes
        writeBin(Pxyz_c, fh, size = 4, endian = "big");  # 3x1 matrix => 3x4 = 12 bytes
        used_space_RAS = as.integer(3*4 + 4*3*4);        # 12 + 36 + 12 = 60 bytes
    } else {
        used_space_RAS = 0L;

    # The header has a fixed size (data starts at a fixed index), so fill the rest with zeros.
    space_to_fill = header_size_total - ras_flag_size - used_space_RAS;
    writeBin(as.integer(rep.int(0, space_to_fill)), fh, size = 1L, endian = "big");

    # Write the data:
    dtype_bytes = mri_dtype_numbytes(dtype);

    ret_list$data = data;
    data_vector = as.vector(data);

    writeBin(data_vector, fh, size = dtype_bytes, endian = "big");

    # A footer follows the data, it contains the MR acquisition parameters
    if(! is.null(mr_params)) {
      writeBin(mr_params, fh, size = 4, endian = "big");

    # We do not write any tags.

#' @title Get size of MRI dtype in bytes.
#' @param mri_dtype_code integer, the MRI data type code. See \code{\link[freesurferformats]{translate.mri.dtype}}.
#' @return integer, the number of bytes
#' @keywords internal
mri_dtype_numbytes <- function(mri_dtype_code) {
  if(is.character(mri_dtype_code)) {
    mri_dtype_code = translate.mri.dtype(mri_dtype_code);
  if(mri_dtype_code == 0L) {# MRI_UCHAR: 1 byte (=8 bit) unsigned integer
  } else if(mri_dtype_code == 1L) { # MRI_INT: 4 byte (=32 bit) signed integer
  } else if(mri_dtype_code == 3L) { # MRI_FLOAT:  4 byte (=32 bit) signed floating point
  } else if(mri_dtype_code == 4L) { # MRI_SHORT: 2 byte (=16 bit) signed integer
  } else {
    stop("Invalid 'mri_dtype_code' parameter.")

#' @title Check whether the dtype is suitable for the data.
#' @description This function provides an educated guess on whether the given dtype is suitable for the data. It is usually called for the site effect of printing warnings in case something seems off.
#' @param mridata the data to check, a vector, matrix or array typically
#' @param mri_dtype_code integer, the MRI data type code. See \code{\link[freesurferformats]{translate.mri.dtype}}.
#' @return logical, whether the dtype could be suitable. This is only a guess, as the checks are in no way complete.
#' @keywords internal
check.dtype.for.data <- function(mridata, mri_dtype_code) {
  could_be_okay = TRUE;
  mri_dtype_name = translate.mri.dtype(mri_dtype_code);

  if(mri_dtype_name == "MRI_UCHAR") {
    dtype_min_value = 0L;
    dtype_max_value = 255L;
    if(is.integer(mridata)) {
      if(min(mridata) < dtype_min_value | max(mridata) > dtype_max_value) {
        warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' cannot store mridata outside of range [%d, %d], but your mridata has range [%d, %d]. Output will be wrong, check datatype.\n", mri_dtype_name, dtype_min_value, dtype_max_value, min(mridata), max(mridata)));
        could_be_okay = FALSE;

    } else {
      warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' requires 'integer' mridata, found type '%s'.\n", mri_dtype_name, typeof(mridata)));
      could_be_okay = FALSE;

  if(mri_dtype_name == "MRI_SHORT") {
    dtype_min_value = 0L;
    dtype_max_value = 65535L;
    if(is.integer(mridata)) {
      if(min(mridata) < dtype_min_value | max(mridata) > dtype_max_value) {
        warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' cannot store mridata outside of range [%d, %d], but your mridata has range [%d, %d]. Output will be wrong, check datatype.\n", mri_dtype_name, dtype_min_value, dtype_max_value, min(mridata), max(mridata)));
        could_be_okay = FALSE;

    } else {
      warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' requires 'integer' mridata, found type '%s'.\n", mri_dtype_name, typeof(mridata)));
      could_be_okay = FALSE;

  if(mri_dtype_name == "MRI_INT") {
    if(!is.integer(mridata)) {
      warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' requires 'integer' mridata, found type '%s'.\n", mri_dtype_name, typeof(mridata)));
      could_be_okay = FALSE;

  if(mri_dtype_name == "MRI_FLOAT") {
    if(!is.double(mridata)) {
      warning(sprintf("Data type '%s' requires 'double' mridata, found type '%s'.\n", mri_dtype_name, typeof(mridata)));
      could_be_okay = FALSE;


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