
# authors:  Norm Matloff, Yingkang Xie

# smoothz() applies a kNN smoothing function to the given data set, for
# either density or regression estimation; in either case, the function
# is evaluated on the same points it is estimated from

# smoothzpred() does regression prediction on new data, based on the
# smoothed values on the old data; a 1-nearest neighbor method is used

# arguments:
#    z:  data matrix/data frame, one observation per row; 
#       in regression case, last column is Y
#    sf:  smoothing function, knnreg() or knndens() 
#    k:  number of nearest neighbors
#    checkna:  if TRUE, eliminate any row in z with at least 1 NA
#    cls:  Snow cluster, if any 
#    scalefirst:  if TRUE, first call the R scale() function on the data

# return value:
#    values of the smoothing function for each observation in z 

# knnreg() and knndens() use k-nearest neighbor estimates, in order to
# take advantage of the fast (and already implemented) FNN package

smoothz <- function(z,sf,k,checkna=TRUE,cls=NULL,
            nchunks=length(cls),scalefirst=FALSE) {
   if (is.vector(z)) z <- matrix(z,ncol=1)
   if (is.data.frame(z)) z <- as.matrix(z)
   if (checkna) z <- z[complete.cases(z),,drop=F]
   if (scalefirst) {
      z <- scale(z)
      zerosd <- which(attr(z, "scaled:scale") == 0)
      if (length(zerosd) > 0) {
         errmsg <- paste("constant column(s) in z:",zerosd)
   if (is.null(cls)) {
   } else {
      # determine which observations each node will process
      n <- nrow(z)
      idxchunks <- splitIndices(n,nchunks)
      zchunks <- Map(function(ichunk) z[ichunk,,drop=F],idxchunks)
      tmp <- clusterApply(cls,zchunks,sf,k)

# kNN regression; predict the points in data from those points
knnreg <- function(data,k) {
   ycol <- ncol(data)
   x <- data[,-ycol,drop=F]
   y <- data[,ycol]
   idx <- get.knn(data=x,k=k)$nn.index
   # i-th row of idx contains the indices of the k nearest neighbors to
   # that row of x (not including that row)
   apply(idx,1,function(idxrow) mean(y[idxrow]))

# kNN density estimation
knndens <- function(data,k) {
   # finds kNN-based density estimates at the rows of data
   dsts <- get.knn(data,k=k)$nn.dist
   hvec <- dsts[,k]
   if (any(hvec == 0)) 
      stop("duplicate data points, try larger k or jitter()")
   # find density values up to a constant; actual density would be
   # k/nrow(data) / (c*hvec^ncol(data)), where the denominator is the
   # volumes of the near regions
   1 / (hvec^ncol(data))

   (k/nrow(data)) / (hvec^ncol(data))

# predicts Y values for the rows in newx, based on the X data oldx from
# our training set and the corresponding estimated regression values
# oldxregest; since the latter are already the result of smoothing, we
# predict via 1-NN 
smoothzpred <- function(newx,oldx,oldxregest,
      checkna=TRUE,cls=NULL,nchunks=length(cls)) {
   if (is.vector(newx)) newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
   if (is.vector(oldx)) oldx <- matrix(oldx,nrow=1)
   if (is.data.frame(newx)) newx <- as.matrix(newx)
   if (is.data.frame(oldx)) oldx <- as.matrix(oldx)
   if (checkna) newx <- newx[complete.cases(newx),]
   if (is.null(cls)) {
   } else {
      n <- nrow(newx)
      # determine which observations each node will process
      idxchunks <- splitIndices(n,nchunks)
      newxchunks <- Map(function(ichunk) newx[ichunk,],idxchunks)
      tmp <- clusterApply(cls,newxchunks,onennreg,oldx,oldxregest)

onennreg <- function(nx,ox,oxrgest) {
   if (is.vector(nx)) nx <- matrix(nx,nrow=1)
   if (is.vector(ox)) ox <- matrix(ox,nrow=1)
   pred1row <- function(nxrow) {
      nxrow <- matrix(nxrow,nrow=1)
      idx <- get.knnx(data=ox,query=nxrow,k=1)$nn.index

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freqparcoord documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:50 p.m.