
#' Copy a Path from Clipboard to \R
#' I often have to work under Windows, where file paths cannot just be pasted
#' into the code, so I adapted code from
#' \url{
#' around-with-copied-paths-in-windows-r/}.
#' Under Windows, the de-windowsified path is copied to the clipboard.
#' @note It makes only sense to call \code{clipboard_path} in an interactive \R
#' session.
#' @return The de-windowsified path.
#' @export
#' @family operating system functions
#' @family file utilities
clipboard_path <- function() {
    if (interactive()) {
        scanned <- scan(file = "clipboard", what = "")
        if (is_windows()) {
            items <- unlist(strsplit(scanned, split = "\\\\"))
            value <- paste0("file.path(\"",
                            paste(items, collapse = "\", \""),
            message("Copied `", value, "` to clipboard.")
        } else {
            items <- unlist(strsplit(scanned, split = "/"))
            value <- paste0("file.path('",
                            paste(items, collapse = "', '"),
            message(gsub("'", "\"", value))
        res <-"file.path", as.list(items))
        if (!file.exists(res))
            warning("Are you sure you copied a path to the clipboard?",
                    "\nGot ", scanned)
    } else {
        throw("clipboard_path() needs an interactive R session.")

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fritools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.