
Defines functions sliding_puzzle

Documented in sliding_puzzle

#' Sliding puzzle in R
#' Use R to play sliding puzzle
#' If \code{size} is specified and \code{z} is \code{NULL}, then the function
#' will generate a solvable sliding puzzle.
#' @param size two dimensional vector, the size of sliding puzzle. Note: the
#'   element of \code{size} must be greater than 1.
#' @param bg the background color of blocks.
#' @param z the matrix of sliding puzzle, if z is specified, \code{size} will be
#'   omited.
#' @author Taiyun Wei
#' @note Linux/Mac users have to use \code{\link[grDevices]{X11}(type = 'Xlib')}
#'   or the Cairo graphics device \code{Cairo()} in the package
#'   \pkg{cairoDevice}.
#' @references About the sliding puzzle:
#'   \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliding_puzzle}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## should use Xlib for the x11() device under *nix, e.g
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') x11() else x11(type = 'Xlib')
#'   sliding_puzzle()
#'   sliding_puzzle(z=matrix(0:11, 3, 4))
#' }
sliding_puzzle <- function(size = c(3, 3), bg = "lightblue", z = NULL) {
  if (!interactive()) return()
  if (!is.null(size)){
    n <- size[1]
    m <- size[2]

  if (length(size)==1) n <- m <- size

  if (!is.null(z)) {
    n <- dim(z)[1]
    m <- dim(z)[2]
      warning("Because \"z\" is specified, parameter \"size\" will be ignored.")

  z.right <- matrix(1:(n*m), n, byrow = TRUE)
  z.right[n,m]<- 0

  ## calculate inverse number
  neg_seq.length <- function(x){
    len <- 0
    for(i in 1:(length(x) - 1)){
      tmp <- x[(i+1):length(x)] - x[i]
      len <- len + sum(tmp < 0)

  len.right <- neg_seq.length(as.vector(z.right)) + n + m

    z <- matrix(sample(0:(n*m - 1)), n)
  } else {
    len.z <- neg_seq.length(as.vector(z)) + sum(which(z==0, arr.ind = TRUE))
    if((len.right%%2) != (len.z%%2))
      stop("The sliding puzzle is insoluble!")

  ## guarantee the game can be solved
  len.z <- neg_seq.length(as.vector(z)) + sum(which(z==0, arr.ind = TRUE))
  while ((len.right%%2) != (len.z%%2) | (all(z == z.right))) {
    z <- matrix(sample(0:(n*m - 1)), n)
    len.z <- neg_seq.length(as.vector(z)) + sum(which(z == 0, arr.ind = TRUE))
  z[!z] <- NA

  ## plot puzzles
  replot <- function(z) {
    bg <- ifelse(z, bg, "white")
    fg <- ifelse(z, bg, "white")
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg = "white")
    plot(c(0, m), c(0, n), type = "n",axes = FALSE, asp = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    segments(0:m, rep(0, m + 1), 0:m, rep(n, m + 1), col = "grey", lwd = 2)
    segments(rep(0, n + 1), 0:n, rep(m, n + 1), 0:n, col = "grey", lwd = 2)
    symbols(0.5 + rep(0:(m - 1), each = n), 0.5 + rep((n - 1):0, m),
            squares = rep(0.9, n*m), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
            fg = as.vector(fg), bg = as.vector(bg))
    text(0.5 + rep(0:(m - 1), each = n), 0.5 + rep((n - 1):0, m), as.vector(z), cex = 3)

  ##push function
  push <- function(x, begin, space) {
    tmp <- x[space]
    if (begin < space) {
      x[(begin + 1):space] <- x[begin:(space - 1)]
      x[begin] <- tmp
    if (begin > space) {
      x[(begin - 1):space] <- x[begin:(space + 1)]
      x[begin] <- tmp

  count <- 0
  mousedown <- function(buttons, x, y) {
    plx <- grconvertX(x, "ndc", "user")
    ply <- grconvertY(y, "ndc", "user")
    m.col <- ceiling(plx)
    m.row <- n - floor(ply)
    ind.NA <- which(is.na(z), arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (!xor(m.row == ind.NA[1], m.col == ind.NA[2]))
      cat("Warning: Cannot push any number!\n")

    ##row push
    ind.NA <- which(is.na(z), arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (ind.NA[1] == m.row & ind.NA[2] != m.col) {
      z[m.row, ] <<- push(z[m.row, ], m.col, ind.NA[2])
      cat("step = ", count <<- count + 1, "\n")
    ##col push
    if (ind.NA[1] != m.row & ind.NA[2] == m.col) {
      z[, m.col] <<- push(z[, m.col], m.row, ind.NA[1])
      cat("step = ", count <<- count + 1, "\n")
    flag <- z == z.right
    if (all(flag[!is.na(flag)])){
      paste("You win! Time:", round((proc.time() - ptm)[3],2), "seconds.")

  ptm <- proc.time()
  getGraphicsEvent("Game begin!", onMouseDown = mousedown)


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fun documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 1:07 a.m.