context("row binding")
# Clean testdata directory
if (!file.exists("testoutput")) {
} else {
file.remove(list.files("testoutput", full.names = TRUE))
char_vec <- function(nr_of_rows) {
function(x) {
paste(sample(LETTERS, sample(1:4, 1)), collapse = "")
# Sample data
nr_of_rows <- 10000L
nr_of_levels <- 8
char_na <- char_vec(nr_of_rows)
char_na[sample(1:nr_of_rows, 10)] <- NA
datatable <- data.frame(
Xint = 1:nr_of_rows,
Ylog = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), nr_of_rows, replace = TRUE),
Zdoub = rnorm(nr_of_rows),
Qchar = char_vec(nr_of_rows),
WFact = factor(sample(char_vec(nr_of_levels), nr_of_rows, replace = TRUE)),
char_na = char_na,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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